Klostermann, Rudolf: Das geistige Eigenthum an Schriften, Kunstwerken und Erfindungen. Bd. 2. Berlin, 1869.
Die Strafe kann bis auf 2000 Lire oder im Rückfalle bis In den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika be- Dieser betrügliche Gebrauch des fremden Namens oder 1) Sect. 5. That if any person or persons shall paint a print,
or mould, cast or engrave or stamp upon any thing made used or sold by him, for the sole making or selling which he hath not or shall not have obtained letters-patent, the name or any imitation of the name of any other person who hath or shall have obtained letters-patent for the sole making or vending of such thing without consent of such pa- tentee, or his assigns or legal representatives; or if any person upon any such thing not having been purchased by the patentee, or some person who purchased it from or under such patentee, or not having the license or consent of such patentee, or his assigns or legal repre- sentatives, shall write, paint, print, mould, cast, carve, engrave, stamp or otherwise make or affix the word "patent" or the words "letters patent" or the word "patentee" or any wordor words of like kind, meaning on import, with the view or intent of imitating or counter- fecting the stamp mark or other device or like import on any impatented article for the purpose of deceiving the public, he, she or they so offending shall be liable for such offence to a penalty of not less than one hundred dollars with costs to be recovered by action in any of the circuit courts the United States, or in any of the district courts of the United States having the powers of juris- diction of a circuit court; one half of which penalty as recovered shall be paid to the patent fund and the other half to any person or per- sons who shall sue for the same.
Die Strafe kann bis auf 2000 Lire oder im Rückfalle bis In den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika be- Dieser betrügliche Gebrauch des fremden Namens oder 1) Sect. 5. That if any person or persons shall paint a print,
or mould, cast or engrave or stamp upon any thing made used or sold by him, for the sole making or selling which he hath not or shall not have obtained letters-patent, the name or any imitation of the name of any other person who hath or shall have obtained letters-patent for the sole making or vending of such thing without consent of such pa- tentee, or his assigns or legal representatives; or if any person upon any such thing not having been purchased by the patentee, or some person who purchased it from or under such patentee, or not having the license or consent of such patentee, or his assigns or legal repre- sentatives, shall write, paint, print, mould, cast, carve, engrave, stamp or otherwise make or affix the word »patent« or the words »letters patent« or the word »patentee« or any wordor words of like kind, meaning on import, with the view or intent of imitating or counter- fecting the stamp mark or other device or like import on any impatented article for the purpose of deceiving the public, he, she or they so offending shall be liable for such offence to a penalty of not less than one hundred dollars with costs to be recovered by action in any of the circuit courts the United States, or in any of the district courts of the United States having the powers of juris- diction of a circuit court; one half of which penalty as recovered shall be paid to the patent fund and the other half to any person or per- sons who shall sue for the same. <TEI> <text> <body> <div n="1"> <div n="2"> <div n="3"> <p> <hi rendition="#et"><pb facs="#f0441" n="414"/><fw place="top" type="header">XIII. Waarenbezeichnungen. §. 58. Die übrigen Staaten.</fw><lb/> halten einer solchen fälschlich mit fremden Marken oder<lb/> deren Nachahmung bezeichneten Waare.</hi> </p><lb/> <p>Die Strafe kann bis auf 2000 Lire oder im Rückfalle bis<lb/> auf 4000 Lire bemessen werden. Dieselbe Strafe trifft auch<lb/> den Händler, welcher der Vorschrift des Art. 3 zuwider die<lb/> Waarenbezeichnung des Produzenten ohne dessen Einwilligung<lb/> entfernt. Die fälschlich bezeichneten Waaren werden confiscirt<lb/> (Art. 12).</p><lb/> <p>In den <hi rendition="#g">Vereinigten Staaten</hi> von Nordamerika be-<lb/> steht eine allgemeine Strafbestimmung gegen den unbefugten<lb/> Gebrauch fremder Waarenbezeichnungen nicht. Die Acte vom<lb/> 29. August 1842<note place="foot" n="1)">Sect. 5. That if any person or persons shall paint a print,<lb/> or mould, cast or engrave or stamp upon any thing made used or sold<lb/> by him, for the sole making or selling which he hath not or shall not<lb/> have obtained letters-patent, the name or any imitation of the name<lb/> of any other person who hath or shall have obtained letters-patent for<lb/> the sole making or vending of such thing without consent of such pa-<lb/> tentee, or his assigns or legal representatives; or if any person upon<lb/> any such thing not having been purchased by the patentee, or some<lb/> person who purchased it from or under such patentee, or not having<lb/> the license or consent of such patentee, or his assigns or legal repre-<lb/> sentatives, shall write, paint, print, mould, cast, carve, engrave, stamp or<lb/> otherwise make or affix the word »patent« or the words »letters patent«<lb/> or the word »patentee« or any wordor words of like kind, meaning on<lb/> import, <hi rendition="#g">with the view or intent of imitating or counter-<lb/> fecting the stamp mark or other device</hi> or like import on<lb/> any impatented article for the purpose of deceiving the public, he,<lb/> she or they so offending shall be liable for such offence to a penalty<lb/> of not less than one hundred dollars with costs to be recovered by<lb/> action in any of the circuit courts the United States, or in any of<lb/> the district courts of the United States having the powers of juris-<lb/> diction of a circuit court; one half of which penalty as recovered shall<lb/> be paid to the patent fund and the other half to any person or per-<lb/> sons who shall sue for the same.</note> enthält jedoch eine solche Strafandrohung<lb/> gegen den unbefugten Gebrauch der Namen von Patentinha-<lb/> bern oder einer Nachahmung davon zur Bezeichnung unpaten-<lb/> tirter Waaren, in der Absicht, letztere zur Täuschung des Pu-<lb/> blicums für patentirt auszugeben.</p><lb/> <p>Dieser betrügliche Gebrauch des fremden Namens oder<lb/> die unbefugte Anwendung des Wortes »patentirt« oder anderer<lb/></p> </div> </div> </div> </body> </text> </TEI> [414/0441]
XIII. Waarenbezeichnungen. §. 58. Die übrigen Staaten.
halten einer solchen fälschlich mit fremden Marken oder
deren Nachahmung bezeichneten Waare.
Die Strafe kann bis auf 2000 Lire oder im Rückfalle bis
auf 4000 Lire bemessen werden. Dieselbe Strafe trifft auch
den Händler, welcher der Vorschrift des Art. 3 zuwider die
Waarenbezeichnung des Produzenten ohne dessen Einwilligung
entfernt. Die fälschlich bezeichneten Waaren werden confiscirt
(Art. 12).
In den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika be-
steht eine allgemeine Strafbestimmung gegen den unbefugten
Gebrauch fremder Waarenbezeichnungen nicht. Die Acte vom
29. August 1842 1) enthält jedoch eine solche Strafandrohung
gegen den unbefugten Gebrauch der Namen von Patentinha-
bern oder einer Nachahmung davon zur Bezeichnung unpaten-
tirter Waaren, in der Absicht, letztere zur Täuschung des Pu-
blicums für patentirt auszugeben.
Dieser betrügliche Gebrauch des fremden Namens oder
die unbefugte Anwendung des Wortes »patentirt« oder anderer
1) Sect. 5. That if any person or persons shall paint a print,
or mould, cast or engrave or stamp upon any thing made used or sold
by him, for the sole making or selling which he hath not or shall not
have obtained letters-patent, the name or any imitation of the name
of any other person who hath or shall have obtained letters-patent for
the sole making or vending of such thing without consent of such pa-
tentee, or his assigns or legal representatives; or if any person upon
any such thing not having been purchased by the patentee, or some
person who purchased it from or under such patentee, or not having
the license or consent of such patentee, or his assigns or legal repre-
sentatives, shall write, paint, print, mould, cast, carve, engrave, stamp or
otherwise make or affix the word »patent« or the words »letters patent«
or the word »patentee« or any wordor words of like kind, meaning on
import, with the view or intent of imitating or counter-
fecting the stamp mark or other device or like import on
any impatented article for the purpose of deceiving the public, he,
she or they so offending shall be liable for such offence to a penalty
of not less than one hundred dollars with costs to be recovered by
action in any of the circuit courts the United States, or in any of
the district courts of the United States having the powers of juris-
diction of a circuit court; one half of which penalty as recovered shall
be paid to the patent fund and the other half to any person or per-
sons who shall sue for the same.
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