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Ernst, George: Das Training des Trabers. Wien, 1883.

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Record Früherer
1882. Record
Barrett v. Chester Chief   2:25 --
Belle Echo v. Echo   2:231/2 2:231/4
Belle Oakley v. Steven's Garibaldi   2:25 2:241/4
Belle Wilson v. Blue Bull   2:231/2 --
Betsy Ann v. Hoagland Horse   2:28 2:32
Big Ike v. Yankee Bonner   2:291/4 2:333/4
Big John v. Pilot Duroc   2:291/4 2:241/4
Big Soap v. Honesty   2:253/4 2:241/2
Billy Badeye   2:291/2 --
Billy Button v. Hambletonian Prince   2:29 --
Billy D v. Daniel Lambert   2:28 2:26
Black Cloud v. Ashland Chief   2:171/4 2:211/2
Black Johnny   2:30 2:34
Bliss v. Bayard   2:211/2 2:30
Blue Goose v. Jim Bister   2:30 2:33
Bob Akers v. Honest Allen   2:281/2 --
Braudy Boy v. Admiral Patchen   2:201/4 2:31
Brigadier v. Happy Medium   2:221/4 2:221/2
Bronze v. Morgan Messenger   2:251/2 --
Brown Dick v. Anthony Wayne   2:291/4 --
Brown Wilkes v. George Wilkes   2:30 2:401/2
Buzz Medium v. Happy Medium   2:201/4 2:23
Cairo v. Chieftain   2:26 2:25
Camors v. Dirigo   2:251/4 2:253/4
Captain Emmons v. Continental   2:22 2:20
Captain Herod v. Son of King Herod   2:291/2 2:261/4
Captain Lewis v. Spink   2:201/4 --
Carrie B v. Elial G.   2:281/4 2:39
Carrie Medium v. Happy Medium Jr.   2:271/4 --
Catch Fly v. Administrator   2:271/4 2:30
Charley B. (Lark) v. King's Champion Jr.   2:291/2 2:25
Charley Hood v. Pearsall   2:291/2 2:341/2
Record Früherer
1882. Record
Barrett v. Chester Chief   2:25 —
Belle Echo v. Echo   2:23½ 2:23¼
Belle Oakley v. Steven’s Garibaldi   2:25 2:24¼
Belle Wilson v. Blue Bull   2:23½ —
Betsy Ann v. Hoagland Horse   2:28 2:32
Big Ike v. Yankee Bonner   2:29¼ 2:33¾
Big John v. Pilot Duroc   2:29¼ 2:24¼
Big Soap v. Honesty   2:25¾ 2:24½
Billy Badeye   2:29½ —
Billy Button v. Hambletonian Prince   2:29 —
Billy D v. Daniel Lambert   2:28 2:26
Black Cloud v. Ashland Chief   2:17¼ 2:21½
Black Johnny   2:30 2:34
Bliss v. Bayard   2:21½ 2:30
Blue Goose v. Jim Bister   2:30 2:33
Bob Akers v. Honest Allen   2:28½ —
Braudy Boy v. Admiral Patchen   2:20¼ 2:31
Brigadier v. Happy Medium   2:22¼ 2:22½
Bronze v. Morgan Messenger   2:25½ —
Brown Dick v. Anthony Wayne   2:29¼ —
Brown Wilkes v. George Wilkes   2:30 2:40½
Buzz Medium v. Happy Medium   2:20¼ 2:23
Cairo v. Chieftain   2:26 2:25
Camors v. Dirigo   2:25¼ 2:25¾
Captain Emmons v. Continental   2:22 2:20
Captain Herod v. Son of King Herod   2:29½ 2:26¼
Captain Lewis v. Spink   2:20¼ —
Carrie B v. Elial G.   2:28¼ 2:39
Carrie Medium v. Happy Medium Jr.   2:27¼ —
Catch Fly v. Administrator   2:27¼ 2:30
Charley B. (Lark) v. King’s Champion Jr.   2:29½ 2:25
Charley Hood v. Pearsall   2:29½ 2:34½
      <div n="1">
        <pb facs="#f0224" n="208"/>
          <item> <hi rendition="#et">Record Früherer</hi> </item><lb/>
          <item> <hi rendition="#et">1882. Record</hi> </item><lb/>
          <item>Barrett v. Chester Chief<space dim="horizontal"/>2:25 &#x2014;</item><lb/>
          <item>Belle Echo v. Echo<space dim="horizontal"/>2:23½ 2:23¼</item><lb/>
          <item>Belle Oakley v. Steven&#x2019;s Garibaldi<space dim="horizontal"/>2:25 2:24¼</item><lb/>
          <item>Belle Wilson v. Blue Bull<space dim="horizontal"/>2:23½ &#x2014;</item><lb/>
          <item>Betsy Ann v. Hoagland Horse<space dim="horizontal"/>2:28 2:32</item><lb/>
          <item>Big Ike v. Yankee Bonner<space dim="horizontal"/>2:29¼ 2:33¾</item><lb/>
          <item>Big John v. Pilot Duroc<space dim="horizontal"/>2:29¼ 2:24¼</item><lb/>
          <item>Big Soap v. Honesty<space dim="horizontal"/>2:25¾ 2:24½</item><lb/>
          <item>Billy Badeye<space dim="horizontal"/>2:29½ &#x2014;</item><lb/>
          <item>Billy Button v. Hambletonian Prince<space dim="horizontal"/>2:29 &#x2014;</item><lb/>
          <item>Billy D v. Daniel Lambert<space dim="horizontal"/>2:28 2:26</item><lb/>
          <item>Black Cloud v. Ashland Chief<space dim="horizontal"/>2:17¼ 2:21½</item><lb/>
          <item>Black Johnny<space dim="horizontal"/>2:30 2:34</item><lb/>
          <item>Bliss v. Bayard<space dim="horizontal"/>2:21½ 2:30</item><lb/>
          <item>Blue Goose v. Jim Bister<space dim="horizontal"/>2:30 2:33</item><lb/>
          <item>Bob Akers v. Honest Allen<space dim="horizontal"/>2:28½ &#x2014;</item><lb/>
          <item>Braudy Boy v. Admiral Patchen<space dim="horizontal"/>2:20¼ 2:31</item><lb/>
          <item>Brigadier v. Happy Medium<space dim="horizontal"/>2:22¼ 2:22½</item><lb/>
          <item>Bronze v. Morgan Messenger<space dim="horizontal"/>2:25½ &#x2014;</item><lb/>
          <item>Brown Dick v. Anthony Wayne<space dim="horizontal"/>2:29¼ &#x2014;</item><lb/>
          <item>Brown Wilkes v. George Wilkes<space dim="horizontal"/>2:30 2:40½</item><lb/>
          <item>Buzz Medium v. Happy Medium<space dim="horizontal"/>2:20¼ 2:23</item><lb/>
          <item>Cairo v. Chieftain<space dim="horizontal"/>2:26 2:25</item><lb/>
          <item>Camors v. Dirigo<space dim="horizontal"/>2:25¼ 2:25¾</item><lb/>
          <item>Captain Emmons v. Continental<space dim="horizontal"/>2:22 2:20</item><lb/>
          <item>Captain Herod v. Son of King Herod<space dim="horizontal"/>2:29½ 2:26¼</item><lb/>
          <item>Captain Lewis v. Spink<space dim="horizontal"/>2:20¼ &#x2014;</item><lb/>
          <item>Carrie B v. Elial G.<space dim="horizontal"/>2:28¼ 2:39</item><lb/>
          <item>Carrie Medium v. Happy Medium Jr.<space dim="horizontal"/>2:27¼ &#x2014;</item><lb/>
          <item>Catch Fly v. Administrator<space dim="horizontal"/>2:27¼ 2:30</item><lb/>
          <item>Charley B. (Lark) v. King&#x2019;s Champion Jr.<space dim="horizontal"/>2:29½ 2:25</item><lb/>
          <item>Charley Hood v. Pearsall<space dim="horizontal"/>2:29½ 2:34½</item>
[208/0224] Record Früherer 1882. Record Barrett v. Chester Chief 2:25 — Belle Echo v. Echo 2:23½ 2:23¼ Belle Oakley v. Steven’s Garibaldi 2:25 2:24¼ Belle Wilson v. Blue Bull 2:23½ — Betsy Ann v. Hoagland Horse 2:28 2:32 Big Ike v. Yankee Bonner 2:29¼ 2:33¾ Big John v. Pilot Duroc 2:29¼ 2:24¼ Big Soap v. Honesty 2:25¾ 2:24½ Billy Badeye 2:29½ — Billy Button v. Hambletonian Prince 2:29 — Billy D v. Daniel Lambert 2:28 2:26 Black Cloud v. Ashland Chief 2:17¼ 2:21½ Black Johnny 2:30 2:34 Bliss v. Bayard 2:21½ 2:30 Blue Goose v. Jim Bister 2:30 2:33 Bob Akers v. Honest Allen 2:28½ — Braudy Boy v. Admiral Patchen 2:20¼ 2:31 Brigadier v. Happy Medium 2:22¼ 2:22½ Bronze v. Morgan Messenger 2:25½ — Brown Dick v. Anthony Wayne 2:29¼ — Brown Wilkes v. George Wilkes 2:30 2:40½ Buzz Medium v. Happy Medium 2:20¼ 2:23 Cairo v. Chieftain 2:26 2:25 Camors v. Dirigo 2:25¼ 2:25¾ Captain Emmons v. Continental 2:22 2:20 Captain Herod v. Son of King Herod 2:29½ 2:26¼ Captain Lewis v. Spink 2:20¼ — Carrie B v. Elial G. 2:28¼ 2:39 Carrie Medium v. Happy Medium Jr. 2:27¼ — Catch Fly v. Administrator 2:27¼ 2:30 Charley B. (Lark) v. King’s Champion Jr. 2:29½ 2:25 Charley Hood v. Pearsall 2:29½ 2:34½

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Zitationshilfe: Ernst, George: Das Training des Trabers. Wien, 1883, S. 208. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 29.07.2024.