Sperander [i. e. Gladov, Friedrich]: Sorgfältiger Negotiant und Wechßler. Leipzig, 1706.China Bocols and Tea Cups. 7. Chests ant 10. Tubs. the Bocols at 12. d. ant the Cups at 1. d. per piece to advance 1/8 . d. to bereceived as they rise with all' faults except lea Kinest. Benjamin 4. bales. tare 14. L. per bale without Gumries at9. L. per c. to advan- ce 1. ß. Cotton yarn ii bales tare 48. L. per bale at 22. d. per l. viz. Rhubarb. 1. Chest. at 3. ß. per L. to advance i. d. Turmerick a Small parcel at 15. ß. per C. to advance 2. d. Salpeter vvhite and brovvn 2251. bages. intime, tare for the double Gunnies 16. L. for the Single 9. L. and for the Canvas bays 4. L. the vvhite at 44. ß. and the brovvn. at 39. ß. to avance 6. d. viz. Covvries 550. bags tare 4. L. per bagat 4. L. 10. ß. per C. to advance 1. ß. Red Woodo. 1 Sanders 55. Funs ror therea bouts at 32. ß. per e. to adv. 6. d. Sapan Wood 20. Tons or thereabouts. at 25. ß. per C. to adv. 6. d. Musk ingrain 2. pots. at 18. ß. per ounce to advance 2. d. Diamonds 34. stones. Weigt III. Ruttees at 280. L. to advance 20. ß. note That cach Ruttees is computed to vveigh about 31/2. Carratt grains. Millaes 11868. pieces at 151/2. 161/2. 17. 171/2. ß. Ginghans Coloured 12218. pes at 101/2. 111/2. ß. Sannoes 17481. pes at 10. 101/2. 11. 111/2. 12. ß Cossaes 694. pes at 27. 30. 34. 37. 40. 41. ß. Doreas 200. pes at 38. 40. ß. Humhums 1217. pieces at 24. 28. 34. ß. Lungees flovvred 500. pieces 12. 121/2. 13. ß. Chack-
China Bocols and Tea Cups. 7. Cheſts ant 10. Tubs. the Bocols at 12. d. ant the Cups at 1. d. per piece to advance ⅛. d. to bereceived as they riſe with all’ faults except lea Kineſt. Benjamin 4. bales. tare 14. L. per bale without Gumries at9. L. per c. to advan- ce 1. ß. Cotton yarn ii bales tare 48. L. per bale at 22. d. per l. viz. Rhubarb. 1. Cheſt. at 3. ß. per L. to advance i. d. Turmerick a Small parcel at 15. ß. per C. to advance 2. d. Salpeter vvhite and brovvn 2251. bages. intime, tare for the double Gunnies 16. L. for the Single 9. L. and for the Canvas bays 4. L. the vvhite at 44. ß. and the brovvn. at 39. ß. to avance 6. d. viz. Covvries 550. bags tare 4. L. per bagat 4. L. 10. ß. per C. to advance 1. ß. Red Woodo. 1 Sanders 55. Funs ror therea bouts at 32. ß. per e. to adv. 6. d. Sapan Wood 20. Tons or thereabouts. at 25. ß. per C. to adv. 6. d. Musk ingrain 2. pots. at 18. ß. per ounce to advance 2. d. Diamonds 34. ſtones. Weigt III. Ruttees at 280. L. to advance 20. ß. note That cach Ruttees is computed to vveigh about 3½. Carratt grains. Millaes 11868. pieces at 15½. 16½. 17. 17½. ß. Ginghans Coloured 12218. pes at 10½. 11½. ß. Sannoes 17481. pes at 10. 10½. 11. 11½. 12. ß Coſſaes 694. pes at 27. 30. 34. 37. 40. 41. ß. Doreas 200. pes at 38. 40. ß. Humhums 1217. pieces at 24. 28. 34. ß. Lungees flovvred 500. pieces 12. 12½. 13. ß. Chack-
<TEI> <text> <body> <div n="1"> <pb facs="#f0122" n="110"/> <list> <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">China Bocols and Tea Cups. 7. Cheſts ant 10. Tubs.</hi> </hi> </item><lb/> <item> <hi rendition="#aq">the Bocols at 12. d. ant the Cups at 1. d. per piece to advance ⅛. d. to<lb/> bereceived as they riſe with all’ faults except lea Kineſt.</hi> </item><lb/> <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Benjamin 4. bales.</hi> </hi> </item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">tare 14. L. per bale without Gumries at9. L. per c. to advan-<lb/> ce</hi> 1. ß.</item><lb/> <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Cotton yarn ii bales</hi> </hi> </item><lb/> <item> <hi rendition="#aq">tare 48. L. per bale at 22. d. per l. viz.</hi> </item><lb/> <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Rhubarb. 1. Cheſt.</hi> </hi> </item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">at</hi> 3. ß. <hi rendition="#aq">per L. to advance i. d.</hi></item><lb/> <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Turmerick a Small parcel</hi> </hi> </item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">at</hi> 15. ß. <hi rendition="#aq">per C. to advance 2. d.</hi></item><lb/> <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Salpeter vvhite and brovvn 2251. bages.</hi> </hi> </item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">intime, tare for the double Gunnies 16. L. for the Single 9. L. and<lb/> for the Canvas bays 4. L. the vvhite at</hi> 44. ß. <hi rendition="#aq">and the brovvn. at</hi> 39. ß.<lb/><hi rendition="#aq">to avance 6. d. viz.</hi></item><lb/> <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Covvries 550. bags</hi> </hi> </item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">tare 4. L. per bagat 4. L.</hi> 10. ß. <hi rendition="#aq">per C. to advance</hi> 1. ß.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Red Woodo. 1 Sanders 55. Funs ror therea bouts at</hi> 32. ß. <hi rendition="#aq">per e. to<lb/> adv. 6. d.</hi></item><lb/> <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Sapan Wood 20. Tons or thereabouts.</hi> </hi> </item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">at</hi> 25. ß. <hi rendition="#aq">per C. to adv. 6. d.</hi></item><lb/> <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Musk ingrain 2. pots.</hi> </hi> </item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">a</hi>t 18. ß. <hi rendition="#aq">per ounce to advance 2. d.</hi></item><lb/> <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Diamonds 34. ſtones.</hi> </hi> </item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Weigt III. Ruttees at 280. L. to advance</hi> 20. ß. <hi rendition="#aq">note That cach<lb/> Ruttees is computed to vveigh about 3½. Carratt grains.</hi></item><lb/> <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Millaes 11868. pieces</hi> </hi> </item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">at</hi> 15½. 16½. 17. 17½. ß.</item><lb/> <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Ginghans Coloured 12218. pes</hi> </hi> </item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">at</hi> 10½. 11½. ß.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Sannoes 17481. pes at</hi> 10. 10½. 11. 11½. 12. ß</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Coſſaes 694. pes at</hi> 27. 30. 34. 37. 40. 41. ß.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Doreas 200. pes at</hi> 38. 40. ß.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Humhums 1217. pieces at</hi> 24. 28. 34. ß.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Lungees flovvred 500. pieces</hi> 12. 12½. 13. ß.</item> </list><lb/> <fw place="bottom" type="catch"> <hi rendition="#aq">Chack-</hi> </fw><lb/> </div> </body> </text> </TEI> [110/0122]
China Bocols and Tea Cups. 7. Cheſts ant 10. Tubs.
the Bocols at 12. d. ant the Cups at 1. d. per piece to advance ⅛. d. to
bereceived as they riſe with all’ faults except lea Kineſt.
Benjamin 4. bales.
tare 14. L. per bale without Gumries at9. L. per c. to advan-
ce 1. ß.
Cotton yarn ii bales
tare 48. L. per bale at 22. d. per l. viz.
Rhubarb. 1. Cheſt.
at 3. ß. per L. to advance i. d.
Turmerick a Small parcel
at 15. ß. per C. to advance 2. d.
Salpeter vvhite and brovvn 2251. bages.
intime, tare for the double Gunnies 16. L. for the Single 9. L. and
for the Canvas bays 4. L. the vvhite at 44. ß. and the brovvn. at 39. ß.
to avance 6. d. viz.
Covvries 550. bags
tare 4. L. per bagat 4. L. 10. ß. per C. to advance 1. ß.
Red Woodo. 1 Sanders 55. Funs ror therea bouts at 32. ß. per e. to
adv. 6. d.
Sapan Wood 20. Tons or thereabouts.
at 25. ß. per C. to adv. 6. d.
Musk ingrain 2. pots.
at 18. ß. per ounce to advance 2. d.
Diamonds 34. ſtones.
Weigt III. Ruttees at 280. L. to advance 20. ß. note That cach
Ruttees is computed to vveigh about 3½. Carratt grains.
Millaes 11868. pieces
at 15½. 16½. 17. 17½. ß.
Ginghans Coloured 12218. pes
at 10½. 11½. ß.
Sannoes 17481. pes at 10. 10½. 11. 11½. 12. ß
Coſſaes 694. pes at 27. 30. 34. 37. 40. 41. ß.
Doreas 200. pes at 38. 40. ß.
Humhums 1217. pieces at 24. 28. 34. ß.
Lungees flovvred 500. pieces 12. 12½. 13. ß.
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URL zu diesem Werk: | https://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/sperander_negotiant_1706 |
URL zu dieser Seite: | https://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/sperander_negotiant_1706/122 |
Zitationshilfe: | Sperander [i. e. Gladov, Friedrich]: Sorgfältiger Negotiant und Wechßler. Leipzig, 1706, S. 110. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <https://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/sperander_negotiant_1706/122>, abgerufen am 16.02.2025. |