Humboldt, Alexander von: Kosmos. Entwurf einer physischen Weltbeschreibung. Bd. 3. Stuttgart u. a., 1850.24 (S. 320.) Vergl. Kosmos Bd. III. S. 81 und 117 (Anm. 34). 25 (S. 321.) An account of the Earl of Rosse's great Telescope p. 14-17, wo die Liste der im März 1845 von Dr. Robinson und Sir James South aufgelösten Nebel gegeben wird. "Dr. Robinson could not leave this part of his subject without calling attention to the fact, that no real nebula seemed to exist among so many of these objects chosen without any bias: all appeared to be clusters of stars, and every additional one which shall be resolved will be an additional argument against the existence of any such." Schumacher, Astr. Nachr. No. 536. -- In der Notice sur les grands Telescopes de Lord Oxmantown, aujourd'hui Earl of Rosse (Bibliotheque universelle de Geneve T. LVII. 1845 p. 342-357) heißt es: "Sir James South rappelle que jamais il n'a vu de representations siderales aussi magnifiques que celles que lui offrait l'instrument de Parsonstown; qu'une bonne partie des nebuleuses se presentaient comme des amas ou groupes d'etoiles, tandis que quelques autres, a ses yeux du moins, n'offraient aucune apparence de resolution en etoiles." 26 (S. 321.) Report of the fifteenth Meeting of the British Association, held at Cambridge in June 1845, p. XXXVI und Outlines of Astr. p. 597 und 598. "By far the major part", sagt Sir John Herschel, "probably at least nine tenths of the nebulous contents of the heavens consist of nebulae of spherical or elliptical forms, presenting every variety of elongation and central condensation. Of these a great number have been resolved into distant stars (by the Reflector of the Earl of Rosse), and a vast multitude more have been found to present that mottled appearance, which renders it almost a matter of certainty that an increase of optical power would show them to be similarly composed. A not unnatural or unfair induction would therefore seem to be, that those which resist such resolution, do so only in consequence of the smallness and closeness of the stars of which they consist: that, in short, they are only optically and not physically nebulous. -- Although nebulae do exist which even in this powerful telescope (of Lord Rosse) appear as nebulae, without any sign of resolution, it may 24 (S. 320.) Vergl. Kosmos Bd. III. S. 81 und 117 (Anm. 34). 25 (S. 321.) An account of the Earl of Rosse's great Telescope p. 14–17, wo die Liste der im März 1845 von Dr. Robinson und Sir James South aufgelösten Nebel gegeben wird. »Dr. Robinson could not leave this part of his subject without calling attention to the fact, that no real nebula seemed to exist among so many of these objects chosen without any bias: all appeared to be clusters of stars, and every additional one which shall be resolved will be an additional argument against the existence of any such.« Schumacher, Astr. Nachr. No. 536. — In der Notice sur les grands Télescopes de Lord Oxmantown, aujourd'hui Earl of Rosse (Bibliothèque universelle de Genève T. LVII. 1845 p. 342–357) heißt es: »Sir James South rappelle que jamais il n'a vu de représentations sidérales aussi magnifiques que celles que lui offrait l'instrument de Parsonstown; qu'une bonne partie des nébuleuses se présentaient comme des amas ou groupes d'étoiles, tandis que quelques autres, à ses yeux du moins, n'offraient aucune apparence de résolution en étoiles.« 26 (S. 321.) Report of the fifteenth Meeting of the British Association, held at Cambridge in June 1845, p. XXXVI und Outlines of Astr. p. 597 und 598. »By far the major part«, sagt Sir John Herschel, »probably at least nine tenths of the nebulous contents of the heavens consist of nebulae of spherical or elliptical forms, presenting every variety of elongation and central condensation. Of these a great number have been resolved into distant stars (by the Reflector of the Earl of Rosse), and a vast multitude more have been found to present that mottled appearance, which renders it almost a matter of certainty that an increase of optical power would show them to be similarly composed. A not unnatural or unfair induction would therefore seem to be, that those which resist such resolution, do so only in consequence of the smallness and closeness of the stars of which they consist: that, in short, they are only optically and not physically nebulous. — Although nebulae do exist which even in this powerful telescope (of Lord Rosse) appear as nebulae, without any sign of resolution, it may <TEI> <text> <body> <div n="1"> <div n="2"> <div n="3"> <div n="4"> <div n="5"> <pb facs="#f0362" n="357"/> <note xml:id="ftn381-text" prev="#ftn381" place="end" n="24"> (S. 320.) Vergl. <hi rendition="#g">Kosmos</hi> Bd. III. S. 81 und 117 (Anm. 34).</note> <note xml:id="ftn382-text" prev="#ftn382" place="end" n="25"> (S. 321.) <hi rendition="#g">An account of the Earl of Rosse's great Telescope</hi> p. 14–17, wo die Liste der im März 1845 von Dr. Robinson und Sir James South aufgelösten Nebel gegeben wird. »Dr. Robinson could not leave this part of his subject without calling attention to the fact, that no real nebula seemed to exist among so many of these objects chosen without any bias: all <hi rendition="#g">appeared</hi> to be clusters of stars, and every additional one which shall be resolved will be an additional argument against the existence of any such.« <hi rendition="#g">Schumacher, Astr. Nachr.</hi> No. 536. — In der <hi rendition="#g">Notice sur les grands Télescopes de Lord Oxmantown, aujourd'hui Earl of Rosse (Bibliothèque universelle de Genève</hi> T. LVII. 1845 p. 342–357) heißt es: »Sir James South rappelle que jamais il n'a vu de représentations sidérales aussi magnifiques que celles que lui offrait l'instrument de Parsonstown; qu'une bonne partie des nébuleuses se présentaient comme des amas ou groupes d'étoiles, tandis que quelques autres, à ses yeux du moins, n'offraient aucune apparence de résolution en étoiles.«</note> <note xml:id="ftn383-text" prev="#ftn383" place="end" n="26"> (S. 321.) <hi rendition="#g">Report</hi> of the fifteenth Meeting of the <hi rendition="#g">British Association,</hi> held at Cambridge in June 1845, p. XXXVI und <hi rendition="#g">Outlines of Astr.</hi> p. 597 und 598. »By far the major part«, sagt Sir John <hi rendition="#g">Herschel,</hi> »probably at least nine tenths of the nebulous contents of the heavens consist of nebulae of spherical or elliptical forms, presenting every variety of elongation and central condensation. Of these a <hi rendition="#g">great number</hi> have been resolved into distant stars (by the Reflector of the Earl of Rosse), and a vast multitude more have been found to present that mottled appearance, which renders it almost a matter of certainty that an increase of optical power would show them to be similarly composed. A not unnatural or unfair induction would therefore seem to be, that those which resist such resolution, do so only in consequence of the smallness and closeness of the stars of which they consist: that, in short, they are only optically and not physically nebulous. — Although nebulae do exist which even in this powerful telescope (of Lord Rosse) appear as nebulae, without any sign of resolution, it may </note> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </text> </TEI> [357/0362]
²⁴ (S. 320.) Vergl. Kosmos Bd. III. S. 81 und 117 (Anm. 34).
²⁵ (S. 321.) An account of the Earl of Rosse's great Telescope p. 14–17, wo die Liste der im März 1845 von Dr. Robinson und Sir James South aufgelösten Nebel gegeben wird. »Dr. Robinson could not leave this part of his subject without calling attention to the fact, that no real nebula seemed to exist among so many of these objects chosen without any bias: all appeared to be clusters of stars, and every additional one which shall be resolved will be an additional argument against the existence of any such.« Schumacher, Astr. Nachr. No. 536. — In der Notice sur les grands Télescopes de Lord Oxmantown, aujourd'hui Earl of Rosse (Bibliothèque universelle de Genève T. LVII. 1845 p. 342–357) heißt es: »Sir James South rappelle que jamais il n'a vu de représentations sidérales aussi magnifiques que celles que lui offrait l'instrument de Parsonstown; qu'une bonne partie des nébuleuses se présentaient comme des amas ou groupes d'étoiles, tandis que quelques autres, à ses yeux du moins, n'offraient aucune apparence de résolution en étoiles.«
²⁶ (S. 321.) Report of the fifteenth Meeting of the British Association, held at Cambridge in June 1845, p. XXXVI und Outlines of Astr. p. 597 und 598. »By far the major part«, sagt Sir John Herschel, »probably at least nine tenths of the nebulous contents of the heavens consist of nebulae of spherical or elliptical forms, presenting every variety of elongation and central condensation. Of these a great number have been resolved into distant stars (by the Reflector of the Earl of Rosse), and a vast multitude more have been found to present that mottled appearance, which renders it almost a matter of certainty that an increase of optical power would show them to be similarly composed. A not unnatural or unfair induction would therefore seem to be, that those which resist such resolution, do so only in consequence of the smallness and closeness of the stars of which they consist: that, in short, they are only optically and not physically nebulous. — Although nebulae do exist which even in this powerful telescope (of Lord Rosse) appear as nebulae, without any sign of resolution, it may
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