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Löbell, Heinrich von: Brief an Edgar Vincent D'Abernon. Berlin, 17. Januar 1880.

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The editor of the "Archiv für das Studium dieder neueren Sprachen"
and I believe, that he will announce your ["]hand-
book["] in his periodical, if he has obtain a copy
of it. Perhaps your publisher can send a copy
to him for review. The adress is
To the editor of the "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen"
Professor Herrig

Groß Lichterfelde bei Berlin
Haupt Cadetten Anstalt.

But I am too ready to intermediate the deliver
of the Book, Professor Herrig being an acquain-
tance of mine.

In the hope that you will return happy
to England
I remain ever
Yours very sincerely
von Löbell[.]

The editor of the „Archiv für das Studium dieder neueren Sprachen“
and I believe, that he will announce your [„]hand-
book[“] in his periodical, if he has obtain a copy
of it. Perhaps your publisher can send a copy
to him for review. The adress is
To the editor of the „Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen“
Professor Herrig

Groß Lichterfelde bei Berlin
Haupt Cadetten Anstalt.

But I am too ready to intermediate the deliver
of the Book, Professor Herrig being an acquain-
tance of mine.

In the hope that you will return happy
to England
I remain ever
Yours very sincerely
von Löbell[.]
      <div type="letter" n="1">
        <p><pb facs="#f0002" n="[1v]"/>
The editor of the &#x201E;Archiv für <add place="superlinear">das Studium</add> <subst><del rendition="#ow">die</del><add place="across">der</add></subst> neueren Sprachen&#x201C;<note type="editorial"><bibl>Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen. Herausgegeben von Ludwig Herrig et al. Braunschweig, Berlin 1846&#x2013;Gegenwart.</bibl></note><lb/>
and I believe, that he will announce your <supplied>&#x201E;</supplied>hand-<lb/>
book<supplied>&#x201C;</supplied><note type="editorial"><bibl>D'Abernon, Edgar Vincent; Dickson, T. G.: A handbook to Modern Greece. London 1879.</bibl><ref target="">Online verfügbar: Internet Archive, abgerufen am 18.03.2019.</ref></note> in his periodical, if he has obtain a copy<lb/>
of it. Perhaps your <orgName ref="">publisher</orgName> can send a copy<lb/>
to him for review. The adress is<lb/>
To the editor of the &#x201E;Archiv für <add place="superlinear">das Studium der</add> neueren Sprachen&#x201C;<note type="editorial"><bibl>Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen. Herausgegeben von Ludwig Herrig et al. Braunschweig, Berlin 1846&#x2013;Gegenwart.</bibl></note><lb/>
Professor <persName ref="">Herrig</persName></p><lb/>
        <p> <hi rendition="#et2"><hi rendition="#u"><choice><abbr>Gr.</abbr><expan>Groß</expan></choice> Lichterfelde</hi> bei <placeName ref="">Berlin</placeName><lb/>
Haupt Cadetten Anstalt.</hi> </p>
        <p>But I am too ready to intermediate the deliver<lb/>
of the Book, Professor <persName ref="">Herrig</persName> being an acquain-<lb/>
tance of mine.</p><lb/>
        <closer>In the hope that you will return happy<lb/>
to <placeName ref="">England</placeName><lb/><salute>I remain ever<lb/>
Yours very sincerely<lb/></salute>                      <signed><persName ref=""><choice><abbr>v<supplied>.</supplied></abbr><expan>von</expan></choice> Löbell</persName></signed><supplied>.</supplied></closer>
        <figure type="stamp"/>
[[1v]/0002] The editor of the „Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen“ and I believe, that he will announce your „hand- book“ in his periodical, if he has obtain a copy of it. Perhaps your publisher can send a copy to him for review. The adress is To the editor of the „Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen“ Professor Herrig Gr. Lichterfelde bei Berlin Haupt Cadetten Anstalt. But I am too ready to intermediate the deliver of the Book, Professor Herrig being an acquain- tance of mine. In the hope that you will return happy to England I remain ever Yours very sincerely v. Löbell. [Abbildung]

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Diesem Brief geht ein Schreiben von Daniel Sanders an Heinrich vo Löbell voraus. Beide sind gemeinsam auf einem Briefbogen abgefasst.

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Zitationshilfe: Löbell, Heinrich von: Brief an Edgar Vincent D'Abernon. Berlin, 17. Januar 1880, S. [1v]. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 03.02.2025.