When I consider Things in this Light, me- thinks it is a Sort of Impiety, to have no atten- tion to the Course of Nature, and the Revolu- tions of the Heavenly Bodies.
To be regardless of those Phaenomena, that are placed within our View, on purpose to entertain our Faculties, and display the Wisdom and Power of their Creator, is an Af- front to Providence - -
And yet how few are there, how attend to the Drama of Nature, its artificial Structure, and those admirable Machines, whereby the Passions of a Philosopher are gratefully agitated, and his Soul affected with the sweet Emotions of Joy and Surprize?
When I conſider Things in this Light, me- thinks it is a Sort of Impiety, to have no atten- tion to the Courſe of Nature, and the Revolu- tions of the Heavenly Bodies.
To be regardleſs of thoſe Phænomena, that are placed within our View, on purpoſe to entertain our Faculties, and diſplay the Wisdom and Power of their Creator, is an Af- front to Providence ‒ ‒
And yet how few are there, how attend to the Drama of Nature, its artificial Structure, and thoſe admirable Machines, whereby the Pasſions of a Philoſopher are gratefully agitated, and his Soul affected with the ſweet Emotions of Joy and Surprize?
<TEI><text><back><divn="1"><divn="2"><pbfacs="#f0582"n="546"/><p><hirendition="#aq">When I conſider Things in this Light, me-<lb/>
thinks it is a Sort of Impiety, to have no atten-<lb/>
tion to the Courſe of Nature, and the Revolu-<lb/>
tions of the Heavenly Bodies.</hi></p><lb/><p><hirendition="#aq">To be regardleſs of thoſe Phænomena,<lb/>
that are placed within our View, on purpoſe<lb/>
to entertain our Faculties, and diſplay the<lb/>
Wisdom and Power of their Creator, is an Af-<lb/>
front to Providence</hi>‒‒</p><lb/><p><hirendition="#aq">And yet how few are there, how attend<lb/>
to the Drama of Nature, its artificial Structure,<lb/>
and thoſe admirable Machines, whereby the<lb/>
Pasſions of a Philoſopher are gratefully agitated,<lb/>
and his Soul affected with the ſweet Emotions<lb/>
of Joy and Surprize?</hi></p><lb/><milestonerendition="#hr"unit="section"/><lb/><fwplace="bottom"type="catch"><hirendition="#aq">Le</hi></fw><lb/></div></div></back></text></TEI>
When I conſider Things in this Light, me-
thinks it is a Sort of Impiety, to have no atten-
tion to the Courſe of Nature, and the Revolu-
tions of the Heavenly Bodies.
To be regardleſs of thoſe Phænomena,
that are placed within our View, on purpoſe
to entertain our Faculties, and diſplay the
Wisdom and Power of their Creator, is an Af-
front to Providence ‒ ‒
And yet how few are there, how attend
to the Drama of Nature, its artificial Structure,
and thoſe admirable Machines, whereby the
Pasſions of a Philoſopher are gratefully agitated,
and his Soul affected with the ſweet Emotions
of Joy and Surprize?
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Brockes, Barthold Heinrich: Jrdisches Vergnügen in Gott. Bd. 2. Hamburg, 1727, S. 546. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <https://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/brockes_vergnuegen02_1727/582>, abgerufen am 03.02.2025.
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Zitierempfehlung: Deutsches Textarchiv. Grundlage für ein Referenzkorpus der neuhochdeutschen Sprache. Herausgegeben von der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin 2025. URL: https://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/.