Weckherlin, Georg Rodolf: Oden vnd Gesäng. Bd. 1. Stuttgart, 1618.Musa Latina. QVae splendens vagor & culta nitoreper Orbem, quae ambrosium ore ab roseo jubar Fundo, & nomine quos clara juvant beo, Me munus decet hoc: Cedite vos, sacro Vos quarum ipsa rigo pectoranectare. The English Muse. NOt so, faire Muse: But shee by right, Who first this Goddesse taught to speake, Will novv best please her ears and sight. Thus my tongue shall prove your tongue vveake, By her svveet-flovving grace and might. La Muse Francoise. TOut beau, Belles. Car veu la grace De mon langage doux & net, Il vous faut (quitant vostre audace) Medeferer l'honneur de fait, Que seule toutes je surpasse. Die Teutsche Musa. AJgen lob (sagt man) ist vmbsunst/ Sunst wolt ich mich selbs bald gnug preisen: Doch A iiij
Muſa Latina. QVæ ſplendens vagor & culta nitoreper Orbem, quæ ambroſium ore ab roſeo jubar Fundo, & nomine quos clara juvant beo, Me munus decet hoc: Cedite vos, ſacro Vos quarum ipſa rigo pectoranectare. The English Muſe. NOt ſo, faire Muſe: But shee by right, Who first this Goddeſſe taught to ſpeake, Will novv best pleaſe her ears and ſight. Thus my tongue shall prove your tongue vveake, By her ſvveet-flovving grace and might. La Muſe Françoiſe. TOut beau, Belles. Car veu la grace De mon langage doux & net, Il vous faut (quitant voſtre audace) Medeferer l’honneur de fait, Que ſeule toutes je ſurpaſſe. Die Teutſche Muſa. AJgen lob (ſagt man) iſt vmbſunſt/ Sunſt wolt ich mich ſelbs bald gnug preiſen: Doch A iiij
<TEI> <text> <front> <pb facs="#f0011" n="7.[7]"/> <div n="1"> <head> <hi rendition="#aq">Muſa Latina.</hi> </head><lb/> <lg type="poem"> <l> <hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#k"><hi rendition="#in">Q</hi>Væ</hi> ſplendens vagor & culta nitoreper</hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq">Orbem, quæ ambroſium ore ab roſeo jubar</hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq">Fundo, & nomine quos clara juvant beo,</hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq">Me munus decet hoc: Cedite vos, ſacro</hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq">Vos quarum ipſa rigo pectoranectare.</hi> </l> </lg> </div><lb/> <div n="1"> <head> <hi rendition="#aq">The English Muſe.</hi> </head><lb/> <lg type="poem"> <l> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#in">N</hi> <hi rendition="#i">Ot ſo, faire Muſe: But shee by right,</hi> </hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Who first this Goddeſſe taught to ſpeake,</hi> </hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Will novv best pleaſe her ears and ſight.</hi> </hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Thus my tongue shall prove your tongue</hi> </hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#et">vveake,</hi> </hi> </hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">By her ſvveet-flovving grace and might.</hi> </hi> </l> </lg> </div><lb/> <div n="1"> <head> <hi rendition="#aq">La Muſe Françoiſe.</hi> </head><lb/> <lg type="poem"> <l> <hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#in">T</hi>Out beau, Belles. Car veu la grace</hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq">De mon langage doux & net,</hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq">Il vous faut (quitant voſtre audace)</hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq">Medeferer l’honneur de fait,</hi> </l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#aq">Que ſeule toutes je ſurpaſſe.</hi> </l> </lg> </div><lb/> <div n="1"> <head> <hi rendition="#b">Die Teutſche Muſa.</hi> </head><lb/> <lg type="poem"> <l><hi rendition="#in">A</hi>Jgen lob (ſagt man) iſt vmbſunſt/</l><lb/> <l>Sunſt wolt ich mich ſelbs bald gnug</l><lb/> <l> <hi rendition="#et">preiſen:</hi> </l><lb/> <fw place="bottom" type="sig">A iiij</fw> <fw place="bottom" type="catch">Doch</fw><lb/> </lg> </div> </front> </text> </TEI> [7.[7]/0011]
Muſa Latina.
QVæ ſplendens vagor & culta nitoreper
Orbem, quæ ambroſium ore ab roſeo jubar
Fundo, & nomine quos clara juvant beo,
Me munus decet hoc: Cedite vos, ſacro
Vos quarum ipſa rigo pectoranectare.
The English Muſe.
NOt ſo, faire Muſe: But shee by right,
Who first this Goddeſſe taught to ſpeake,
Will novv best pleaſe her ears and ſight.
Thus my tongue shall prove your tongue
By her ſvveet-flovving grace and might.
La Muſe Françoiſe.
TOut beau, Belles. Car veu la grace
De mon langage doux & net,
Il vous faut (quitant voſtre audace)
Medeferer l’honneur de fait,
Que ſeule toutes je ſurpaſſe.
Die Teutſche Muſa.
AJgen lob (ſagt man) iſt vmbſunſt/
Sunſt wolt ich mich ſelbs bald gnug
A iiij
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