Tieck, Ludwig: William Lovell. Bd. 3. Berlin u. a., 1796.William Lovell. We make ourselves fools, to disport Dritter Band. Berlin und Leipzig, bey Carl August Nicolai. 1796. William Lovell. We make ourselves fools, to disport Dritter Band. Berlin und Leipzig, bey Carl Auguſt Nicolai. 1796. <TEI> <text> <front> <pb facs="#f0008" n="[1]"/> <titlePage type="main"> <docTitle> <titlePart type="main"> <hi rendition="#b"><hi rendition="#g">William Lovell</hi>.</hi> </titlePart> </docTitle><lb/> <milestone rendition="#hr" unit="section"/> <epigraph> <cit> <quote xml:lang="eng"> <hi rendition="#aq">We make ourselves fools, to disport<lb/> ourselves;<lb/> And spend our flatteries, to drink those<lb/> men,<lb/> Vpon whose age we roid it up again,<lb/> With poisenous spite and ensy. Who<lb/> lives, that's not<lb/> Depraved, or depraves? who dies, that<lb/> bears<lb/> Not one spurn to their graves of their<lb/> friend's gift?</hi> </quote><lb/> <bibl> <hi rendition="#right"> <hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#g"><hi rendition="#k">Shakspeare</hi></hi>.</hi> </hi> </bibl> </cit> </epigraph><lb/> <milestone rendition="#hr" unit="section"/> <titlePart type="volume"> <hi rendition="#b"><hi rendition="#g">Dritter Band</hi>.</hi> </titlePart><lb/> <milestone rendition="#hr" unit="section"/> <docImprint> <pubPlace><hi rendition="#g">Berlin und Leipzig</hi>,</pubPlace><lb/> <hi rendition="#g">bey</hi> <publisher><hi rendition="#g">Carl Auguſt Nicolai</hi>.</publisher><lb/> <docDate><hi rendition="#g">1796</hi>.</docDate> </docImprint> </titlePage><lb/> </front> </text> </TEI> [[1]/0008]
William Lovell.
We make ourselves fools, to disport
And spend our flatteries, to drink those
Vpon whose age we roid it up again,
With poisenous spite and ensy. Who
lives, that's not
Depraved, or depraves? who dies, that
Not one spurn to their graves of their
friend's gift?
Dritter Band.
Berlin und Leipzig,
bey Carl Auguſt Nicolai.
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URL zu diesem Werk: | https://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/tieck_lovell03_1796 |
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Zitationshilfe: | Tieck, Ludwig: William Lovell. Bd. 3. Berlin u. a., 1796, S. [1]. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <https://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/tieck_lovell03_1796/8>, abgerufen am 22.02.2025. |