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Humboldt, Alexander von: Kosmos. Entwurf einer physischen Weltbeschreibung. Bd. 3. Stuttgart u. a., 1850.

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100 (S. 352.) "When we see", sagt Sir John Herschel, "in the Coal-sack (near a Crucis) a sharply defined oval space free from stars, it would seem much less probable that a conical or tubular hollow traverses the whole of a starry stratum, continuously extended from the eye outwards, than that a distant mass of comparatively moderate thickness should be simply perforated from side to side ....." Outlines § 792 p. 532.
1 (S. 353.) Lettre de Mr. Hooke a Mr. Auzout in den Mem. de l'Academie 1666-1699 T. VII. Partie 2. p. 30 und 73.
2 (S. 353.) Kosmos Bd. I. S. 161.

100 (S. 352.) »When we see«, sagt Sir John Herschel, »in the Coal-sack (near a Crucis) a sharply defined oval space free from stars, it would seem much less probable that a conical or tubular hollow traverses the whole of a starry stratum, continuously extended from the eye outwards, than that a distant mass of comparatively moderate thickness should be simply perforated from side to side .....« Outlines § 792 p. 532.
1 (S. 353.) Lettre de Mr. Hooke à Mr. Auzout in den Mém. de l'Académie 1666–1699 T. VII. Partie 2. p. 30 und 73.
2 (S. 353.) Kosmos Bd. I. S. 161.

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                <pb facs="#f0375" n="370"/>
                <note xml:id="ftn457-text" prev="#ftn457" place="end" n="100">
                  <p> (S. 352.) »When we see«, sagt Sir John <hi rendition="#g">Herschel,</hi> »in the Coal-sack (near <hi rendition="#g">a</hi></p>
                  <p><hi rendition="#g">Crucis)</hi> a sharply defined oval space free from stars, it would seem much less probable that a conical or <hi rendition="#g">tubular</hi> hollow traverses the whole of a starry stratum, continuously extended from the eye outwards, than that a <hi rendition="#g">distant</hi> mass of comparatively moderate thickness should be simply perforated from side to side .....« <hi rendition="#g">Outlines</hi> § 792 p. 532.</p>
                <note xml:id="ftn458-text" prev="#ftn458" place="end" n="1"> (S. 353.) <hi rendition="#g">Lettre</hi> de Mr. <hi rendition="#g">Hooke</hi> à Mr. <hi rendition="#g">Auzout</hi> in den <hi rendition="#g">Mém. de l'Académie</hi> 1666&#x2013;1699 T. VII. Partie 2. p. 30 und 73.</note>
                <note xml:id="ftn459-text" prev="#ftn459" place="end" n="2"> (S. 353.) <hi rendition="#g">Kosmos</hi> Bd. I. S. 161.</note>
                <milestone rendition="#hr" unit="section"/><lb/>
[370/0375] ¹⁰⁰ (S. 352.) »When we see«, sagt Sir John Herschel, »in the Coal-sack (near a Crucis) a sharply defined oval space free from stars, it would seem much less probable that a conical or tubular hollow traverses the whole of a starry stratum, continuously extended from the eye outwards, than that a distant mass of comparatively moderate thickness should be simply perforated from side to side .....« Outlines § 792 p. 532. ¹ (S. 353.) Lettre de Mr. Hooke à Mr. Auzout in den Mém. de l'Académie 1666–1699 T. VII. Partie 2. p. 30 und 73. ² (S. 353.) Kosmos Bd. I. S. 161.

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Zitationshilfe: Humboldt, Alexander von: Kosmos. Entwurf einer physischen Weltbeschreibung. Bd. 3. Stuttgart u. a., 1850, S. 370. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 03.12.2024.