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Sperander [i. e. Gladov, Friedrich]: Sorgfältiger Negotiant und Wechßler. Leipzig, 1706.

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Spikenards. Chests
tare 64. L. per chest, at 6. L. per C. to advance 1ß.
Indico lahore 30. barrels (garbled)
more or Less, tare as on the cask at 4ß. per L. 40. adv. i. d.
Dito Dust lahore (Whatever it be)
at 2. ß. per L. to adv. 1/4 d.
Indigo figgor Choromandel 16. barrels garbled
more or Less tare as on the cask at 12. d. per L. to adv. 1/4. d.
Dito Dust Chormandel (vvhatever it be.)
at 6. d. per L. to. adv. 1/2.
Cardamons 83. bales
tare 20. L. per bale at 2. ß. per L. to. adv. 1. d.
Aloes Socatrina 22. Chests.
in 5. Lots tare for one chest 50. L. and for the rest 75. L. per chest
and 10. L. per. C. for bladders at 9. L.
10. ß.
per C. to. adv. 1. ß.
Aloes hepatica 10. Chests.
tare for one chest 60. L. for the rest 75. per chest at 3. L. per C. to
1. ß.
Sticklack 184. bales.
more or Less tare 10. L. per bale at 3. l. per C. to adv. 1. ß.
Coffe 479. bales
tare 12. L. per bale, at 8. L. per. C. to adv. 1. ß.
Cassia Lignum 147. bales
tare 20. L. per Small bale, and 28. L. per. Large bale at 3. L. per C.
1. ß.
Turmerick. 329. bages
205. bages tare 4. L. bage at 30. ß. per. C. to advance. 6. d.
124. bages tare 6. L. per bag ad 36. ß. per C. to adv. 1. ß.
Olibanum 100. Chests.
tare 91. L. per Chest at 50. ß. per C. to advance 6. d.
Cotton Wool. 50. bales.
tare 32. L. pet bale at 3. d. 3/4. per L. to adv. 1/8 . d.
Spikenards. Cheſts
tare 64. L. per cheſt, at 6. L. per C. to advance 1ß.
Indico lahore 30. barrels (garbled)
more or Leſſ, tare as on the cask at 4ß. per L. 40. adv. i. d.
Dito Duſt lahore (Whatever it be)
at 2. ß. per L. to adv. ¼ d.
Indigo figgor Choromandel 16. barrels garbled
more or Leſs tare as on the cask at 12. d. per L. to adv. ¼. d.
Dito Duſt Chormandel (vvhatever it be.)
at 6. d. per L. to. adv. ½.
Cardamons 83. bales
tare 20. L. per bale at 2. ß. per L. to. adv. 1. d.
Aloes Socatrina 22. Cheſts.
in 5. Lots tare for one cheſt 50. L. and for the reſt 75. L. per cheſt
and 10. L. per. C. for bladders at 9. L.
10. ß.
per C. to. adv. 1. ß.
Aloes hepatica 10. Cheſts.
tare for one cheſt 60. L. for the reſt 75. per cheſt at 3. L. per C. to
1. ß.
Sticklack 184. bales.
more or Leſs tare 10. L. per bale at 3. l. per C. to adv. 1. ß.
Coffe 479. bales
tare 12. L. per bale, at 8. L. per. C. to adv. 1. ß.
Caſſia Lignum 147. bales
tare 20. L. per Small bale, and 28. L. per. Large bale at 3. L. per C.
1. ß.
Turmerick. 329. bages
205. bages tare 4. L. bage at 30. ß. per. C. to advance. 6. d.
124. bages tare 6. L. per bag ad 36. ß. per C. to adv. 1. ß.
Olibanum 100. Cheſts.
tare 91. L. per Cheſt at 50. ß. per C. to advance 6. d.
Cotton Wool. 50. bales.
tare 32. L. pet bale at 3. d. ¾. per L. to adv. ⅛. d.
      <div n="1">
        <pb facs="#f0121" n="109"/>
          <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Spikenards. Che&#x017F;ts</hi> </hi> </item><lb/>
          <item><hi rendition="#aq">tare 64. L. per che&#x017F;t, at 6. L. per C. to advance</hi> 1ß.</item><lb/>
          <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Indico lahore 30. barrels (garbled)</hi> </hi> </item><lb/>
          <item><hi rendition="#aq">more or Le&#x017F;&#x017F;, tare as on the cask at</hi> 4ß. <hi rendition="#aq">per L. 40. adv. i. d.</hi></item><lb/>
          <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Dito Du&#x017F;t lahore (Whatever it be)</hi> </hi> </item><lb/>
          <item><hi rendition="#aq">at</hi> 2. ß. <hi rendition="#aq">per L. to adv. ¼ d.</hi></item><lb/>
          <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Indigo figgor Choromandel 16. barrels garbled</hi> </hi> </item><lb/>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">more or Le&#x017F;s tare as on the cask at 12. d. per L. to adv. ¼. d.</hi> </item><lb/>
          <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Dito Du&#x017F;t Chormandel (vvhatever it be.)</hi> </hi> </item><lb/>
          <item><hi rendition="#aq">at 6. d. per L. to. adv.</hi> ½.</item><lb/>
          <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Cardamons 83. bales</hi> </hi> </item><lb/>
          <item><hi rendition="#aq">tare 20. L. per bale at</hi> 2. ß. <hi rendition="#aq">per L. to. adv. 1. d.</hi></item><lb/>
          <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Aloes Socatrina 22. Che&#x017F;ts.</hi> </hi> </item><lb/>
          <item><hi rendition="#aq">in 5. Lots tare for one che&#x017F;t 50. L. and for the re&#x017F;t 75. L. per che&#x017F;t<lb/>
and 10. L. per. C. for bladders at 9. L.</hi> 10. ß.</item><lb/>
          <item><hi rendition="#aq">per C. to. adv.</hi> 1. ß.</item><lb/>
          <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Aloes hepatica 10. Che&#x017F;ts.</hi> </hi> </item><lb/>
          <item><hi rendition="#aq">tare for one che&#x017F;t 60. L. for the re&#x017F;t 75. per che&#x017F;t at 3. L. per C. to<lb/>
adv.</hi> 1. ß.</item><lb/>
          <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Sticklack 184. bales.</hi> </hi> </item><lb/>
          <item><hi rendition="#aq">more or Le&#x017F;s tare 10. L. per bale at 3. l. per C. to adv.</hi> 1. ß.</item><lb/>
          <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Coffe 479. bales</hi> </hi> </item><lb/>
          <item><hi rendition="#aq">tare 12. L. per bale, at 8. L. per. C. to adv.</hi> 1. ß.</item><lb/>
          <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Ca&#x017F;&#x017F;ia Lignum 147. bales</hi> </hi> </item><lb/>
          <item><hi rendition="#aq">tare 20. L. per Small bale, and 28. L. per. Large bale at 3. L. per C.<lb/>
adv.</hi> 1. ß.</item><lb/>
          <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Turmerick. 329. bages</hi> </hi> </item><lb/>
          <item>205. <hi rendition="#aq">bages tare 4. L. bage at</hi> 30. ß. <hi rendition="#aq">per. C. to advance. 6. d.</hi></item><lb/>
          <item>124. <hi rendition="#aq">bages tare 6. L. per bag ad</hi> 36. ß. <hi rendition="#aq">per C. to adv.</hi> 1. ß.</item><lb/>
          <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Olibanum 100. Che&#x017F;ts.</hi> </hi> </item><lb/>
          <item><hi rendition="#aq">tare 91. L. per Che&#x017F;t at</hi> 50. ß. <hi rendition="#aq">per C. to advance 6. d.</hi></item><lb/>
          <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Cotton Wool. 50. bales.</hi> </hi> </item><lb/>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">tare 32. L. pet bale at 3. d. ¾. per L. to adv. &#x215B;. d.</hi> </item>
        <fw place="bottom" type="catch"> <hi rendition="#aq">China</hi> </fw><lb/>
[109/0121] Spikenards. Cheſts tare 64. L. per cheſt, at 6. L. per C. to advance 1ß. Indico lahore 30. barrels (garbled) more or Leſſ, tare as on the cask at 4ß. per L. 40. adv. i. d. Dito Duſt lahore (Whatever it be) at 2. ß. per L. to adv. ¼ d. Indigo figgor Choromandel 16. barrels garbled more or Leſs tare as on the cask at 12. d. per L. to adv. ¼. d. Dito Duſt Chormandel (vvhatever it be.) at 6. d. per L. to. adv. ½. Cardamons 83. bales tare 20. L. per bale at 2. ß. per L. to. adv. 1. d. Aloes Socatrina 22. Cheſts. in 5. Lots tare for one cheſt 50. L. and for the reſt 75. L. per cheſt and 10. L. per. C. for bladders at 9. L. 10. ß. per C. to. adv. 1. ß. Aloes hepatica 10. Cheſts. tare for one cheſt 60. L. for the reſt 75. per cheſt at 3. L. per C. to adv. 1. ß. Sticklack 184. bales. more or Leſs tare 10. L. per bale at 3. l. per C. to adv. 1. ß. Coffe 479. bales tare 12. L. per bale, at 8. L. per. C. to adv. 1. ß. Caſſia Lignum 147. bales tare 20. L. per Small bale, and 28. L. per. Large bale at 3. L. per C. adv. 1. ß. Turmerick. 329. bages 205. bages tare 4. L. bage at 30. ß. per. C. to advance. 6. d. 124. bages tare 6. L. per bag ad 36. ß. per C. to adv. 1. ß. Olibanum 100. Cheſts. tare 91. L. per Cheſt at 50. ß. per C. to advance 6. d. Cotton Wool. 50. bales. tare 32. L. pet bale at 3. d. ¾. per L. to adv. ⅛. d. China

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Zitationshilfe: Sperander [i. e. Gladov, Friedrich]: Sorgfältiger Negotiant und Wechßler. Leipzig, 1706, S. 109. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 16.02.2025.