fraight for the said goods in all one Rix- daller I say with Primage and Avarage ac- customed. In Witneß whereof, the Master or purser of the sald Ship hath affirmed to thre e Bills of Lading all of this tenor and date, the one of which three Bills being accom- plished, the other two to stand void. And so God send the good Ship to her defired Port in safety, Amen.
Dated in Narva 4. Maji 1704. Hans Heinrich Gudemann.
II. Lateinischer Paß-Brief von neu- tralen Potentaten/ ihren zur See handlen- den Unterthanen gegeben/ in welchen insonderheit un- terschiedliche Puncten, die bey neutraler Fahrt vorkommen/ zu beobachten seynd.
SAcrae Regiae Majestatis Sveciae respective Se- natores, Regii Collegii, Camerae & Commer- ciorum Praeses, Consiliarii & Assessores, no- tum testatumqve facimus, qvod die prima men- sis Junii Anni 1705. coram nobis comparue- rint, ejusdem Regiae Majestatis subditi Cives Civitatis Westerwickensis N. N. N. N. literas testimoniales exhibentes, se coram illis perso- naliter comparuisse atqve sub fide illius Jura- menti, qvo altissimae memoratae S. Reg. Ma- jestati Regi & Domino nostro Clementissimo attinentur & obstricti sunt, declarasse, qvod Navigium S. Johannis nuncupatum qvadra- ginta lastarum capax ad eandem civitatem per- tineat, dictorumqve civium justo Titulo pro- prium sit, jam vero ex portu Westerwicensi ad
Connoiſſementen/ Schiffs-Bau-
fraight for the ſaid goods in all one Rix- daller I ſay with Primage and Avarage ac- cuſtomed. In Witneß whereof, the Maſter or purſer of the ſald Ship hath affirmed to thre e Bills of Lading all of this tenor and date, the one of which three Bills being accom- plished, the other two to ſtand void. And ſo God ſend the good Ship to her defired Port in ſafety, Amen.
Dated in Narva 4. Maji 1704. Hans Heinrich Gudemann.
II. Lateiniſcher Paß-Brief von neu- tralen Potentaten/ ihren zur See handlen- den Unterthanen gegeben/ in welchen inſonderheit un- terſchiedliche Puncten, die bey neutraler Fahrt vorkommen/ zu beobachten ſeynd.
SAcræ Regiæ Majeſtatis Sveciæ reſpective Se- natores, Regii Collegii, Cameræ & Commer- ciorum Præſes, Conſiliarii & Aſſeſſores, no- tum teſtatumqve facimus, qvod die prima men- ſis Junii Anni 1705. coram nobis comparue- rint, ejusdem Regiæ Majeſtatis ſubditi Cives Civitatis Weſterwickenſis N. N. N. N. literas teſtimoniales exhibentes, ſe coram illis perſo- naliter comparuiſſe atqve ſub fide illius Jura- menti, qvo altiſſimæ memoratæ S. Reg. Ma- jeſtati Regi & Domino noſtro Clementiſſimo attinentur & obſtricti ſunt, declaraſſe, qvod Navigium S. Johannis nuncupatum qvadra- ginta laſtarum capax ad eandem civitatem per- tineat, dictorumqve civium juſto Titulo pro- prium ſit, jam vero ex portu Weſterwicenſi ad
<TEI><text><body><divn="1"><divn="2"><divn="3"><divn="4"><p><pbn="818"facs="#f0834"/><fwtype="header"place="top"><hirendition="#b"><hirendition="#aq"><hirendition="#i">Connoiſſemen</hi></hi>ten/ Schiffs-Bau-</hi></fw><lb/><hirendition="#aq">fraight for the ſaid goods in all one Rix-<lb/>
daller I ſay with Primage and Avarage ac-<lb/>
cuſtomed. In Witneß whereof, the Maſter<lb/>
or purſer of the ſald Ship hath affirmed to<lb/>
thre e Bills of Lading all of this tenor and date,<lb/>
the one of which three Bills being accom-<lb/>
plished, the other two to ſtand void. And<lb/>ſo God ſend the good Ship to her defired<lb/>
Port in ſafety, Amen.</hi></p><closer><salute><hirendition="#aq">Dated in Narva 4.<lb/>
Maji 1704.<lb/><hirendition="#et">Hans Heinrich Gudemann.</hi></hi></salute></closer></div><lb/><divn="4"><head><hirendition="#b"><hirendition="#aq">II.</hi> Lateiniſcher Paß-Brief von <hirendition="#aq">neu-<lb/>
tralen Potenta</hi>ten/ ihren zur See handlen-<lb/>
den Unterthanen gegeben/ in welchen inſonderheit un-<lb/>
terſchiedliche <hirendition="#aq">Puncten,</hi> die bey <hirendition="#aq">neutraler</hi> Fahrt<lb/>
vorkommen/ zu beobachten ſeynd.</hi></head><lb/><p><hirendition="#aq"><hirendition="#in">S</hi>Acræ Regiæ Majeſtatis Sveciæ reſpective Se-<lb/>
natores, Regii Collegii, Cameræ & Commer-<lb/>
ciorum Præſes, Conſiliarii & Aſſeſſores, no-<lb/>
tum teſtatumqve facimus, qvod die prima men-<lb/>ſis Junii Anni 1705. coram nobis comparue-<lb/>
rint, ejusdem Regiæ Majeſtatis ſubditi Cives<lb/>
Civitatis Weſterwickenſis N. N. N. N. literas<lb/>
teſtimoniales exhibentes, ſe coram illis perſo-<lb/>
naliter comparuiſſe atqve ſub fide illius Jura-<lb/>
menti, qvo altiſſimæ memoratæ S. Reg. Ma-<lb/>
jeſtati Regi & Domino noſtro Clementiſſimo<lb/>
attinentur & obſtricti ſunt, declaraſſe, qvod<lb/>
Navigium S. Johannis nuncupatum qvadra-<lb/>
ginta laſtarum capax ad eandem civitatem per-<lb/>
tineat, dictorumqve civium juſto Titulo pro-<lb/>
prium ſit, jam vero ex portu Weſterwicenſi ad</hi><lb/><fwtype="catch"place="bottom"><hirendition="#aq">Oleron</hi></fw><lb/></p></div></div></div></div></body></text></TEI>
Connoiſſementen/ Schiffs-Bau-
fraight for the ſaid goods in all one Rix-
daller I ſay with Primage and Avarage ac-
cuſtomed. In Witneß whereof, the Maſter
or purſer of the ſald Ship hath affirmed to
thre e Bills of Lading all of this tenor and date,
the one of which three Bills being accom-
plished, the other two to ſtand void. And
ſo God ſend the good Ship to her defired
Port in ſafety, Amen.
Dated in Narva 4.
Maji 1704.
Hans Heinrich Gudemann.
II. Lateiniſcher Paß-Brief von neu-
tralen Potentaten/ ihren zur See handlen-
den Unterthanen gegeben/ in welchen inſonderheit un-
terſchiedliche Puncten, die bey neutraler Fahrt
vorkommen/ zu beobachten ſeynd.
SAcræ Regiæ Majeſtatis Sveciæ reſpective Se-
natores, Regii Collegii, Cameræ & Commer-
ciorum Præſes, Conſiliarii & Aſſeſſores, no-
tum teſtatumqve facimus, qvod die prima men-
ſis Junii Anni 1705. coram nobis comparue-
rint, ejusdem Regiæ Majeſtatis ſubditi Cives
Civitatis Weſterwickenſis N. N. N. N. literas
teſtimoniales exhibentes, ſe coram illis perſo-
naliter comparuiſſe atqve ſub fide illius Jura-
menti, qvo altiſſimæ memoratæ S. Reg. Ma-
jeſtati Regi & Domino noſtro Clementiſſimo
attinentur & obſtricti ſunt, declaraſſe, qvod
Navigium S. Johannis nuncupatum qvadra-
ginta laſtarum capax ad eandem civitatem per-
tineat, dictorumqve civium juſto Titulo pro-
prium ſit, jam vero ex portu Weſterwicenſi ad
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