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Hirschfeld, Christian Cay Lorenz: Theorie der Gartenkunst. Bd. 5. Leipzig, 1785.

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Lustschlössern, Landhäusern, Gartengebäuden etc.
Six views in the Royal Garden at Kew.
Six views in Windsor's Castle in Drawings Manner, by Sandby.
A general view of the House and Gardens of Chatsworth in Derbyshire,
a beautiful seat of the Duke of Devonshire, by Sayer.
Two views of Chatworth and Haddon engraved by Mr. Vivares.
1) A South-West view of Chatsworth etc.
2) A North-West view of Haddon etc. An ancient seat belonging to the
Duke of Rutland.
Four views of Parks. Engraved by Vivares and Mason.
1) A view of the new Water Works etc. at Belton in Lincolushire, belon-
ging to Lord Viscount Tyrtonnel.
2) A view in Hagley Park, belonging to Sir Thomas Littleton, Baronet.
3) A view in Newstead Park, belonging to Lord Byron.
4) A view in Exton Park, belonging to the Earl of Gainsborough.
Four views etc. engraved by Vivares.
1) A view of Dunnington etc. belong. to the Earl of Huntingion.
2) A view of Hopping etc. belong. to the Duke of Devonshire.
3) A view of Foremark, the Seat of Sir Robert Burdel, Baronet.
4) A view in Lyme Park, the property of Peter Legh, Esqr.
Six beautiful views of the Duke of Argyle's Seat at Whitton, and Sir
Francis Dashwood's Seat at West-Wycombe, in the County of Buks; engra-
ved by Woollet.

1) A view of the House and Port of the Gardens of de Duke of Argyle.
2) A view of de Canal and of the Gothic Tower in the Garden of the Duke
of Argyle.
3) A view of the House and Port of the Gardens of Sir Francis Dashwood,
4) A view of the Cascade etc. in the Garden of Sir F. D.
5) A view of the Lake etc. in the Garden of Sir F. D.
6) A view of the Walton-Bridge, Venus Temple etc. in the Garden of
Sir F. D.
Luſtſchloͤſſern, Landhaͤuſern, Gartengebaͤuden ꝛc.
Six views in the Royal Garden at Kew.
Six views in Windſor’s Caſtle in Drawings Manner, by Sandby.
A general view of the Houſe and Gardens of Chatsworth in Derbyshire,
a beautiful ſeat of the Duke of Devonshire, by Sayer.
Two views of Chatworth and Haddon engraved by Mr. Vivares.
1) A South-Weſt view of Chatsworth etc.
2) A North-Weſt view of Haddon etc. An ancient ſeat belonging to the
Duke of Rutland.
Four views of Parks. Engraved by Vivares and Maſon.
1) A view of the new Water Works etc. at Belton in Lincolushire, belon-
ging to Lord Viscount Tyrtonnel.
2) A view in Hagley Park, belonging to Sir Thomas Littleton, Baronet.
3) A view in Newſtead Park, belonging to Lord Byron.
4) A view in Exton Park, belonging to the Earl of Gainsborough.
Four views etc. engraved by Vivares.
1) A view of Dunnington etc. belong. to the Earl of Huntingion.
2) A view of Hopping etc. belong. to the Duke of Devonshire.
3) A view of Foremark, the Seat of Sir Robert Burdel, Baronet.
4) A view in Lyme Park, the property of Peter Legh, Eſqr.
Six beautiful views of the Duke of Argyle’s Seat at Whitton, and Sir
Francis Dashwood’s Seat at Weſt-Wycombe, in the County of Buks; engra-
ved by Woollet.

1) A view of the House and Port of the Gardens of de Duke of Argyle.
2) A view of de Canal and of the Gothic Tower in the Garden of the Duke
of Argyle.
3) A view of the Houſe and Port of the Gardens of Sir Francis Dashwood,
4) A view of the Caſcade etc. in the Garden of Sir F. D.
5) A view of the Lake etc. in the Garden of Sir F. D.
6) A view of the Walton-Bridge, Venus Temple etc. in the Garden of
Sir F. D.
      <div n="1">
        <div n="2">
          <div n="3">
            <pb facs="#f0279" n="271"/>
            <fw place="top" type="header"> <hi rendition="#b">Lu&#x017F;t&#x017F;chlo&#x0364;&#x017F;&#x017F;ern, Landha&#x0364;u&#x017F;ern, Gartengeba&#x0364;uden &#xA75B;c.</hi> </fw><lb/>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Six views in the Royal Garden at <hi rendition="#i">Kew</hi>.</hi> </item><lb/>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Six views in <hi rendition="#i">Wind&#x017F;or&#x2019;s</hi> Ca&#x017F;tle in Drawings Manner, by <hi rendition="#i">Sandby</hi>.</hi> </item><lb/>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">A general view of the Hou&#x017F;e and Gardens of <hi rendition="#i">Chatsworth</hi> in <hi rendition="#i">Derbyshire</hi>,<lb/>
a beautiful &#x017F;eat of the Duke of <hi rendition="#i">Devonshire</hi>, by <hi rendition="#i">Sayer</hi>.</hi> </item><lb/>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Two views of <hi rendition="#i">Chatworth</hi> and <hi rendition="#i">Haddon</hi> engraved by Mr. <hi rendition="#i">Vivares</hi>.</hi><lb/>
                  <item>1) <hi rendition="#aq">A South-We&#x017F;t view of <hi rendition="#i">Chatsworth</hi> etc.</hi></item><lb/>
                  <item>2) <hi rendition="#aq">A North-We&#x017F;t view of <hi rendition="#i">Haddon</hi> etc. An ancient &#x017F;eat belonging to the<lb/>
Duke of <hi rendition="#i">Rutland</hi>.</hi></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Four views of Parks. Engraved by <hi rendition="#i">Vivares</hi> and <hi rendition="#i">Ma&#x017F;on</hi>.</hi><lb/>
                  <item>1) <hi rendition="#aq">A view of the new Water Works etc. at <hi rendition="#i">Belton</hi> in <hi rendition="#i">Lincolushire</hi>, belon-<lb/>
ging to Lord Viscount <hi rendition="#i">Tyrtonnel</hi>.</hi></item><lb/>
                  <item>2) <hi rendition="#aq">A view in <hi rendition="#i">Hagley</hi> Park, belonging to Sir <hi rendition="#i">Thomas Littleton</hi>, Baronet.</hi></item><lb/>
                  <item>3) <hi rendition="#aq">A view in <hi rendition="#i">New&#x017F;tead</hi> Park, belonging to Lord <hi rendition="#i">Byron</hi>.</hi></item><lb/>
                  <item>4) <hi rendition="#aq">A view in <hi rendition="#i">Exton</hi> Park, belonging to the Earl of <hi rendition="#i">Gainsborough</hi>.</hi></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Four views etc. engraved by <hi rendition="#i">Vivares</hi>.</hi><lb/>
                  <item>1) <hi rendition="#aq">A view of <hi rendition="#i">Dunnington</hi> etc. belong. to the Earl of <hi rendition="#i">Huntingion</hi>.</hi></item><lb/>
                  <item>2) <hi rendition="#aq">A view of <hi rendition="#i">Hopping</hi> etc. belong. to the Duke of <hi rendition="#i">Devonshire</hi>.</hi></item><lb/>
                  <item>3) <hi rendition="#aq">A view of <hi rendition="#i">Foremark</hi>, the Seat of Sir <hi rendition="#i">Robert Burdel</hi>, Baronet.</hi></item><lb/>
                  <item>4) <hi rendition="#aq">A view in <hi rendition="#i">Lyme</hi> Park, the property of <hi rendition="#i">Peter Legh</hi>, E&#x017F;qr.</hi></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Six beautiful views of the Duke of <hi rendition="#i">Argyle&#x2019;s</hi> Seat at <hi rendition="#i">Whitton</hi>, and Sir<lb/><hi rendition="#i">Francis Dashwood&#x2019;s</hi> Seat at We&#x017F;t-Wycombe, in the County of <hi rendition="#i">Buks;</hi> engra-<lb/>
ved by <hi rendition="#i">Woollet</hi>.</hi><lb/>
                  <item>1) <hi rendition="#aq">A view of the House and Port of the Gardens of de Duke of <hi rendition="#i">Argyle</hi>.</hi></item><lb/>
                  <item>2) <hi rendition="#aq">A view of de Canal and of the Gothic Tower in the Garden of the Duke<lb/>
of <hi rendition="#i">Argyle</hi>.</hi></item><lb/>
                  <item>3) <hi rendition="#aq">A view of the Hou&#x017F;e and Port of the Gardens of Sir <hi rendition="#i">Francis Dashwood</hi>,<lb/>
                  <item>4) <hi rendition="#aq">A view of the Ca&#x017F;cade etc. in the Garden of Sir F. D.</hi></item><lb/>
                  <item>5) <hi rendition="#aq">A view of the Lake etc. in the Garden of Sir F. D.</hi></item><lb/>
                  <item>6) <hi rendition="#aq">A view of the Walton-Bridge, <hi rendition="#i">Venus</hi> Temple etc. in the Garden of<lb/>
Sir F. D.</hi></item>
            <fw place="bottom" type="catch"> <hi rendition="#aq">Six</hi> </fw><lb/>
[271/0279] Luſtſchloͤſſern, Landhaͤuſern, Gartengebaͤuden ꝛc. Six views in the Royal Garden at Kew. Six views in Windſor’s Caſtle in Drawings Manner, by Sandby. A general view of the Houſe and Gardens of Chatsworth in Derbyshire, a beautiful ſeat of the Duke of Devonshire, by Sayer. Two views of Chatworth and Haddon engraved by Mr. Vivares. 1) A South-Weſt view of Chatsworth etc. 2) A North-Weſt view of Haddon etc. An ancient ſeat belonging to the Duke of Rutland. Four views of Parks. Engraved by Vivares and Maſon. 1) A view of the new Water Works etc. at Belton in Lincolushire, belon- ging to Lord Viscount Tyrtonnel. 2) A view in Hagley Park, belonging to Sir Thomas Littleton, Baronet. 3) A view in Newſtead Park, belonging to Lord Byron. 4) A view in Exton Park, belonging to the Earl of Gainsborough. Four views etc. engraved by Vivares. 1) A view of Dunnington etc. belong. to the Earl of Huntingion. 2) A view of Hopping etc. belong. to the Duke of Devonshire. 3) A view of Foremark, the Seat of Sir Robert Burdel, Baronet. 4) A view in Lyme Park, the property of Peter Legh, Eſqr. Six beautiful views of the Duke of Argyle’s Seat at Whitton, and Sir Francis Dashwood’s Seat at Weſt-Wycombe, in the County of Buks; engra- ved by Woollet. 1) A view of the House and Port of the Gardens of de Duke of Argyle. 2) A view of de Canal and of the Gothic Tower in the Garden of the Duke of Argyle. 3) A view of the Houſe and Port of the Gardens of Sir Francis Dashwood, Bar. 4) A view of the Caſcade etc. in the Garden of Sir F. D. 5) A view of the Lake etc. in the Garden of Sir F. D. 6) A view of the Walton-Bridge, Venus Temple etc. in the Garden of Sir F. D. Six

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Zitationshilfe: Hirschfeld, Christian Cay Lorenz: Theorie der Gartenkunst. Bd. 5. Leipzig, 1785, S. 271. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 16.02.2025.