Musäus, Johann Karl August: Physiognomische Reisen. Bd. 4. Altenburg, 1779.Essai sur les N. N. on sur les Inconnus avec Fig. 8. 1778. Englische Bücher. Milton's Paradise Lost, a Poem in 12 Books, 8. Altenb. 1776. 1 Rthlr. 8 Gr. A Collection of new Plays by several hands. 4 Vol. Altenb. 1775. 1776. 4 Rthlr. The Beauties of Magazines and other pe- riodical Works, selected for a series of years, 2 Vol. gr. 8. 1775. 2 Rthlr. A Sentimental journey through France and Italy, by Mr. Yorick, 2 Vol with Cuts, 8. 1776. Altenb. 1 Rthlr. 6 Gr. The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy Gentleman, 6 Vol. Compl gr. 8. Altenb. 1772. 3 Rthlr. 12 Gr. Sermons by Laurence Sterne, 7 Vol. com- plet. 8. 1777. 2 Rthlr. Yorick Letters to Eliza, Eliza Letters to Yorick, Sterne Letters to his friends, gr. 8. 1776. Altenb. 16 Gr. Miscellaneous pieces in Prose, by J. and A. Aikin 8. 1775. 12 Gr. Letters of the late Rev Mr. Laurence Ster- ne, to his most intimate Friends, with a Fragment in the Manner of Rabelais, to which are prefix'd Memoirs of his Li- fe and Family written by himself, and published by his Daughter Mrs. Medalle 3 Vol. 8. 1776. 1 Rthlr. Fablc,
Eſſai ſur les N. N. on ſur les Inconnus avec Fig. 8. 1778. Engliſche Buͤcher. Milton’s Paradiſe Loſt, a Poem in 12 Books, 8. Altenb. 1776. 1 Rthlr. 8 Gr. A Collection of new Plays by ſeveral hands. 4 Vol. Altenb. 1775. 1776. 4 Rthlr. The Beauties of Magazines and other pe- riodical Works, ſelected for a ſeries of years, 2 Vol. gr. 8. 1775. 2 Rthlr. A Sentimental journey through France and Italy, by Mr. Yorick, 2 Vol with Cuts, 8. 1776. Altenb. 1 Rthlr. 6 Gr. The life and opinions of Triſtram Shandy Gentleman, 6 Vol. Compl gr. 8. Altenb. 1772. 3 Rthlr. 12 Gr. Sermons by Laurence Sterne, 7 Vol. com- plet. 8. 1777. 2 Rthlr. Yorick Letters to Eliza, Eliza Letters to Yorick, Sterne Letters to his friends, gr. 8. 1776. Altenb. 16 Gr. Miſcellaneous pieces in Proſe, by J. and A. Aikin 8. 1775. 12 Gr. Letters of the late Rev Mr. Laurence Ster- ne, to his moſt intimate Friends, with a Fragment in the Manner of Rabelais, to which are prefix’d Memoirs of his Li- fe and Family written by himſelf, and publiſhed by his Daughter Mrs. Medalle 3 Vol. 8. 1776. 1 Rthlr. Fablc,
<TEI> <text> <back> <div n="1"> <div n="2"> <pb facs="#f0327"/> <fw place="top" type="header"> <milestone rendition="#hr" unit="section"/><lb/> </fw> <list> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Eſſai ſur les N. N. on ſur les Inconnus<lb/> avec Fig.</hi> 8. 1778.</item> </list> </div><lb/> <div n="2"> <head> <hi rendition="#fr">Engliſche Buͤcher.</hi> </head><lb/> <list> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Milton’s Paradiſe Loſt, a Poem in 12 Books,<lb/> 8. Altenb.</hi> 1776.<space dim="horizontal"/>1 Rthlr. 8 Gr.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">A Collection of new Plays by ſeveral hands.<lb/> 4 Vol. Altenb.</hi> 1775. 1776.<space dim="horizontal"/>4 Rthlr.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">The Beauties of Magazines and other pe-<lb/> riodical Works, ſelected for a ſeries of<lb/> years, 2 Vol. gr.</hi> 8. 1775.<space dim="horizontal"/>2 Rthlr.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">A Sentimental journey through France and<lb/> Italy, by Mr. Yorick, 2 Vol with Cuts,<lb/> 8. 1776. Altenb.</hi><space dim="horizontal"/>1 Rthlr. 6 Gr.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">The life and opinions of Triſtram Shandy<lb/> Gentleman, 6 Vol. Compl gr. 8. Altenb.</hi><lb/> 1772.<space dim="horizontal"/>3 Rthlr. 12 Gr.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Sermons by Laurence Sterne, 7 Vol. com-<lb/> plet.</hi> 8. 1777.<space dim="horizontal"/>2 Rthlr.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Yorick Letters to Eliza, Eliza Letters to<lb/> Yorick, Sterne Letters to his friends,<lb/> gr. 8. 1776. Altenb.</hi><space dim="horizontal"/>16 Gr.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Miſcellaneous pieces in Proſe, by J. and A.<lb/> Aikin</hi> 8. 1775.<space dim="horizontal"/>12 Gr.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Letters of the late Rev Mr. Laurence Ster-<lb/> ne, to his moſt intimate Friends, with<lb/> a Fragment in the Manner of Rabelais,<lb/> to which are prefix’d Memoirs of his Li-<lb/> fe and Family written by himſelf, and<lb/> publiſhed by his Daughter Mrs. Medalle<lb/> 3 Vol.</hi> 8. 1776.<space dim="horizontal"/>1 Rthlr.</item> </list><lb/> <fw place="bottom" type="catch"> <hi rendition="#aq">Fablc,</hi> </fw><lb/> </div> </div> </back> </text> </TEI> [0327]
Eſſai ſur les N. N. on ſur les Inconnus
avec Fig. 8. 1778.
Engliſche Buͤcher.
Milton’s Paradiſe Loſt, a Poem in 12 Books,
8. Altenb. 1776. 1 Rthlr. 8 Gr.
A Collection of new Plays by ſeveral hands.
4 Vol. Altenb. 1775. 1776. 4 Rthlr.
The Beauties of Magazines and other pe-
riodical Works, ſelected for a ſeries of
years, 2 Vol. gr. 8. 1775. 2 Rthlr.
A Sentimental journey through France and
Italy, by Mr. Yorick, 2 Vol with Cuts,
8. 1776. Altenb. 1 Rthlr. 6 Gr.
The life and opinions of Triſtram Shandy
Gentleman, 6 Vol. Compl gr. 8. Altenb.
1772. 3 Rthlr. 12 Gr.
Sermons by Laurence Sterne, 7 Vol. com-
plet. 8. 1777. 2 Rthlr.
Yorick Letters to Eliza, Eliza Letters to
Yorick, Sterne Letters to his friends,
gr. 8. 1776. Altenb. 16 Gr.
Miſcellaneous pieces in Proſe, by J. and A.
Aikin 8. 1775. 12 Gr.
Letters of the late Rev Mr. Laurence Ster-
ne, to his moſt intimate Friends, with
a Fragment in the Manner of Rabelais,
to which are prefix’d Memoirs of his Li-
fe and Family written by himſelf, and
publiſhed by his Daughter Mrs. Medalle
3 Vol. 8. 1776. 1 Rthlr.
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