An honorable belligerent allows himself to be guided by flags or signals of protection as much as the contingencies and the neces- sities of the fight will permit.
It is justly considered an act of bad faith, of infamy or fiend- ishness, to deceive the enemy by flags of protection. Such act of bad faith may be good cause for refusing to respect such flags.
The besieging belligerant has sometimes requested the besieged to designate the buildings containing collections of works of art, sci- entific museums, astronomical observatories, or precious libraries, so that their destruction may be avoided as much as possible.
Section VII.
The Parole.
Prisoners of war may be released from captivity by exchange and, under certain circumstances, also by parole.
The term Parole designates the pledge of individual good faith and honor to do, or to omit doing, certain acts after he who gives his parole shall have been dismissed, wholly or partially, from the power of the captor.
The pledge of the parole is always an individual, but not a private, act.
The parole applies chiefly to prisoners of war whom the captor
An honorable belligerent allows himself to be guided by flags or signals of protection as much as the contingencies and the neces- sities of the fight will permit.
It is justly considered an act of bad faith, of infamy or fiend- ishness, to deceive the enemy by flags of protection. Such act of bad faith may be good cause for refusing to respect such flags.
The besieging belligerant has sometimes requested the besieged to designate the buildings containing collections of works of art, sci- entific museums, astronomical observatories, or precious libraries, so that their destruction may be avoided as much as possible.
Section VII.
The Parole.
Prisoners of war may be released from captivity by exchange and, under certain circumstances, also by parole.
The term Parole designates the pledge of individual good faith and honor to do, or to omit doing, certain acts after he who gives his parole shall have been dismissed, wholly or partially, from the power of the captor.
The pledge of the parole is always an individual, but not a private, act.
The parole applies chiefly to prisoners of war whom the captor
<TEI><text><body><divn="1"><divn="2"><divn="3"><divn="4"><divn="5"><pbn="496"facs="#f0518"/><fwtype="header"place="top">Anhang.</fw><lb/><p><hirendition="#aq">An honorable belligerent allows himself to be guided by flags<lb/>
or signals of protection as much as the contingencies and the neces-<lb/>
sities of the fight will permit.</hi></p></div><lb/><divn="5"><head>117.</head><lb/><p><hirendition="#aq">It is justly considered an act of bad faith, of infamy or fiend-<lb/>
ishness, to deceive the enemy by flags of protection. Such act of bad<lb/>
faith may be good cause for refusing to respect such flags.</hi></p></div><lb/><divn="5"><head>118.</head><lb/><p><hirendition="#aq">The besieging belligerant has sometimes requested the besieged<lb/>
to designate the buildings containing collections of works of art, sci-<lb/>
entific museums, astronomical observatories, or precious libraries, so<lb/>
that their destruction may be avoided as much as possible.</hi></p></div></div><lb/><divn="4"><head><hirendition="#b"><hirendition="#aq">Section VII.</hi></hi></head><lb/><argument><p><hirendition="#c"><hirendition="#i"><hirendition="#aq">The Parole.</hi></hi></hi></p></argument><lb/><divn="5"><head>119.</head><lb/><p><hirendition="#aq">Prisoners of war may be released from captivity by exchange<lb/>
and, under certain circumstances, also by parole.</hi></p></div><lb/><divn="5"><head>120.</head><lb/><p><hirendition="#aq">The term Parole designates the pledge of individual good faith<lb/>
and honor to do, or to omit doing, certain acts after he who gives<lb/>
his parole shall have been dismissed, wholly or partially, from the<lb/>
power of the captor.</hi></p></div><lb/><divn="5"><head>121.</head><lb/><p><hirendition="#aq">The pledge of the parole is always an individual, but not a<lb/>
private, act.</hi></p></div><lb/><divn="5"><head>122.</head><lb/><p><hirendition="#aq">The parole applies chiefly to prisoners of war whom the captor</hi><lb/></p></div></div></div></div></div></body></text></TEI>
An honorable belligerent allows himself to be guided by flags
or signals of protection as much as the contingencies and the neces-
sities of the fight will permit.
It is justly considered an act of bad faith, of infamy or fiend-
ishness, to deceive the enemy by flags of protection. Such act of bad
faith may be good cause for refusing to respect such flags.
The besieging belligerant has sometimes requested the besieged
to designate the buildings containing collections of works of art, sci-
entific museums, astronomical observatories, or precious libraries, so
that their destruction may be avoided as much as possible.
Section VII.
The Parole.
Prisoners of war may be released from captivity by exchange
and, under certain circumstances, also by parole.
The term Parole designates the pledge of individual good faith
and honor to do, or to omit doing, certain acts after he who gives
his parole shall have been dismissed, wholly or partially, from the
power of the captor.
The pledge of the parole is always an individual, but not a
private, act.
The parole applies chiefly to prisoners of war whom the captor
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Bluntschli, Johann Caspar: Das moderne Völkerrecht der civilisirten Staten. Nördlingen, 1868, S. 496. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 03.03.2025.
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2007–2025 Deutsches Textarchiv, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Zitierempfehlung: Deutsches Textarchiv. Grundlage für ein Referenzkorpus der neuhochdeutschen Sprache. Herausgegeben von der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin 2025. URL: