p1c_111.001 discedere rerum. Nunc aliena tua tamen aetate p1c_111.002 omnia mitte, aequo animoque, agedum, jam aliis p1c_111.003 concede: necess' est. Jure (vt opinor), agat, jure p1c_111.004 increpet, incilietque. Cedit enim rerum nouitate p1c_111.005 extrusa vetustas, semper et ex aliis aliud reparare p1c_111.006 necess' est! Nec quidquam in barathrum, nec tartara p1c_111.007 decidit atra. Materies opus est, vt crescant postera p1c_111.008 saecla: Quae tamen omnia te vita perfuncta sequentur. p1c_111.009 Nec minus ergo ante haec, quam nunc cecidere, p1c_111.010 cadentque: Sic alid ex alio nunquam desistet p1c_111.011 oriri, vitaque mancupio nulli datur, omnibus vsu. p1c_111.012 - Auch im Ossian findet man häufige Spuren des Großen: p1c_111.013 I have seen the walls of Balclutha, but they were p1c_111.014 desolate. The fire had resounded in the halls, and p1c_111.015 the voice of the people is heard no more. The p1c_111.016 stream of Clutha was removed from its place, by p1c_111.017 the fall of the walls. The thistle shook there p1c_111.018 its lonely head. The moss whistled to the wind. p1c_111.019 The fox looked out, from the windows, the rank p1c_111.020 grass of the wall waved round his head. - Desolate p1c_111.021 is the dwelling of Moina, silence is in the house of p1c_111.022 her fathers. Raise the song of mourning, o bards, p1c_111.023 over the land of strangers. They have but fallen p1c_111.024 before us. For, one day, we must fall - Why p1c_111.025 dost thou build the hall, son of the winged days? p1c_111.026 Thou lookest from thy towers today. Yet a few p1c_111.027 years, and the blast of the desart comes, it howls p1c_111.028 in thy empty court, and whistles round thy half-
p1c_111.001 discedere rerum. Nunc aliena tua tamen aetate p1c_111.002 omnia mitte, aequo animoque, agedum, jam aliis p1c_111.003 concede: necess' est. Jure (vt opinor), agat, jure p1c_111.004 increpet, incilietque. Cedit enim rerum nouitate p1c_111.005 extrusa vetustas, semper et ex aliis aliud reparare p1c_111.006 necess' est! Nec quidquam in barathrum, nec tartara p1c_111.007 decidit atra. Materies opus est, vt crescant postera p1c_111.008 saecla: Quae tamen omnia te vita perfuncta sequentur. p1c_111.009 Nec minus ergo ante haec, quam nunc cecidere, p1c_111.010 cadentque: Sic alid ex alio nunquam desistet p1c_111.011 oriri, vitaque mancupio nulli datur, omnibus vsu. p1c_111.012 ─ Auch im Ossian findet man häufige Spuren des Großen: p1c_111.013 I have seen the walls of Balclutha, but they were p1c_111.014 desolate. The fire had resounded in the halls, and p1c_111.015 the voice of the people is heard no more. The p1c_111.016 stream of Clutha was removed from its place, by p1c_111.017 the fall of the walls. The thistle shook there p1c_111.018 its lonely head. The moss whistled to the wind. p1c_111.019 The fox looked out, from the windows, the rank p1c_111.020 grass of the wall waved round his head. ─ Desolate p1c_111.021 is the dwelling of Moina, silence is in the house of p1c_111.022 her fathers. Raise the song of mourning, o bards, p1c_111.023 over the land of strangers. They have but fallen p1c_111.024 before us. For, one day, we must fall ─ Why p1c_111.025 dost thou build the hall, son of the winged days? p1c_111.026 Thou lookest from thy towers today. Yet a few p1c_111.027 years, and the blast of the desart comes, it howls p1c_111.028 in thy empty court, and whistles round thy half-
discedere rerum. Nunc aliena tua tamen aetate <lbn="p1c_111.002"/>
omnia mitte, aequo animoque, agedum, jam aliis <lbn="p1c_111.003"/>
concede: necess' est. Jure (vt opinor), agat, jure <lbn="p1c_111.004"/>
increpet, incilietque. Cedit enim rerum nouitate <lbn="p1c_111.005"/>
extrusa vetustas, semper et ex aliis aliud reparare <lbn="p1c_111.006"/>
necess' est! Nec quidquam in barathrum, nec tartara <lbn="p1c_111.007"/>
decidit atra. Materies opus est, vt crescant postera <lbn="p1c_111.008"/>
saecla: Quae tamen omnia te vita perfuncta sequentur. <lbn="p1c_111.009"/>
Nec minus ergo ante haec, quam nunc cecidere, <lbn="p1c_111.010"/>
cadentque: Sic alid ex alio nunquam desistet <lbn="p1c_111.011"/>
oriri, vitaque mancupio nulli datur, omnibus vsu</hi>. <lbn="p1c_111.012"/>─ Auch im Ossian findet man häufige Spuren des Großen: <lbn="p1c_111.013"/><hirendition="#aq">I have seen the walls of Balclutha, but they were <lbn="p1c_111.014"/>
desolate. The fire had resounded in the halls, and <lbn="p1c_111.015"/>
the voice of the people is heard no more. The <lbn="p1c_111.016"/>
stream of Clutha was removed from its place, by <lbn="p1c_111.017"/>
the fall of the walls. The thistle shook there <lbn="p1c_111.018"/>
its lonely head. The moss whistled to the wind. <lbn="p1c_111.019"/>
The fox looked out, from the windows, the rank <lbn="p1c_111.020"/>
grass of the wall waved round his head. ─ Desolate <lbn="p1c_111.021"/>
is the dwelling of Moina, silence is in the house of <lbn="p1c_111.022"/>
her fathers. Raise the song of mourning, o bards, <lbn="p1c_111.023"/>
over the land of strangers. They have but fallen <lbn="p1c_111.024"/>
before us. For, one day, we must fall ─ Why <lbn="p1c_111.025"/>
dost thou build the hall, son of the winged days? <lbn="p1c_111.026"/>
Thou lookest from thy towers today. Yet a few <lbn="p1c_111.027"/>
years, and the blast of the desart comes, it howls <lbn="p1c_111.028"/>
in thy empty court, and whistles round thy half-
discedere rerum. Nunc aliena tua tamen aetate p1c_111.002
omnia mitte, aequo animoque, agedum, jam aliis p1c_111.003
concede: necess' est. Jure (vt opinor), agat, jure p1c_111.004
increpet, incilietque. Cedit enim rerum nouitate p1c_111.005
extrusa vetustas, semper et ex aliis aliud reparare p1c_111.006
necess' est! Nec quidquam in barathrum, nec tartara p1c_111.007
decidit atra. Materies opus est, vt crescant postera p1c_111.008
saecla: Quae tamen omnia te vita perfuncta sequentur. p1c_111.009
Nec minus ergo ante haec, quam nunc cecidere, p1c_111.010
cadentque: Sic alid ex alio nunquam desistet p1c_111.011
oriri, vitaque mancupio nulli datur, omnibus vsu. p1c_111.012
─ Auch im Ossian findet man häufige Spuren des Großen: p1c_111.013
I have seen the walls of Balclutha, but they were p1c_111.014
desolate. The fire had resounded in the halls, and p1c_111.015
the voice of the people is heard no more. The p1c_111.016
stream of Clutha was removed from its place, by p1c_111.017
the fall of the walls. The thistle shook there p1c_111.018
its lonely head. The moss whistled to the wind. p1c_111.019
The fox looked out, from the windows, the rank p1c_111.020
grass of the wall waved round his head. ─ Desolate p1c_111.021
is the dwelling of Moina, silence is in the house of p1c_111.022
her fathers. Raise the song of mourning, o bards, p1c_111.023
over the land of strangers. They have but fallen p1c_111.024
before us. For, one day, we must fall ─ Why p1c_111.025
dost thou build the hall, son of the winged days? p1c_111.026
Thou lookest from thy towers today. Yet a few p1c_111.027
years, and the blast of the desart comes, it howls p1c_111.028
in thy empty court, and whistles round thy half-
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Clodius, Christian August Heinrich: Entwurf einer systematischen Poetik nebst Collectaneen zu ihrer Ausführung. Erster Theil. Leipzig, 1804, S. 111. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <https://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/clodius_poetik01_1804/169>, abgerufen am 09.11.2024.
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