Klostermann, Rudolf: Das geistige Eigenthum an Schriften, Kunstwerken und Erfindungen. Bd. 2. Berlin, 1869.II. Verfahren. §. 10. Prüfung. Dass diese Prüfung sich insbesondere auch auf die Patent- Allein in dem Englischen Verfahren wird in der Regel plication for letters patent made under this act shall be referred by the commissioners, according to such regulations as they may think fit to make, to one of the law officers. 8. The provisional specification shall be referred to the law officer, who shall be at liberty to call to his aid such scientific or other person as he may think fit, and to cause to be paid to such person by the applicant such remuneration as the law officer shall appoint; and if such law officer be satisfied that the provisional specification describes the nature of the invention, he shall allow the same and give a certificate of his allo- wance and such certificate shall be filed in the office of the commis- sioners and thereupon the invention therein referred to may during the term of six months from the date of the application for letters patent for the said invention be used and published without prejudice to any letters patent to be granted for the same and such protection from the consequences of use and publication as hereinafter referred to as provisional protection. Provided always that in case the title of the invention or the provisional specification be to large or insufficient it shall be lawful for the law officer to whom the same is referred, to allow or require the same to be amended. 1) Engl. Blaubuch v. 1865 S. 96. 2) Daselbst S. 12. 3) Daselbst S. 96.
II. Verfahren. §. 10. Prüfung. Dass diese Prüfung sich insbesondere auch auf die Patent- Allein in dem Englischen Verfahren wird in der Regel plication for letters patent made under this act shall be referred by the commissioners, according to such regulations as they may think fit to make, to one of the law officers. 8. The provisional specification shall be referred to the law officer, who shall be at liberty to call to his aid such scientific or other person as he may think fit, and to cause to be paid to such person by the applicant such remuneration as the law officer shall appoint; and if such law officer be satisfied that the provisional specification describes the nature of the invention, he shall allow the same and give a certificate of his allo- wance and such certificate shall be filed in the office of the commis- sioners and thereupon the invention therein referred to may during the term of six months from the date of the application for letters patent for the said invention be used and published without prejudice to any letters patent to be granted for the same and such protection from the consequences of use and publication as hereinafter referred to as provisional protection. Provided always that in case the title of the invention or the provisional specification be to large or insufficient it shall be lawful for the law officer to whom the same is referred, to allow or require the same to be amended. 1) Engl. Blaubuch v. 1865 S. 96. 2) Daselbst S. 12. 3) Daselbst S. 96.
<TEI> <text> <body> <div n="1"> <div n="2"> <div n="3"> <pb facs="#f0129" n="102"/> <fw place="top" type="header">II. Verfahren. §. 10. Prüfung.</fw><lb/> <p>Dass diese Prüfung sich insbesondere auch auf die Patent-<lb/> fähigkeit des Gegenstandes und auf die Neuheit der Erfindung<lb/> erstrecken kann, wird ausdrücklich bezeugt<note place="foot" n="1)">Engl. Blaubuch v. 1865 S. 96.</note> und es werden<lb/> Beispiele angeführt, in welchen das nachgesuchte Patent aus<lb/> dem Grunde verweigert wurde, weil die Erfindung notorisch<lb/> bereits bekannt war<note place="foot" n="2)">Daselbst S. 12.</note>.</p><lb/> <p>Allein in dem Englischen Verfahren wird in der Regel<lb/> nur die Beschreibung in Bezug auf ihre Vollständigkeit und<lb/> Deutlichkeit geprüft, während die Neuheit und Patentfähigkeit<lb/> nur in vereinzelten Fällen, wenn der prüfende Kronanwalt auf<lb/> diesfällige Bedenken aufmerksam gemacht wird, einer Untersu-<lb/> chung unterzogen wird<note place="foot" n="3)">Daselbst S. 96.</note>. Eine vollständige materielle Vorprü-<lb/> fung ist in dem Englischen Verfahren schon dadurch ausgeschlos-<lb/> sen, dass die Prüfung abwechselnd durch den Attorney und den<lb/> Solicitor General erfolgt und dass jeder der beiden Kronan-<lb/> walte von den Entscheidungen seines Collegen und von den<lb/> zu dessen Prüfung gelangten Erfindungen keine Kenntniss er-<lb/> hält. Es ist daher nichts Ungewöhnliches, dass in kurzer Zeit<lb/><note xml:id="seg2pn_8_2" prev="#seg2pn_8_1" place="foot" n="3)">plication for letters patent made under this act shall be referred by the<lb/> commissioners, according to such regulations as they may think fit to<lb/> make, to one of the law officers.<lb/> 8. The provisional specification shall be referred to the law<lb/> officer, who shall be at liberty to call to his aid such scientific or other<lb/> person as he may think fit, and to cause to be paid to such person by the<lb/> applicant such remuneration as the law officer shall appoint; and if such<lb/> law officer be satisfied that the provisional specification describes the nature<lb/> of the invention, he shall allow the same and give a certificate of his allo-<lb/> wance and such certificate shall be filed in the office of the commis-<lb/> sioners and thereupon the invention therein referred to may during the<lb/> term of six months from the date of the application for letters patent<lb/> for the said invention be used and published without prejudice to any<lb/> letters patent to be granted for the same and such protection from<lb/> the consequences of use and publication as hereinafter referred to as<lb/> provisional protection. Provided always that in case the title of the<lb/> invention or the provisional specification be to large or insufficient it<lb/> shall be lawful for the law officer to whom the same is referred, to<lb/> allow or require the same to be amended.</note><lb/></p> </div> </div> </div> </body> </text> </TEI> [102/0129]
II. Verfahren. §. 10. Prüfung.
Dass diese Prüfung sich insbesondere auch auf die Patent-
fähigkeit des Gegenstandes und auf die Neuheit der Erfindung
erstrecken kann, wird ausdrücklich bezeugt 1) und es werden
Beispiele angeführt, in welchen das nachgesuchte Patent aus
dem Grunde verweigert wurde, weil die Erfindung notorisch
bereits bekannt war 2).
Allein in dem Englischen Verfahren wird in der Regel
nur die Beschreibung in Bezug auf ihre Vollständigkeit und
Deutlichkeit geprüft, während die Neuheit und Patentfähigkeit
nur in vereinzelten Fällen, wenn der prüfende Kronanwalt auf
diesfällige Bedenken aufmerksam gemacht wird, einer Untersu-
chung unterzogen wird 3). Eine vollständige materielle Vorprü-
fung ist in dem Englischen Verfahren schon dadurch ausgeschlos-
sen, dass die Prüfung abwechselnd durch den Attorney und den
Solicitor General erfolgt und dass jeder der beiden Kronan-
walte von den Entscheidungen seines Collegen und von den
zu dessen Prüfung gelangten Erfindungen keine Kenntniss er-
hält. Es ist daher nichts Ungewöhnliches, dass in kurzer Zeit
1) Engl. Blaubuch v. 1865 S. 96.
2) Daselbst S. 12.
3) Daselbst S. 96.
3) plication for letters patent made under this act shall be referred by the
commissioners, according to such regulations as they may think fit to
make, to one of the law officers.
8. The provisional specification shall be referred to the law
officer, who shall be at liberty to call to his aid such scientific or other
person as he may think fit, and to cause to be paid to such person by the
applicant such remuneration as the law officer shall appoint; and if such
law officer be satisfied that the provisional specification describes the nature
of the invention, he shall allow the same and give a certificate of his allo-
wance and such certificate shall be filed in the office of the commis-
sioners and thereupon the invention therein referred to may during the
term of six months from the date of the application for letters patent
for the said invention be used and published without prejudice to any
letters patent to be granted for the same and such protection from
the consequences of use and publication as hereinafter referred to as
provisional protection. Provided always that in case the title of the
invention or the provisional specification be to large or insufficient it
shall be lawful for the law officer to whom the same is referred, to
allow or require the same to be amended.
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