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Grimm, Jacob; Grimm, Wilhelm: Kinder- und Haus-Märchen. Bd. 1. Berlin, 1812.

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investigation, while it went greatly to dimi-
nish our ideas of the richness of human inven-
tion would also shew, that these fictions, how-
ever wild and childish, possess such charms
for the populace, as enable them to penetrate
into countries unconnected by manners and
language and having no apparent intercourse
tho afford the means of transmission. It would
carry me far beyond my bounds, to produce
instances of this community of fable, among
nations, who never borrowed from each other
any thing intrinsically worth learning. Indeed
the wide diffusion of popular fictions may be
compared to the facility, with wich straws and
feathers are dispersed abroad by the wind, while
valuable metals cannot be transported with-
out trouble and labour. There lives, I belie-
ve, only one gentleman, whose unlimited ac-
quaintance with this subiect might enable him
to do it justice; I mean my friend, Mr. Fran-
cis Douce
, of the british museum, whose
usual Kindness will I hope pardon my mentio-
ning his name, while on a subject so closely
connected with his extensive and curious re-

Eloi Johanneau. Mem. de l'acad. celti-
que. I. 162.
"On connait aussi les contes de fees, du
chat botte et du petit Poucet avec ses
bottes de 7. lieues, contes populaires de
la plus haute antiquite, qui ne sont point
de l'invention de Perrault."


investigation, while it went greatly to dimi-
nish our ideas of the richness of human inven-
tion would also shew, that these fictions, how-
ever wild and childish, possess such charms
for the populace, as enable them to penetrate
into countries unconnected by manners and
language and having no apparent intercourse
tho afford the means of transmission. It would
carry me far beyond my bounds, to produce
instances of this community of fable, among
nations, who never borrowed from each other
any thing intrinsically worth learning. Indeed
the wide diffusion of popular fictions may be
compared to the facility, with wich straws and
feathers are dispersed abroad by the wind, while
valuable metals cannot be transported with-
out trouble and labour. There lives, I belie-
ve, only one gentleman, whose unlimited ac-
quaintance with this subiect might enable him
to do it justice; I mean my friend, Mr. Fran-
cis Douce
, of the british museum, whose
usual Kindness will I hope pardon my mentio-
ning his name, while on a subject so closely
connected with his extensive and curious re-

Eloi Johanneau. Mem. de l'acad. celti-
que. I. 162.
„On connait aussi les contes de fées, du
chat botté et du petit Poucet avec ses
bottes de 7. lieues, contes populaires de
la plus haute antiquité, qui ne sont point
de l'invention de Perrault.“

      <div n="1">
            <p> <hi rendition="#aq"><pb facs="#f0030" n="XXIV"/>
investigation, while it went greatly to dimi-<lb/>
nish our ideas of the richness of human inven-<lb/>
tion would also shew, that these fictions, how-<lb/>
ever wild and childish, possess such charms<lb/>
for the populace, as enable them to penetrate<lb/>
into countries unconnected by manners and<lb/>
language and having no apparent intercourse<lb/>
tho afford the means of transmission. It would<lb/>
carry me far beyond my bounds, to produce<lb/>
instances of this community of fable, among<lb/>
nations, who never borrowed from each other<lb/>
any thing intrinsically worth learning. Indeed<lb/>
the wide diffusion of popular fictions may be<lb/>
compared to the facility, with wich straws and<lb/>
feathers are dispersed abroad by the wind, while<lb/>
valuable metals cannot be transported with-<lb/>
out trouble and labour. There lives, I belie-<lb/>
ve, only one gentleman, whose unlimited ac-<lb/>
quaintance with this subiect might enable him<lb/>
to do it justice; I mean my friend, Mr. <hi rendition="#g">Fran-<lb/>
cis Douce</hi>, of the british museum, whose<lb/>
usual Kindness will I hope pardon my mentio-<lb/>
ning his name, <choice><sic>whileon</sic><corr>while on</corr></choice> a subject so closely<lb/>
connected with his extensive and curious re-<lb/>
searches.&#x201C;</hi> </p>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#g">Eloi Johanneau</hi>. Mem. de l'acad. celti-<lb/>
que. I. 162.<lb/><hi rendition="#et">&#x201E;On connait aussi les contes de fées, du<lb/>
chat botté et du petit Poucet avec ses<lb/>
bottes de 7. lieues, contes populaires de<lb/>
la plus haute antiquité, qui ne sont point<lb/>
de l'invention de Perrault.&#x201C;</hi></hi> </item>
      <fw place="bottom" type="catch"><hi rendition="#g">Inhalt</hi>.</fw><lb/>
[XXIV/0030] investigation, while it went greatly to dimi- nish our ideas of the richness of human inven- tion would also shew, that these fictions, how- ever wild and childish, possess such charms for the populace, as enable them to penetrate into countries unconnected by manners and language and having no apparent intercourse tho afford the means of transmission. It would carry me far beyond my bounds, to produce instances of this community of fable, among nations, who never borrowed from each other any thing intrinsically worth learning. Indeed the wide diffusion of popular fictions may be compared to the facility, with wich straws and feathers are dispersed abroad by the wind, while valuable metals cannot be transported with- out trouble and labour. There lives, I belie- ve, only one gentleman, whose unlimited ac- quaintance with this subiect might enable him to do it justice; I mean my friend, Mr. Fran- cis Douce, of the british museum, whose usual Kindness will I hope pardon my mentio- ning his name, while on a subject so closely connected with his extensive and curious re- searches.“ Eloi Johanneau. Mem. de l'acad. celti- que. I. 162. „On connait aussi les contes de fées, du chat botté et du petit Poucet avec ses bottes de 7. lieues, contes populaires de la plus haute antiquité, qui ne sont point de l'invention de Perrault.“ Inhalt.

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Zitationshilfe: Grimm, Jacob; Grimm, Wilhelm: Kinder- und Haus-Märchen. Bd. 1. Berlin, 1812, S. XXIV. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 16.02.2025.