Weckherlin, Georg Rodolf: Oden vnd Gesäng. Bd. 1. Stuttgart, 1618.Doch höret mir nu zu mit gunst/ Vnd meine Zung soll Euch beweisen/ Das Sie weder ohn lehr noch kunst. Musa Latina. MVsarum genus audax! Ego quid diu heic Contendam? Genitae sic Iove Maximo Certabant, & Apollo quoque. Non ea Quae nostis fuerant cuncta mei GenI, Germana, Angla soror, Gallica, dicite? The English Muse. THus to none of vs doest thou vvrong, T'is not thine ovvne all thou doest knovv: Her to salute allone my tong Is fittest, and fittest to shovv Wits and skills threasure in her song. La Muse Francoise. COntentez vous; Ceste Deesse, Dontle corps, le coeur, & l'esprit N'est que beaute, grace, & sagesse, Sur toutes autres me cherit, Et se delecte en ma richesse. Die
Doch hoͤret mir nu zu mit gunſt/ Vnd meine Zung ſoll Euch beweiſen/ Das Sie weder ohn lehr noch kunſt. Muſa Latina. MVſarum genus audax! Ego quid diu hîc Contendam? Genitæ ſic Iove Maximo Certabant, & Apollo quoque. Non ea Quæ nôſtis fuerant cuncta mei GenI, Germana, Angla ſoror, Gallica, dicite? The English Muſe. THus to none of vs doeſt thou vvrong, T’is not thine ovvne all thou doeſt knovv: Her to ſalute allone my tong Is fittest, and fittest to shovv Wits and skills threaſure in her ſong. La Muſe Françoiſe. COntentez vous; Ceſte Deeſſe, Dontle corps, le cœur, & l’eſprit N’eſt que beauté, grace, & ſageſſe, Sur toutes autres me cherit, Et ſe delecte en ma richeſſe. Die
<TEI> <text> <front> <div n="1"> <lg type="poem"> <pb facs="#f0012" n="8.[8]"/> <l>Doch hoͤret mir nu zu mit gunſt/</l><lb/> <l>Vnd meine Zung ſoll Euch beweiſen/</l><lb/> <l>Das Sie weder ohn lehr noch kunſt.</l> </lg> </div><lb/> <div n="1"> <head> <hi rendition="#aq">Muſa Latina.</hi> </head><lb/> <lg type="poem"> <l> <hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#in">M</hi>Vſarum genus audax! Ego quid diu hîc</hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq">Contendam? Genitæ ſic Iove Maximo</hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq">Certabant, & Apollo quoque. Non ea</hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq">Quæ nôſtis fuerant cuncta mei GenI,</hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq">Germana, Angla ſoror, Gallica, dicite?</hi> </l> </lg> </div><lb/> <div n="1"> <head> <hi rendition="#aq">The English Muſe.</hi> </head><lb/> <lg type="poem"> <l> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#in">T</hi> <hi rendition="#i">Hus to none of vs doeſt thou vvrong,</hi> </hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">T’is not thine ovvne all thou doeſt knovv:</hi> </hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Her to ſalute allone my tong</hi> </hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Is fittest, and fittest to shovv</hi> </hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Wits and skills threaſure in her ſong.</hi> </hi> </l> </lg> </div><lb/> <div n="1"> <head> <hi rendition="#aq">La Muſe Françoiſe.</hi> </head><lb/> <lg type="poem"> <l> <hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#in">C</hi>Ontentez vous; Ceſte Deeſſe,</hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq">Dontle corps, le cœur, & l’eſprit</hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq">N’eſt que beauté, grace, & ſageſſe,</hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq">Sur toutes autres me cherit,</hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq">Et ſe delecte en ma richeſſe.</hi> </l> </lg> </div><lb/> <fw place="bottom" type="catch">Die</fw><lb/> </front> </text> </TEI> [8.[8]/0012]
Doch hoͤret mir nu zu mit gunſt/
Vnd meine Zung ſoll Euch beweiſen/
Das Sie weder ohn lehr noch kunſt.
Muſa Latina.
MVſarum genus audax! Ego quid diu hîc
Contendam? Genitæ ſic Iove Maximo
Certabant, & Apollo quoque. Non ea
Quæ nôſtis fuerant cuncta mei GenI,
Germana, Angla ſoror, Gallica, dicite?
The English Muſe.
THus to none of vs doeſt thou vvrong,
T’is not thine ovvne all thou doeſt knovv:
Her to ſalute allone my tong
Is fittest, and fittest to shovv
Wits and skills threaſure in her ſong.
La Muſe Françoiſe.
COntentez vous; Ceſte Deeſſe,
Dontle corps, le cœur, & l’eſprit
N’eſt que beauté, grace, & ſageſſe,
Sur toutes autres me cherit,
Et ſe delecte en ma richeſſe.
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