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Herder, Johann Gottfried von: Von Deutscher Art und Kunst. Hamburg, 1773.

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More than light airs and recollected terms
Of these most brisk and giddy paced times
-- -- it is old and plain
The Spinsters and the Knitlers in the Sun
And the free Maids that weave their
Thread with Bones
Do use to chant it: it is sitly soath
And daillies with the innocence of Love
Like the old Age --

Nun, werden Sie bey solchem Lobe nicht so
begierig, wie der verliebte Ritter selbst? Auf!
übersetzen Sies flugs in Denissche Hexame-

Come away, come away, death!
And in sad cypress let me be laid!
Fly away, fly away, breath!
I am slain by a fair cruel Maid!
My Shrowd of white stuck all with yew
Oh prepare it
My Part of death, no one so true
Did share it!
Not a Flow'r, not a Flow'r sweet
On my black Coffin let there be strown
Not a Friend, not a Friend greet
My poor Corps, where my Bones
shall be thrown.
A thousand thousand Sighs to save
Lay me o where
True Lover never find my Grave
To weep there.

More than light airs and recollected terms
Of theſe moſt briſk and giddy paced times
— — it is old and plain
The Spinſters and the Knitlers in the Sun
And the free Maids that weave their
Thread with Bones
Do uſe to chant it: it is ſitly ſoath
And daillies with the innocence of Love
Like the old Age —

Nun, werden Sie bey ſolchem Lobe nicht ſo
begierig, wie der verliebte Ritter ſelbſt? Auf!
uͤberſetzen Sies flugs in Denisſche Hexame-

Come away, come away, death!
And in ſad cypreſs let me be laid!
Fly away, fly away, breath!
I am ſlain by a fair cruel Maid!
My Shrowd of white ſtuck all with yew
Oh prepare it
My Part of death, no one ſo true
Did ſhare it!
Not a Flow’r, not a Flow’r ſweet
On my black Coffin let there be ſtrown
Not a Friend, not a Friend greet
My poor Corps, where my Bones
ſhall be thrown.
A thouſand thouſand Sighs to ſave
Lay me o where
True Lover never find my Grave
To weep there.

      <div n="1">
            <lg type="poem">
              <pb facs="#f0012" n="8"/>
              <l> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">More than light airs and recollected terms</hi> </hi> </hi> </l><lb/>
              <l> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Of the&#x017F;e mo&#x017F;t bri&#x017F;k and giddy paced times</hi> </hi> </hi> </l><lb/>
              <l> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#et">&#x2014; &#x2014; it is old and plain</hi> </hi> </hi> </l><lb/>
              <l> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#et">The Spin&#x017F;ters and the Knitlers in the Sun</hi> </hi> </l><lb/>
              <l> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#et">And the free Maids that weave their</hi> </hi> </l><lb/>
              <l> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#et"> <hi rendition="#et">Thread with Bones</hi> </hi> </hi> </l><lb/>
              <l>Do u&#x017F;e to chant it: it is &#x017F;itly &#x017F;oath</l><lb/>
              <l>And daillies with the innocence of Love</l><lb/>
              <l>Like the old Age &#x2014;</l>
        <p>Nun, werden Sie bey &#x017F;olchem Lobe nicht &#x017F;o<lb/>
begierig, wie der verliebte Ritter &#x017F;elb&#x017F;t? Auf!<lb/>
u&#x0364;ber&#x017F;etzen Sies flugs in Denis&#x017F;che Hexame-<lb/>
            <lg type="poem">
              <head> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Song.</hi> </hi> </hi> </head><lb/>
              <l> <hi rendition="#aq">Come away, come away, death!</hi> </l><lb/>
              <l> <hi rendition="#aq">And in &#x017F;ad cypre&#x017F;s let me be laid!</hi> </l><lb/>
              <l> <hi rendition="#aq">Fly away, fly away, breath!</hi> </l><lb/>
              <l> <hi rendition="#aq">I am &#x017F;lain by a fair cruel Maid!</hi> </l><lb/>
              <l> <hi rendition="#aq">My Shrowd of white &#x017F;tuck all with yew</hi> </l><lb/>
              <l> <hi rendition="#aq">Oh prepare it</hi> </l><lb/>
              <l> <hi rendition="#aq">My Part of death, no one &#x017F;o true</hi> </l><lb/>
              <l> <hi rendition="#aq">Did &#x017F;hare it!</hi> </l><lb/>
              <l> <hi rendition="#aq">Not a Flow&#x2019;r, not a Flow&#x2019;r &#x017F;weet</hi> </l><lb/>
              <l> <hi rendition="#aq">On my black Coffin let there be &#x017F;trown</hi> </l><lb/>
              <l> <hi rendition="#aq">Not a Friend, not a Friend greet</hi> </l><lb/>
              <l> <hi rendition="#aq">My poor Corps, where my Bones</hi> </l><lb/>
              <l> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#et">&#x017F;hall be thrown.</hi> </hi> </l><lb/>
              <l>A thou&#x017F;and thou&#x017F;and Sighs to &#x017F;ave</l><lb/>
              <l>Lay me o where</l><lb/>
              <l>True Lover never find my Grave</l><lb/>
              <l>To weep there.</l>
        <fw place="bottom" type="catch">Der</fw><lb/>
[8/0012] More than light airs and recollected terms Of theſe moſt briſk and giddy paced times — — it is old and plain The Spinſters and the Knitlers in the Sun And the free Maids that weave their Thread with Bones Do uſe to chant it: it is ſitly ſoath And daillies with the innocence of Love Like the old Age — Nun, werden Sie bey ſolchem Lobe nicht ſo begierig, wie der verliebte Ritter ſelbſt? Auf! uͤberſetzen Sies flugs in Denisſche Hexame- ter: Song. Come away, come away, death! And in ſad cypreſs let me be laid! Fly away, fly away, breath! I am ſlain by a fair cruel Maid! My Shrowd of white ſtuck all with yew Oh prepare it My Part of death, no one ſo true Did ſhare it! Not a Flow’r, not a Flow’r ſweet On my black Coffin let there be ſtrown Not a Friend, not a Friend greet My poor Corps, where my Bones ſhall be thrown. A thouſand thouſand Sighs to ſave Lay me o where True Lover never find my Grave To weep there. Der

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Zitationshilfe: Herder, Johann Gottfried von: Von Deutscher Art und Kunst. Hamburg, 1773, S. 8. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 16.07.2024.