Klostermann, Rudolf: Das geistige Eigenthum an Schriften, Kunstwerken und Erfindungen. Bd. 1. Berlin, 1867.Patentgesetzgebung. -- Muster- und Zeichenschutz. Tilliere, Traite theorique et pratique des brevets d'invention, de perfectionnement et d'importation. Bruxelles 1854. Hands, The law and practice of patents for inventions. London 1808. 148 p. Davies John, A collection of the most important cases respecting patents of invention. London 1816. 552 p. J. W. Smith, An epitome of the law relating to patents for in- ventions. London 1836. Carpmael, The law of patents for inventions familiarly explained for the use of inventors and patentees. London 3 ed. 1842. 114 p. Godson, A practical treatise on the law of patents, 2 edit. Lon- don 1840. 496 p. Appendix 118 p. Suppl. 236 p. Webster, The new patent law. London 1852. Urling, The laws of patents in foreign countries. London 1845. W. Spence, Practical remarks on the present state of the law of patents. London 1853. Information to persons having business to transact at the patent office of the United-States. Washington 1851. Patentgesetzgebung. — Muster- und Zeichenschutz. Tillière, Traité théorique et pratique des brevets d’invention, de perfectionnement et d’importation. Bruxelles 1854. Hands, The law and practice of patents for inventions. London 1808. 148 p. Davies John, A collection of the most important cases respecting patents of invention. London 1816. 552 p. J. W. Smith, An epitome of the law relating to patents for in- ventions. London 1836. Carpmael, The law of patents for inventions familiarly explained for the use of inventors and patentees. London 3 ed. 1842. 114 p. Godson, A practical treatise on the law of patents, 2 edit. Lon- don 1840. 496 p. Appendix 118 p. Suppl. 236 p. Webster, The new patent law. London 1852. Urling, The laws of patents in foreign countries. London 1845. W. Spence, Practical remarks on the present state of the law of patents. London 1853. Information to persons having business to transact at the patent office of the United-States. Washington 1851. <TEI> <text> <body> <div n="1"> <div n="2"> <div n="3"> <div n="4"> <pb facs="#f0127" n="111"/> <fw place="top" type="header">Patentgesetzgebung. — Muster- und Zeichenschutz.</fw><lb/> <list> <item><hi rendition="#g">Tillière,</hi> Traité théorique et pratique des brevets d’invention, de<lb/> perfectionnement et d’importation. Bruxelles 1854.</item> </list><lb/> <milestone rendition="#hr" unit="section"/><lb/> <list> <item><hi rendition="#g">Hands,</hi> The law and practice of patents for inventions. London<lb/> 1808. 148 p.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#g">Davies John,</hi> A collection of the most important cases respecting<lb/> patents of invention. London 1816. 552 p.</item><lb/> <item>J. W. <hi rendition="#g">Smith,</hi> An epitome of the law relating to patents for in-<lb/> ventions. London 1836.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#g">Carpmael,</hi> The law of patents for inventions familiarly explained<lb/> for the use of inventors and patentees. London 3 ed. 1842.<lb/> 114 p.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#g">Godson,</hi> A practical treatise on the law of patents, 2 edit. Lon-<lb/> don 1840. 496 p. Appendix 118 p. Suppl. 236 p.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#g">Webster,</hi> The new patent law. London 1852.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#g">Urling,</hi> The laws of patents in foreign countries. London 1845.</item><lb/> <item>W. <hi rendition="#g">Spence,</hi> Practical remarks on the present state of the law of<lb/> patents. London 1853.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#g">Information</hi> to persons having business to transact at the patent<lb/> office of the United-States. Washington 1851.</item> </list> </div> </div> </div><lb/> <milestone rendition="#hr" unit="section"/><lb/> </div> </body> </text> </TEI> [111/0127]
Patentgesetzgebung. — Muster- und Zeichenschutz.
Tillière, Traité théorique et pratique des brevets d’invention, de
perfectionnement et d’importation. Bruxelles 1854.
Hands, The law and practice of patents for inventions. London
1808. 148 p.
Davies John, A collection of the most important cases respecting
patents of invention. London 1816. 552 p.
J. W. Smith, An epitome of the law relating to patents for in-
ventions. London 1836.
Carpmael, The law of patents for inventions familiarly explained
for the use of inventors and patentees. London 3 ed. 1842.
114 p.
Godson, A practical treatise on the law of patents, 2 edit. Lon-
don 1840. 496 p. Appendix 118 p. Suppl. 236 p.
Webster, The new patent law. London 1852.
Urling, The laws of patents in foreign countries. London 1845.
W. Spence, Practical remarks on the present state of the law of
patents. London 1853.
Information to persons having business to transact at the patent
office of the United-States. Washington 1851.
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Zitationshilfe: | Klostermann, Rudolf: Das geistige Eigenthum an Schriften, Kunstwerken und Erfindungen. Bd. 1. Berlin, 1867, S. 111. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <https://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/klostermann_eigenthum01_1867/127>, abgerufen am 16.02.2025. |