Justi, Carl: Diego Velazquez und sein Jahrhundert. Bd. 2. Bonn, 1888.Namenregister. [Spaltenumbruch]
London, Galerien. Bridgewater House I 203. II 41. Julianillo 122 f. 325. Buckingham Palace. D. Balthasar II 139. Bute, Earl of. Innocenz X II 191. Chiswick House (Duke of Devonshire). Dame II 26. Innoc. X 192. Clarendon, Earl of. Herrera I 61. Ala- meda 130. Snayers 377. Cook, Francis (Richmond). Greco I 77. V. Alte 133. 151. Murillo 423. Marianne II 292. Cowper, Earl. Jagdgruppe I 384. Dorchester House, s. Holford. Dudley Gallery, Dame II 27. Dulwich College. Phil. IV II 92 f. 99 f. Balthasar 109. Kinderkopf 321. Ford, Francis Clare. Isabella II 37. Marianne 292. Frere, Sir Bartle, V. Johannes und Maria I 142 f. Grosvenor House II 84. D. Balthasar 131. 133. Hertford Gallery s. Wallace. Higginson, E., Margarethe II 304. Holford, R. S. Phil. und Olivares I 204. 212. II 84. Huth, Mrs. Henry; Olivares I 213. Isabel II 37. Phil. IV 265. 311. Lansdowne, Marquis of II 84. Olivares 120. Innoc. X 192. Velazquez 326. S. Bowood. Leatham, E. A. I 140. II 83. Listowel, Earl of I 138. National Gallery I 13. Greco 79. V. Hirten 148. V. Jagd 379 ff. V. Christus 421. Roland II 85 f. Phil. IV 105. 309. Northbrook Gallery : Murillo, Andrade II 72 Phil. IV 97. van Dyck 344. Ribera 162 (jetzt in Stratton Park). Reeve, Henry; V. Gongora I 163. Robinson, J. C. I 9. 136. II 83. Rogers, Samuel II 97. D. Balthasar 132. Salting, G. I 136. South Kensington Museum, Büste In- nocenz X II 185. Stafford House, Duke of Sutherland II 20. 54. 62. Stanhope, Lord II 81 f. Wallace, Sir Richard: V. Saujagd I 384. Dame II 25. Phil. IV 96. Olivares 115. D. Balthasar 130 f. 138. Margaretha 304. Westminster, Duke of, s. Grosvenor House. Yarborough, Countess of, Greco I 77. Longford Castle (Earl of Radnor) Ad- miral Pulido II 69 ff. Pareja 178 ff. Escorialbild I 246. Longin II 185. [Spaltenumbruch]
Lope de Rueda I 31. II 338. Lope de Vega I 6. 25. 27. 54. 91. 96. 161. 163 176. 186. 209. 225 f. 231. 276. 298. 336 f. 346. II 19. 21. 24. 287. 340. 342. 348. 356 f. 367. Lopez, Luis, Bufon II 338. Lopez de Gamiz, Pedro, Bildhauer II 384. Lorenzotti, Graf Cassoli II 68. Lotto, Lorenzo I 198. Lotti, Cosimo I 167. 338. 341. Louis XIII I 283. II 30. 99. 230. Louis XIV II 297 ff. 406. Luis XV I 194. 381 Louys, I., St. I 242. 315. Lucan II 287. Lucena, Diego de, M. II. 263. Lucian II 359. Lucian Bonaparte II 25. Ludolf, Hiob II 137. Ludovisi, Cardinal Lud. I 278. Fürst II 168. 173. S. Gemahlin Constanza Pamfili ebenda. Ludwig, König v. Ungarn II 224. Ludwig, Heinrich, M. I 9. Lützow, Carl v. I 399. Belvedere Galerie II 303. 308. Luini, Bernardino I 424. Luini, Tommaso, Venezianer I 288. Luisa, Sor II 75. Lumiares, Graf v. II 285. Lumley, Sir John Savile I 421. Luna, Graf v. (Pimentel) II 74. Luther, Martin I 72. Lynford Hall II Phil. IV. 103. Maria Theresia 299. M. Machuca, Pedro I 44. 50. Madoz, Pascual, Diccionario geografico II 172. 354. Madrazo, Jose de I 17. 308. II 41. 45. 83. 132. Madrazo, Pedro de I 17. 56. 70. 119. 141. 378. II 132. 134. 246. 274. 306 f. 322. 360. 371 f. Madrid, Fernando de II 232. Madrid, Fray Nicolas de II 236. Madrid. Stadt, Beschreibung I 168 ff. Plan 339. Akademie von S. Fernando. Cespedes I 49. Herrera 62. Tristan 83. Car- ducho 221. Cano 403 f. Antikensammlung I 193. 313. 315. II 193 ff. S. Antonio de los Portugueses I 219. Armeria I 182. Biblioteca Nacional, Handzeichnungen I 13. 66. 82. 367. II 44. 50. Büste Quevedo's 48. Calle mayor I 169 II 26. Namenregister. [Spaltenumbruch]
London, Galerien. Bridgewater House I 203. II 41. Julianillo 122 f. 325. Buckingham Palace. D. Balthasar II 139. Bute, Earl of. Innocenz X II 191. Chiswick House (Duke of Devonshire). Dame II 26. Innoc. X 192. Clarendon, Earl of. Herrera I 61. Ala- meda 130. Snayers 377. Cook, Francis (Richmond). Greco I 77. V. Alte 133. 151. Murillo 423. Marianne II 292. Cowper, Earl. Jagdgruppe I 384. Dorchester House, s. Holford. Dudley Gallery, Dame II 27. Dulwich College. Phil. IV II 92 f. 99 f. Balthasar 109. Kinderkopf 321. Ford, Francis Clare. Isabella II 37. Marianne 292. Frere, Sir Bartle, V. Johannes und Maria I 142 f. Grosvenor House II 84. D. Balthasar 131. 133. Hertford Gallery s. Wallace. Higginson, E., Margarethe II 304. Holford, R. S. Phil. und Olivares I 204. 212. II 84. Huth, Mrs. Henry; Olivares I 213. Isabel II 37. Phil. IV 265. 311. Lansdowne, Marquis of II 84. Olivares 120. Innoc. X 192. Velazquez 326. S. Bowood. Leatham, E. A. I 140. II 83. Listowel, Earl of I 138. National Gallery I 13. Greco 79. V. Hirten 148. V. Jagd 379 ff. V. Christus 421. Roland II 85 f. Phil. IV 105. 309. Northbrook Gallery : Murillo, Andrade II 72 Phil. IV 97. van Dyck 344. Ribera 162 (jetzt in Stratton Park). Reeve, Henry; V. Gongora I 163. Robinson, J. C. I 9. 136. II 83. Rogers, Samuel II 97. D. Balthasar 132. Salting, G. I 136. South Kensington Museum, Büste In- nocenz X II 185. Stafford House, Duke of Sutherland II 20. 54. 62. Stanhope, Lord II 81 f. Wallace, Sir Richard: V. Saujagd I 384. Dame II 25. Phil. IV 96. Olivares 115. D. Balthasar 130 f. 138. Margaretha 304. Westminster, Duke of, s. Grosvenor House. Yarborough, Countess of, Greco I 77. Longford Castle (Earl of Radnor) Ad- miral Pulido II 69 ff. Pareja 178 ff. Escorialbild I 246. Longin II 185. [Spaltenumbruch]
Lope de Rueda I 31. II 338. Lope de Vega I 6. 25. 27. 54. 91. 96. 161. 163 176. 186. 209. 225 f. 231. 276. 298. 336 f. 346. II 19. 21. 24. 287. 340. 342. 348. 356 f. 367. Lopez, Luis, Bufon II 338. Lopez de Gamiz, Pedro, Bildhauer II 384. Lorenzotti, Graf Cassoli II 68. Lotto, Lorenzo I 198. Lotti, Cosimo I 167. 338. 341. Louis XIII I 283. II 30. 99. 230. Louis XIV II 297 ff. 406. Luis XV I 194. 381 Louys, I., St. I 242. 315. Lucan II 287. Lucena, Diego de, M. II. 263. Lucian II 359. Lucian Bonaparte II 25. Ludolf, Hiob II 137. Ludovisi, Cardinal Lud. I 278. Fürst II 168. 173. S. Gemahlin Constanza Pamfili ebenda. Ludwig, König v. Ungarn II 224. Ludwig, Heinrich, M. I 9. Lützow, Carl v. I 399. Belvedere Galerie II 303. 308. Luini, Bernardino I 424. Luini, Tommaso, Venezianer I 288. Luisa, Sor II 75. Lumiares, Graf v. II 285. Lumley, Sir John Savile I 421. Luna, Graf v. (Pimentel) II 74. Luther, Martin I 72. Lynford Hall II Phil. IV. 103. Maria Theresia 299. M. Machuca, Pedro I 44. 50. Madoz, Pascual, Diccionario geográfico II 172. 354. Madrazo, José de I 17. 308. II 41. 45. 83. 132. Madrazo, Pedro de I 17. 56. 70. 119. 141. 378. II 132. 134. 246. 274. 306 f. 322. 360. 371 f. Madrid, Fernando de II 232. Madrid, Fray Nicolas de II 236. Madrid. Stadt, Beschreibung I 168 ff. Plan 339. Akademie von S. Fernando. Céspedes I 49. Herrera 62. Tristan 83. Car- ducho 221. Cano 403 f. Antikensammlung I 193. 313. 315. II 193 ff. S. Antonio de los Portugueses I 219. Armeria I 182. Biblioteca Nacional, Handzeichnungen I 13. 66. 82. 367. II 44. 50. Büste Quevedo’s 48. Calle mayor I 169 II 26. <TEI> <text> <back> <div type="index" n="1"> <list> <pb facs="#f0448" n="422"/> <fw place="top" type="header">Namenregister.</fw><lb/> <cb/> <item><hi rendition="#b">London, Galerien.</hi> Bridgewater House<lb/> I <ref>203</ref>. II <ref>41</ref>. Julianillo <ref>122</ref> f. <ref>325</ref>.<lb/><list><item>Buckingham Palace. D. Balthasar<lb/> II <ref>139</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Bute, Earl of. Innocenz X II <ref>191</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Chiswick House (Duke of Devonshire).<lb/> Dame II <ref>26</ref>. Innoc. X <ref>192</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Clarendon, Earl of. Herrera I <ref>61</ref>. Ala-<lb/> meda <ref>130</ref>. Snayers <ref>377</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Cook, Francis (Richmond). Greco<lb/> I <ref>77</ref>. V. Alte <ref>133</ref>. <ref>151</ref>. Murillo<lb/><ref>423</ref>. Marianne II <ref>292</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Cowper, Earl. Jagdgruppe I <ref>384</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Dorchester House, s. Holford.</item><lb/><item>Dudley Gallery, Dame II <ref>27</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Dulwich College. Phil. IV II <ref>92</ref> f.<lb/><ref>99</ref> f. Balthasar <ref>109</ref>. Kinderkopf <ref>321</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Ford, Francis Clare. Isabella II <ref>37</ref>.<lb/> Marianne <ref>292</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Frere, Sir Bartle, V. Johannes und<lb/> Maria I <ref>142</ref> f.</item><lb/><item>Grosvenor House II <ref>84</ref>. D. Balthasar<lb/><ref>131</ref>. <ref>133</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Hertford Gallery s. Wallace.</item><lb/><item>Higginson, E., Margarethe II <ref>304</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Holford, R. S. Phil. und Olivares<lb/> I <ref>204</ref>. <ref>212</ref>. II <ref>84</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Huth, Mrs. Henry; Olivares I <ref>213</ref>.<lb/> Isabel II <ref>37</ref>. Phil. IV <ref>265</ref>. <ref>311</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Lansdowne, Marquis of II <ref>84</ref>. Olivares<lb/><ref>120</ref>. Innoc. X <ref>192</ref>. Velazquez <ref>326</ref>.<lb/> S. Bowood.</item><lb/><item>Leatham, E. A. I <ref>140</ref>. II <ref>83</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Listowel, Earl of I <ref>138</ref>.</item><lb/><item><hi rendition="#b">National Gallery</hi> I <ref>13</ref>. Greco <ref>79</ref>.<lb/> V. Hirten <ref>148</ref>. V. Jagd <ref>379</ref> ff.<lb/> V. Christus <ref>421</ref>. Roland II <ref>85</ref> f.<lb/> Phil. IV <ref>105</ref>. <ref>309</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Northbrook Gallery : Murillo, Andrade<lb/> II <ref>72</ref> Phil. IV <ref>97</ref>. van Dyck <ref>344</ref>.<lb/> Ribera <ref>162</ref> (jetzt in Stratton Park).</item><lb/><item>Reeve, Henry; V. Gongora I <ref>163</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Robinson, J. C. I <ref>9</ref>. <ref>136</ref>. II <ref>83</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Rogers, Samuel II <ref>97</ref>. D. Balthasar<lb/><ref>132</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Salting, G. I <ref>136</ref>.</item><lb/><item>South Kensington Museum, Büste In-<lb/> nocenz X II <ref>185</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Stafford House, Duke of Sutherland<lb/> II <ref>20</ref>. <ref>54</ref>. <ref>62</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Stanhope, Lord II <ref>81</ref> f.</item><lb/><item>Wallace, Sir Richard: V. Saujagd<lb/> I <ref>384</ref>. Dame II <ref>25</ref>. Phil. IV <ref>96</ref>.<lb/> Olivares <ref>115</ref>. D. Balthasar <ref>130</ref> f.<lb/><ref>138</ref>. Margaretha <ref>304</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Westminster, Duke of, s. Grosvenor<lb/> House.</item><lb/><item>Yarborough, Countess of, Greco I <ref>77</ref>.</item></list></item><lb/> <item>Longford Castle (Earl of Radnor) Ad-<lb/> miral Pulido II <ref>69</ref> ff. Pareja <ref>178</ref> ff.<lb/> Escorialbild I <ref>246</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Longin II <ref>185</ref>.</item><lb/> <cb/> <item>Lope de Rueda I <ref>31</ref>. II <ref>338</ref>.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#b">Lope de Vega</hi> I <ref>6</ref>. <ref>25</ref>. <ref>27</ref>. <ref>54</ref>. <ref>91</ref>. <ref>96</ref>.<lb/><ref>161</ref>. <ref>163</ref> <ref>176</ref>. <ref>186</ref>. <ref>209</ref>. <ref>225</ref> f. <ref>231</ref>.<lb/><ref>276</ref>. <ref>298</ref>. <ref>336</ref> f. <ref>346</ref>. II <ref>19</ref>. <ref>21</ref>. <ref>24</ref>.<lb/><ref>287</ref>. <ref>340</ref>. <ref>342</ref>. <ref>348</ref>. <ref>356</ref> f. <ref>367</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Lopez, Luis, Bufon II <ref>338</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Lopez de Gamiz, Pedro, Bildhauer<lb/> II <ref>384</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Lorenzotti, Graf Cassoli II <ref>68</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Lotto, Lorenzo I <ref>198</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Lotti, Cosimo I <ref>167</ref>. <ref>338</ref>. <ref>341</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Louis XIII I <ref>283</ref>. II <ref>30</ref>. <ref>99</ref>. <ref>230</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Louis XIV II <ref>297</ref> ff. <ref>406</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Luis XV I <ref>194</ref>. <ref>381</ref></item><lb/> <item>Louys, I., St. I <ref>242</ref>. <ref>315</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Lucan II <ref>287</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Lucena, Diego de, M. II. <ref>263</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Lucian II <ref>359</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Lucian Bonaparte II <ref>25</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Ludolf, Hiob II <ref>137</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Ludovisi, Cardinal Lud. I <ref>278</ref>. Fürst<lb/> II <ref>168</ref>. <ref>173</ref>. S. Gemahlin Constanza<lb/> Pamfili ebenda.</item><lb/> <item>Ludwig, König v. Ungarn II <ref>224</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Ludwig, Heinrich, M. I <ref>9</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Lützow, Carl v. I <ref>399</ref>. Belvedere Galerie<lb/> II <ref>303</ref>. <ref>308</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Luini, Bernardino I <ref>424</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Luini, Tommaso, Venezianer I <ref>288</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Luisa, Sor II <ref>75</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Lumiares, Graf v. II <ref>285</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Lumley, Sir John Savile I <ref>421</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Luna, Graf v. (Pimentel) II <ref>74</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Luther, Martin I <ref>72</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Lynford Hall II Phil. IV. <ref>103</ref>. Maria<lb/> Theresia <ref>299</ref>.</item><lb/> <item> <hi rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#b">M.</hi> </hi> </item><lb/> <item>Machuca, Pedro I <ref>44</ref>. <ref>50</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Madoz, Pascual, Diccionario geográfico<lb/> II <ref>172</ref>. <ref>354</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Madrazo, José de I <ref>17</ref>. <ref>308</ref>. II <ref>41</ref>. <ref>45</ref>.<lb/><ref>83</ref>. <ref>132</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Madrazo, Pedro de I <ref>17</ref>. <ref>56</ref>. <ref>70</ref>. <ref>119</ref>.<lb/><ref>141</ref>. <ref>378</ref>. II <ref>132</ref>. <ref>134</ref>. <ref>246</ref>. <ref>274</ref>. <ref>306</ref> f.<lb/><ref>322</ref>. <ref>360</ref>. <ref>371</ref> f.</item><lb/> <item>Madrid, Fernando de II <ref>232</ref>.</item><lb/> <item>Madrid, Fray Nicolas de II <ref>236</ref>.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#b">Madrid.</hi> Stadt, Beschreibung I <ref>168</ref> ff.<lb/> Plan <ref>339</ref>.<lb/><list><item>Akademie von S. Fernando. Céspedes<lb/> I <ref>49</ref>. Herrera <ref>62</ref>. Tristan <ref>83</ref>. Car-<lb/> ducho <ref>221</ref>. Cano <ref>403</ref> f.</item><lb/><item>Antikensammlung I <ref>193</ref>. <ref>313</ref>. <ref>315</ref>.<lb/> II <ref>193</ref> ff.</item><lb/><item>S. Antonio de los Portugueses I <ref>219</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Armeria I <ref>182</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Biblioteca Nacional, Handzeichnungen<lb/> I <ref>13</ref>. <ref>66</ref>. <ref>82</ref>. <ref>367</ref>. II <ref>44</ref>. <ref>50</ref>. Büste<lb/> Quevedo’s <ref>48</ref>.</item><lb/><item>Calle mayor I <ref>169</ref> II <ref>26</ref>.</item></list></item><lb/> </list> </div> </back> </text> </TEI> [422/0448]
London, Galerien. Bridgewater House
I 203. II 41. Julianillo 122 f. 325.
Buckingham Palace. D. Balthasar
II 139.
Bute, Earl of. Innocenz X II 191.
Chiswick House (Duke of Devonshire).
Dame II 26. Innoc. X 192.
Clarendon, Earl of. Herrera I 61. Ala-
meda 130. Snayers 377.
Cook, Francis (Richmond). Greco
I 77. V. Alte 133. 151. Murillo
423. Marianne II 292.
Cowper, Earl. Jagdgruppe I 384.
Dorchester House, s. Holford.
Dudley Gallery, Dame II 27.
Dulwich College. Phil. IV II 92 f.
99 f. Balthasar 109. Kinderkopf 321.
Ford, Francis Clare. Isabella II 37.
Marianne 292.
Frere, Sir Bartle, V. Johannes und
Maria I 142 f.
Grosvenor House II 84. D. Balthasar
131. 133.
Hertford Gallery s. Wallace.
Higginson, E., Margarethe II 304.
Holford, R. S. Phil. und Olivares
I 204. 212. II 84.
Huth, Mrs. Henry; Olivares I 213.
Isabel II 37. Phil. IV 265. 311.
Lansdowne, Marquis of II 84. Olivares
120. Innoc. X 192. Velazquez 326.
S. Bowood.
Leatham, E. A. I 140. II 83.
Listowel, Earl of I 138.
National Gallery I 13. Greco 79.
V. Hirten 148. V. Jagd 379 ff.
V. Christus 421. Roland II 85 f.
Phil. IV 105. 309.
Northbrook Gallery : Murillo, Andrade
II 72 Phil. IV 97. van Dyck 344.
Ribera 162 (jetzt in Stratton Park).
Reeve, Henry; V. Gongora I 163.
Robinson, J. C. I 9. 136. II 83.
Rogers, Samuel II 97. D. Balthasar
Salting, G. I 136.
South Kensington Museum, Büste In-
nocenz X II 185.
Stafford House, Duke of Sutherland
II 20. 54. 62.
Stanhope, Lord II 81 f.
Wallace, Sir Richard: V. Saujagd
I 384. Dame II 25. Phil. IV 96.
Olivares 115. D. Balthasar 130 f.
138. Margaretha 304.
Westminster, Duke of, s. Grosvenor
Yarborough, Countess of, Greco I 77.
Longford Castle (Earl of Radnor) Ad-
miral Pulido II 69 ff. Pareja 178 ff.
Escorialbild I 246.
Longin II 185.
Lope de Rueda I 31. II 338.
Lope de Vega I 6. 25. 27. 54. 91. 96.
161. 163 176. 186. 209. 225 f. 231.
276. 298. 336 f. 346. II 19. 21. 24.
287. 340. 342. 348. 356 f. 367.
Lopez, Luis, Bufon II 338.
Lopez de Gamiz, Pedro, Bildhauer
II 384.
Lorenzotti, Graf Cassoli II 68.
Lotto, Lorenzo I 198.
Lotti, Cosimo I 167. 338. 341.
Louis XIII I 283. II 30. 99. 230.
Louis XIV II 297 ff. 406.
Luis XV I 194. 381
Louys, I., St. I 242. 315.
Lucan II 287.
Lucena, Diego de, M. II. 263.
Lucian II 359.
Lucian Bonaparte II 25.
Ludolf, Hiob II 137.
Ludovisi, Cardinal Lud. I 278. Fürst
II 168. 173. S. Gemahlin Constanza
Pamfili ebenda.
Ludwig, König v. Ungarn II 224.
Ludwig, Heinrich, M. I 9.
Lützow, Carl v. I 399. Belvedere Galerie
II 303. 308.
Luini, Bernardino I 424.
Luini, Tommaso, Venezianer I 288.
Luisa, Sor II 75.
Lumiares, Graf v. II 285.
Lumley, Sir John Savile I 421.
Luna, Graf v. (Pimentel) II 74.
Luther, Martin I 72.
Lynford Hall II Phil. IV. 103. Maria
Theresia 299.
Machuca, Pedro I 44. 50.
Madoz, Pascual, Diccionario geográfico
II 172. 354.
Madrazo, José de I 17. 308. II 41. 45.
83. 132.
Madrazo, Pedro de I 17. 56. 70. 119.
141. 378. II 132. 134. 246. 274. 306 f.
322. 360. 371 f.
Madrid, Fernando de II 232.
Madrid, Fray Nicolas de II 236.
Madrid. Stadt, Beschreibung I 168 ff.
Plan 339.
Akademie von S. Fernando. Céspedes
I 49. Herrera 62. Tristan 83. Car-
ducho 221. Cano 403 f.
Antikensammlung I 193. 313. 315.
II 193 ff.
S. Antonio de los Portugueses I 219.
Armeria I 182.
Biblioteca Nacional, Handzeichnungen
I 13. 66. 82. 367. II 44. 50. Büste
Quevedo’s 48.
Calle mayor I 169 II 26.
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Zitationshilfe: | Justi, Carl: Diego Velazquez und sein Jahrhundert. Bd. 2. Bonn, 1888, S. 422. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <https://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/justi_velazquez02_1888/448>, abgerufen am 16.02.2025. |