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Löbell, Heinrich von: Brief an Edgar Vincent D'Abernon. Berlin, 1. März 1880.

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the aspects of the intended translation and
I think it the best, if you write your meaning
directly to Prof. Sanders.

My letter of February 15, which I have
adressed to Cannes (Villa Flora) is, I hope,
come in your hands and has brought to
you mythe sincerest thanks of mine for your
short report on the Turkish Army, at
present in print.

Believe me Sir, I am and remain
Yours most truly
von Löbell[.]

the aspects of the intended translation and
I think it the best, if you write your meaning
directly to Prof. Sanders.

My letter of February 15, which I have
adressed to Cannes (Villa Flora) is, I hope,
come in your hands and has brought to
you mythe sincerest thanks of mine for your
short report on the Turkish Army, at
present in print.

Believe me Sir, I am and remain
Yours most truly
von Löbell[.]
      <div type="letter" n="1">
          <foreign xml:lang="eng"><pb facs="#f0002" n="[1v]"/>
the aspects of the intended translation and<lb/>
I think it the best, if you write your meaning<lb/>
directly to Prof. <persName ref="">Sanders</persName>.</foreign>
          <foreign xml:lang="eng">My letter of February 15, which I have<lb/>
adressed to <placeName ref="">Cannes</placeName> (Villa Flora) is, I hope,<lb/>
come in your hands and has brought to<lb/>
you <subst><del rendition="#ow">my</del><add place="across">the</add></subst> sincerest thanks of mine for your<lb/>
short report on the Turkish Army, <del rendition="#s"><unclear reason="illegible" resp="#LM"/></del>at<lb/>
present in print.</foreign>
          <foreign xml:lang="eng">Believe me Sir, I am and remain<lb/>
            <foreign xml:lang="eng">Yours most truly</foreign><lb/>
            <persName ref=""><choice><abbr>v<supplied>.</supplied></abbr><expan>von</expan></choice> Löbell</persName>
[[1v]/0002] the aspects of the intended translation and I think it the best, if you write your meaning directly to Prof. Sanders. My letter of February 15, which I have adressed to Cannes (Villa Flora) is, I hope, come in your hands and has brought to you the sincerest thanks of mine for your short report on the Turkish Army, at present in print. Believe me Sir, I am and remain ever Yours most truly v. Löbell.

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Diesem Brief geht ein Schreiben von Daniel Sanders an Heinrich von Löbell voraus. Beide sind gemeinsam auf einem Briefbogen abgefasst.

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Zitationshilfe: Löbell, Heinrich von: Brief an Edgar Vincent D'Abernon. Berlin, 1. März 1880, S. [1v]. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 18.10.2024.