Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich: Anfangsgründe der Physiologie. (Übers. Joseph Eyerel). Wien, 1789.c) Petr. Jac. Daoustenc de respiratione. Lugd. Rob. Whytt on the vital and other involunta- c) Petr. Jac. Daoustenc de respiratione. Lugd. Rob. Whytt on the vital and other involunta- <TEI> <text xml:id="blume_hbnatur_000071"> <body> <div n="1"> <div n="2"> <pb facs="#f0112" xml:id="pb092_0001" n="92"/> <p rendition="#indent-2"><hi rendition="#i"><hi rendition="#aq">c) Petr. Jac. Daoustenc</hi></hi><hi rendition="#aq">de respiratione. Lugd.</hi><lb/> 1743. 4.</p> <p rendition="#indent-2"><hi rendition="#i"><hi rendition="#aq">Rob. Whytt</hi></hi><hi rendition="#aq">on the vital and other involunta-<lb/> ry motions of animals. p</hi>. 222. <hi rendition="#aq">Ed. Edinb.</hi><lb/> 1751. 8.</p> <milestone rendition="#hr" unit="section"/><lb/> </div> </div> <div n="1"> </div> </body> </text> </TEI> [92/0112]
c) Petr. Jac. Daoustenc de respiratione. Lugd.
1743. 4.
Rob. Whytt on the vital and other involunta-
ry motions of animals. p. 222. Ed. Edinb.
1751. 8.
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Zitationshilfe: | Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich: Anfangsgründe der Physiologie. (Übers. Joseph Eyerel). Wien, 1789, S. 92. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 22.02.2025. |