Wedekind, Frank: Die Büchse der Pandora. Berlin, [1903]. Lulu. Nobody. That room is to let. Jack. I judged you after your way of walking. I saw, your body is perfectly formed. I said to myself, she must have a very expressive mouth. Lulu. It seems, you took a fancy in my mouth. Jack. Yes. Indeed. Lulu. What are you staring at me? Jack. I have only a shilling. Lulu. Come on, give me the shilling. Jack. I must get six pence change. I have to take a'bus tomorrow morning. Lulu. I have no penny. Jack. Come on. Look in your pocket. Lulu (ihre Tasche durchsuchend). Nothing -- nothing. Jack. Just let me see. Lulu. That's all, what I have. (Sie hält ein Zehn- schillingsstück in der Hand.) Jack. I want have the half sovereign. Lulu. I will change him to-morrow morning. Jack. Give it to me! Lulu (giebt ihm das Geld und nimmt die Lampe vom Blumentisch). Jack (vor Lulus Bild). You are a society-woman. You did take care of yourself. Lulu (den Vorhang öffnend). Come on, come on. Jack. We don't need any light. The moon is shining. Lulu. As you like, Sir. (Ihm um den Hals fallend.) I wouldn't do you any harm. I love you. Don't let me beg go any longer. Jack. Allright! (Er folgt ihr nach dem Vorhang.) (Die Lampe erlischt. Auf der Diele unter den beiden Fenstern er- scheinen zwei viereckige grelle Flecke. Im Zimmer ist alles deutlich erkennbar.) Lulu. Nobody. That room is to let. Jack. I judged you after your way of walking. I saw, your body is perfectly formed. I said to myself, she must have a very expressive mouth. Lulu. It seems, you took a fancy in my mouth. Jack. Yes. Indeed. Lulu. What are you staring at me? Jack. I have only a shilling. Lulu. Come on, give me the shilling. Jack. I must get six pence change. I have to take a’bus tomorrow morning. Lulu. I have no penny. Jack. Come on. Look in your pocket. Lulu (ihre Taſche durchſuchend). Nothing — nothing. Jack. Just let me see. Lulu. That’s all, what I have. (Sie hält ein Zehn- ſchillingsſtück in der Hand.) Jack. I want have the half sovereign. Lulu. I will change him to-morrow morning. Jack. Give it to me! Lulu (giebt ihm das Geld und nimmt die Lampe vom Blumentiſch). Jack (vor Lulus Bild). You are a society-woman. You did take care of yourself. Lulu (den Vorhang öffnend). Come on, come on. Jack. We don’t need any light. The moon is shining. Lulu. As you like, Sir. (Ihm um den Hals fallend.) I wouldn’t do you any harm. I love you. Don’t let me beg go any longer. Jack. Allright! (Er folgt ihr nach dem Vorhang.) (Die Lampe erliſcht. Auf der Diele unter den beiden Fenſtern er- ſcheinen zwei viereckige grelle Flecke. Im Zimmer iſt alles deutlich erkennbar.) <TEI> <text> <body> <div n="1"> <pb facs="#f0093" n="85"/> <sp who="#LUL"> <speaker><hi rendition="#g">Lulu</hi>.</speaker> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">Nobody. That room is to let.</hi> </p> </sp><lb/> <sp who="#JAC"> <speaker><hi rendition="#g">Jack</hi>.</speaker> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">I judged you after your way of walking.<lb/> I saw, your body is perfectly formed. I said to myself,<lb/> she must have a very expressive mouth.</hi> </p> </sp><lb/> <sp who="#LUL"> <speaker><hi rendition="#g">Lulu</hi>.</speaker> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">It seems, you took a fancy in my mouth.</hi> </p> </sp><lb/> <sp who="#JAC"> <speaker><hi rendition="#g">Jack</hi>.</speaker> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">Yes. Indeed.</hi> </p> </sp><lb/> <sp who="#LUL"> <speaker><hi rendition="#g">Lulu</hi>.</speaker> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">What are you staring at me?</hi> </p> </sp><lb/> <sp who="#JAC"> <speaker><hi rendition="#g">Jack</hi>.</speaker> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">I have only a shilling.</hi> </p> </sp><lb/> <sp who="#LUL"> <speaker><hi rendition="#g">Lulu</hi>.</speaker> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">Come on, give me the shilling.</hi> </p> </sp><lb/> <sp who="#JAC"> <speaker><hi rendition="#g">Jack</hi>.</speaker> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">I must get six pence change. I have to<lb/> take a’bus tomorrow morning.</hi> </p> </sp><lb/> <sp who="#LUL"> <speaker><hi rendition="#g">Lulu</hi>.</speaker> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">I have no penny.</hi> </p> </sp><lb/> <sp who="#JAC"> <speaker><hi rendition="#g">Jack</hi>.</speaker> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">Come on. Look in your pocket.</hi> </p> </sp><lb/> <sp who="#LUL"> <speaker> <hi rendition="#g">Lulu</hi> </speaker> <stage>(ihre Taſche durchſuchend).</stage> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">Nothing — nothing.</hi> </p> </sp><lb/> <sp who="#JAC"> <speaker><hi rendition="#g">Jack</hi>.</speaker> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">Just let me see.</hi> </p> </sp><lb/> <sp who="#LUL"> <speaker><hi rendition="#g">Lulu</hi>.</speaker> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">That’s all, what I have.</hi> </p> <stage>(Sie hält ein Zehn-<lb/> ſchillingsſtück in der Hand.)</stage> </sp><lb/> <sp who="#JAC"> <speaker><hi rendition="#g">Jack</hi>.</speaker> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">I want have the half sovereign.</hi> </p> </sp><lb/> <sp who="#LUL"> <speaker><hi rendition="#g">Lulu</hi>.</speaker> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">I will change him to-morrow morning.</hi> </p> </sp><lb/> <sp who="#JAC"> <speaker><hi rendition="#g">Jack</hi>.</speaker> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">Give it to me!</hi> </p> </sp><lb/> <sp who="#LUL"> <speaker> <hi rendition="#g">Lulu</hi> </speaker> <stage>(giebt ihm das Geld und nimmt die Lampe vom Blumentiſch).</stage> </sp><lb/> <sp who="#JAC"> <speaker> <hi rendition="#g">Jack</hi> </speaker> <stage>(vor Lulus Bild).</stage> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">You are a society-woman.<lb/> You did take care of yourself.</hi> </p> </sp><lb/> <sp who="#LUL"> <speaker> <hi rendition="#g">Lulu</hi> </speaker> <stage>(den Vorhang öffnend).</stage> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">Come on, come on.</hi> </p> </sp><lb/> <sp who="#JAC"> <speaker><hi rendition="#g">Jack</hi>.</speaker> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">We don’t need any light. The moon is<lb/> shining.</hi> </p> </sp><lb/> <sp who="#LUL"> <speaker><hi rendition="#g">Lulu</hi>.</speaker> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">As you like, Sir.</hi> </p> <stage>(Ihm um den Hals fallend.)</stage><lb/> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">I wouldn’t do you any harm. I love you. Don’t let<lb/> me beg go any longer.</hi> </p> </sp><lb/> <sp who="#JAC"> <speaker><hi rendition="#g">Jack</hi>.</speaker> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">Allright!</hi> </p> <stage>(Er folgt ihr nach dem Vorhang.)</stage><lb/> <stage>(Die Lampe erliſcht. Auf der Diele unter den beiden Fenſtern er-<lb/> ſcheinen zwei viereckige grelle Flecke. Im Zimmer iſt alles deutlich<lb/> erkennbar.)</stage> </sp><lb/> </div> </body> </text> </TEI> [85/0093]
Lulu. Nobody. That room is to let.
Jack. I judged you after your way of walking.
I saw, your body is perfectly formed. I said to myself,
she must have a very expressive mouth.
Lulu. It seems, you took a fancy in my mouth.
Jack. Yes. Indeed.
Lulu. What are you staring at me?
Jack. I have only a shilling.
Lulu. Come on, give me the shilling.
Jack. I must get six pence change. I have to
take a’bus tomorrow morning.
Lulu. I have no penny.
Jack. Come on. Look in your pocket.
Lulu (ihre Taſche durchſuchend). Nothing — nothing.
Jack. Just let me see.
Lulu. That’s all, what I have. (Sie hält ein Zehn-
ſchillingsſtück in der Hand.)
Jack. I want have the half sovereign.
Lulu. I will change him to-morrow morning.
Jack. Give it to me!
Lulu (giebt ihm das Geld und nimmt die Lampe vom Blumentiſch).
Jack (vor Lulus Bild). You are a society-woman.
You did take care of yourself.
Lulu (den Vorhang öffnend). Come on, come on.
Jack. We don’t need any light. The moon is
Lulu. As you like, Sir. (Ihm um den Hals fallend.)
I wouldn’t do you any harm. I love you. Don’t let
me beg go any longer.
Jack. Allright! (Er folgt ihr nach dem Vorhang.)
(Die Lampe erliſcht. Auf der Diele unter den beiden Fenſtern er-
ſcheinen zwei viereckige grelle Flecke. Im Zimmer iſt alles deutlich
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