Bluntschli, Johann Caspar: Das moderne Völkerrecht der civilisirten Staten. Nördlingen, 1868.Amerikanische Kriegsartikel der Vereinigten Staten von 1863. allows to return to their country, or to live in greater freedomwithin the captor's country or territory, on conditions stated in the parole. 123. Release of prisoners of war by exchange is the general rule; 124. Breaking the parole is punished with death when the person Accurate lists, therefore, of the paroled persons must be kept 125. When paroles are given and received there must be an ex- 126. Commissioned officers only are allowed to give their parole, 127. No non-commissioned officer or private can give his parole Bluntschli, Das Völkerrecht. 32
Amerikaniſche Kriegsartikel der Vereinigten Staten von 1863. allows to return to their country, or to live in greater freedomwithin the captor’s country or territory, on conditions stated in the parole. 123. Release of prisoners of war by exchange is the general rule; 124. Breaking the parole is punished with death when the person Accurate lists, therefore, of the paroled persons must be kept 125. When paroles are given and received there must be an ex- 126. Commissioned officers only are allowed to give their parole, 127. No non-commissioned officer or private can give his parole Bluntſchli, Das Völkerrecht. 32
<TEI> <text> <body> <div n="1"> <div n="2"> <div n="3"> <div n="4"> <div n="5"> <p> <pb facs="#f0519" n="497"/> <fw place="top" type="header">Amerikaniſche Kriegsartikel der Vereinigten Staten von 1863.</fw><lb/> <hi rendition="#aq">allows to return to their country, or to live in greater freedom<lb/> within the captor’s country or territory, on conditions stated in the<lb/> parole.</hi> </p> </div><lb/> <div n="5"> <head>123.</head><lb/> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">Release of prisoners of war by exchange is the general rule;<lb/> release by parole is the exception.</hi> </p> </div><lb/> <div n="5"> <head>124.</head><lb/> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">Breaking the parole is punished with death when the person<lb/> breaking the parole is captured again.</hi> </p><lb/> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">Accurate lists, therefore, of the paroled persons must be kept<lb/> by the belligerents.</hi> </p> </div><lb/> <div n="5"> <head>125.</head><lb/> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">When paroles are given and received there must be an ex-<lb/> change of two written documents, in which the name and rank of<lb/> the paroled individuals are accurately and truthfully stated.</hi> </p> </div><lb/> <div n="5"> <head>126.</head><lb/> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">Commissioned officers only are allowed to give their parole,<lb/> and they can give it only with the permission of their superior, as<lb/> long as a superior in rank is within reach.</hi> </p> </div><lb/> <div n="5"> <head>127.</head><lb/> <p> <hi rendition="#aq">No non-commissioned officer or private can give his parole<lb/> except through an officer. Individual paroles not given through an<lb/> officer are not only void, but subject the individual giving them to<lb/> the punishment of death as deserters. The only admissible excep-<lb/> tion is where individuals, properly separated from their commands,<lb/> have suffered long confinement without the possibility of being pa-<lb/> roled through an officer.</hi> </p> </div><lb/> <fw place="bottom" type="sig"><hi rendition="#g">Bluntſchli</hi>, Das Völkerrecht. 32</fw><lb/> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </text> </TEI> [497/0519]
Amerikaniſche Kriegsartikel der Vereinigten Staten von 1863.
allows to return to their country, or to live in greater freedom
within the captor’s country or territory, on conditions stated in the
Release of prisoners of war by exchange is the general rule;
release by parole is the exception.
Breaking the parole is punished with death when the person
breaking the parole is captured again.
Accurate lists, therefore, of the paroled persons must be kept
by the belligerents.
When paroles are given and received there must be an ex-
change of two written documents, in which the name and rank of
the paroled individuals are accurately and truthfully stated.
Commissioned officers only are allowed to give their parole,
and they can give it only with the permission of their superior, as
long as a superior in rank is within reach.
No non-commissioned officer or private can give his parole
except through an officer. Individual paroles not given through an
officer are not only void, but subject the individual giving them to
the punishment of death as deserters. The only admissible excep-
tion is where individuals, properly separated from their commands,
have suffered long confinement without the possibility of being pa-
roled through an officer.
Bluntſchli, Das Völkerrecht. 32
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