Gottsched, Johann Christoph: Versuch einer Critischen Dichtkunst vor die Deutschen. Leipzig, 1730.Das VI. Capitel "Nach der erzwungenen Auslachenswürdigkeit, die sol- "Meines theils, wenn ich zuweilen Männer von bekann- Das (*) FOR this reason we presume not only to defend the Cause of CRI-
TICS; but to declare open War against those indolent supine Au- thors, Performers, Keaders, Auditors, Actors or Spectators; Who ma- king their HUMOUR alone the Rule of what is beautiful and agreeable, and having no account to give of such odd. FANCY, reiect the criticizing or examining Art, by which alone they are able to discover the true BEAUTY and WORTH of every Object. ACCORDING to that affected Ridicule which these insipid Remarkers pretend to throw upon just CRYTICKS the Enjoy- ment of all real Arts or natural Beautys, Wou'd be intirely lost. Even in Behaviour and Manners we shou'd at this rate become in ti- me as barbarous, as in our Pleasure and Diversions. I wou'd presume it, however, of these Critick-Hoters, that they are not yet su uncivi- lized, or void of all social Sense as to maintain: That the most barbarous Life, or brutisch Pleasure, is as desirable as the most polischd or refin'd. FOR my own part, when thave heard sometimes Men of re- puted Ability join in with that effeminate plaintive Tone of Invecti- ve against CRITICKS, I have really thougt, they had it in their Fancy, to keep down the growing Genius's of the Youth, their Rivals, by turming them aside from, that Examination and Search, on which all good Performance, as well as good Judgment depends. &c. Das VI. Capitel „Nach der erzwungenen Auslachenswuͤrdigkeit, die ſol- „Meines theils, wenn ich zuweilen Maͤnner von bekann- Das (*) FOR this reaſon we preſume not only to defend the Cauſe of CRI-
TICS; but to declare open War againſt thoſe indolent ſupine Au- thors, Performers, Keaders, Auditors, Actors or Spectators; Who ma- king their HUMOUR alone the Rule of what is beautiful and agreeable, and having no account to give of ſuch odd. FANCY, reiect the criticizing or examining Art, by which alone they are able to diſcover the true BEAUTY and WORTH of every Object. ACCORDING to that affected Ridicule which theſe inſipid Remarkers pretend to throw upon juſt CRYTICKS the Enjoy- ment of all real Arts or natural Beautys, Wou’d be intirely loſt. Even in Behaviour and Manners we ſhou’d at this rate become in ti- me as barbarous, as in our Pleaſure and Diverſions. I wou’d preſume it, however, of theſe Critick-Hoters, that they are not yet ſu uncivi- lized, or void of all ſocial Senſe as to maintain: That the moſt barbarous Life, or brutiſch Pleaſure, is as deſirable as the moſt poliſchd or refin’d. FOR my own part, when thave heard ſometimes Men of re- puted Ability join in with that effeminate plaintive Tone of Invecti- ve againſt CRITICKS, I have really thougt, they had it in their Fancy, to keep down the growing Genius’s of the Youth, their Rivals, by turming them aſide from, that Examination and Search, on which all good Performance, as well as good Judgment depends. &c. <TEI> <text> <body> <div n="1"> <div n="2"> <pb facs="#f0214" n="186"/> <fw place="top" type="header"> <hi rendition="#b">Das <hi rendition="#aq">VI.</hi> Capitel</hi> </fw><lb/> <p>„Nach der erzwungenen Auslachenswuͤrdigkeit, die ſol-<lb/> „che abgeſchmackte Leute wahren Criticis aufbuͤrden wollen,<lb/> „wuͤrde dis beluſtigende von allen Kuͤnſten und natuͤrlichen<lb/> „Schoͤnheiten verlohren gehen. Sogar in Trachten und<lb/> „Sitten wuͤrden wir zu dieſen Zeiten ſo barbariſch werden,<lb/> „als wir in unſern Ergetzungen und Luſtbarkeiten ſind. Doch<lb/> „will ichs von dieſen Feinden der Critick hoffen, ſie wuͤrden<lb/> „nicht ſo unhoͤflich, oder ſo fern von aller Menſchlichkeit ſeyn,<lb/> „zu behaupten: daß das allerbarbariſchſte Leben, und viehi-<lb/> „ſche Beluſtigungen, eben ſo hoch als die artigſten und poli-<lb/> „teſten Vergnuͤgungen zu ſchaͤtzen waͤren.</p><lb/> <p>„Meines theils, wenn ich zuweilen Maͤnner von bekann-<lb/> „ter Geſchicklichkeit, mit einem weibiſchen und klaͤglichen<lb/> „Thone wieder die Criticos habe eifern hoͤren, habe ich wirck-<lb/> „lich gedacht; ſie haͤttens im Sinne, den anwachſenden Geiſt<lb/> „junger Leute, die ihnen nacheifern, niederzuſchlagen; indem<lb/> „ſie dieſelben von derjenigen Unterſuchung und Pruͤfung ab-<lb/> „zuwenden ſuchen, ohne welche eine tuͤchtige Arbeit ſowohl<lb/> „als ein richtiges Urtheil nicht beſtehen kan.</p><lb/> <note place="foot" n="(*)"> <hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#g">FOR</hi> this reaſon we preſume not only to defend the Cauſe of <hi rendition="#g">CRI-<lb/> TICS;</hi> but to declare open War againſt thoſe indolent ſupine <hi rendition="#i">Au-<lb/> thors, Performers, Keaders, Auditors, Actors or Spectators</hi>; Who ma-<lb/> king their <hi rendition="#g">HUMOUR</hi> alone the Rule of what is beautiful and<lb/> agreeable, and having no account to give of ſuch odd. <hi rendition="#g">FANCY,</hi><lb/> reiect the <hi rendition="#i">criticizing</hi> or <hi rendition="#i">examining Art,</hi> by which alone they are able<lb/> to diſcover the <hi rendition="#i">true</hi> <hi rendition="#g">BEAUTY</hi> and <hi rendition="#g">WORTH</hi> of every Object.<lb/><hi rendition="#g">ACCORDING</hi> to that affected Ridicule which theſe inſipid<lb/> Remarkers pretend to throw upon juſt <hi rendition="#g">CRYTICKS</hi> the Enjoy-<lb/> ment of all real Arts or natural Beautys, Wou’d be intirely loſt.<lb/> Even in Behaviour and Manners we ſhou’d at this rate become in ti-<lb/> me as barbarous, as in our Pleaſure and Diverſions. I wou’d preſume<lb/> it, however, of theſe <hi rendition="#i">Critick-Hoters,</hi> that they are not yet ſu uncivi-<lb/> lized, or void of all ſocial Senſe as to maintain: <hi rendition="#i">That the moſt barbarous<lb/> Life, or brutiſch Pleaſure, is as deſirable as the moſt poliſchd or refin’d.</hi><lb/><hi rendition="#g">FOR</hi> my own part, when thave heard ſometimes Men of re-<lb/> puted Ability join in with that effeminate plaintive Tone of <hi rendition="#i">Invecti-<lb/> ve</hi> againſt <hi rendition="#g">CRITICKS,</hi> I have really thougt, they had it in their<lb/> Fancy, to keep down the growing Genius’s of the Youth, their Rivals,<lb/> by turming them aſide from, that <hi rendition="#i">Examination</hi> and Search, on which<lb/> all good Performance, as well as good Judgment depends. &c.</hi> </note> </div><lb/> <fw place="bottom" type="catch"> <hi rendition="#b">Das</hi> </fw><lb/> </div> </body> </text> </TEI> [186/0214]
Das VI. Capitel
„Nach der erzwungenen Auslachenswuͤrdigkeit, die ſol-
„che abgeſchmackte Leute wahren Criticis aufbuͤrden wollen,
„wuͤrde dis beluſtigende von allen Kuͤnſten und natuͤrlichen
„Schoͤnheiten verlohren gehen. Sogar in Trachten und
„Sitten wuͤrden wir zu dieſen Zeiten ſo barbariſch werden,
„als wir in unſern Ergetzungen und Luſtbarkeiten ſind. Doch
„will ichs von dieſen Feinden der Critick hoffen, ſie wuͤrden
„nicht ſo unhoͤflich, oder ſo fern von aller Menſchlichkeit ſeyn,
„zu behaupten: daß das allerbarbariſchſte Leben, und viehi-
„ſche Beluſtigungen, eben ſo hoch als die artigſten und poli-
„teſten Vergnuͤgungen zu ſchaͤtzen waͤren.
„Meines theils, wenn ich zuweilen Maͤnner von bekann-
„ter Geſchicklichkeit, mit einem weibiſchen und klaͤglichen
„Thone wieder die Criticos habe eifern hoͤren, habe ich wirck-
„lich gedacht; ſie haͤttens im Sinne, den anwachſenden Geiſt
„junger Leute, die ihnen nacheifern, niederzuſchlagen; indem
„ſie dieſelben von derjenigen Unterſuchung und Pruͤfung ab-
„zuwenden ſuchen, ohne welche eine tuͤchtige Arbeit ſowohl
„als ein richtiges Urtheil nicht beſtehen kan.
(*) FOR this reaſon we preſume not only to defend the Cauſe of CRI-
TICS; but to declare open War againſt thoſe indolent ſupine Au-
thors, Performers, Keaders, Auditors, Actors or Spectators; Who ma-
king their HUMOUR alone the Rule of what is beautiful and
agreeable, and having no account to give of ſuch odd. FANCY,
reiect the criticizing or examining Art, by which alone they are able
to diſcover the true BEAUTY and WORTH of every Object.
ACCORDING to that affected Ridicule which theſe inſipid
Remarkers pretend to throw upon juſt CRYTICKS the Enjoy-
ment of all real Arts or natural Beautys, Wou’d be intirely loſt.
Even in Behaviour and Manners we ſhou’d at this rate become in ti-
me as barbarous, as in our Pleaſure and Diverſions. I wou’d preſume
it, however, of theſe Critick-Hoters, that they are not yet ſu uncivi-
lized, or void of all ſocial Senſe as to maintain: That the moſt barbarous
Life, or brutiſch Pleaſure, is as deſirable as the moſt poliſchd or refin’d.
FOR my own part, when thave heard ſometimes Men of re-
puted Ability join in with that effeminate plaintive Tone of Invecti-
ve againſt CRITICKS, I have really thougt, they had it in their
Fancy, to keep down the growing Genius’s of the Youth, their Rivals,
by turming them aſide from, that Examination and Search, on which
all good Performance, as well as good Judgment depends. &c.
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Zitationshilfe: | Gottsched, Johann Christoph: Versuch einer Critischen Dichtkunst vor die Deutschen. Leipzig, 1730, S. 186. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 16.02.2025. |