The Guardian, Vol. II. No. 169. Voiez le Mentor moderne, Tome III. Discours 141.
In fair Weather, when my Heart is cheered and I feel that Exaltation of Spirits, which results from Light and Warmth, joined with a beautiful Prospect of Nature, I regard my self as one placed by the Hand of God in the midst of an ample Theatre, in which the Sun, Moon and Stars, the Fruits also, and Vegetables of the Earth, perpetually changing their Positions or their Aspects, exhibit an elegant Enter- tainment to the Understanding as well as to the Eye.
Thunder and Lightning, Rain and Hail, the painted Bow, and the glaring Comets, are Decorations of this mighty Theatre. And the sable Hemisphere studded with Spangles, the blue Vault at Noon, the glorious Gildings and rich Colours in the Horizon, I look on as so many successive Scenes.
The Guardian, Vol. II. No. 169. Voiez le Mentor moderne, Tome III. Diſcours 141.
In fair Weather, when my Heart is cheered and I feel that Exaltation of Spirits, which reſults from Light and Warmth, joined with a beautiful Proſpect of Nature, I regard my ſelf as one placed by the Hand of God in the midſt of an ample Theatre, in which the Sun, Moon and Stars, the Fruits alſo, and Vegetables of the Earth, perpetually changing their Poſitions or their Aſpects, exhibit an elegant Enter- tainment to the Underſtanding as well as to the Eye.
Thunder and Lightning, Rain and Hail, the painted Bow, and the glaring Comets, are Decorations of this mighty Theatre. And the ſable Hemiſphere ſtudded with Spangles, the blue Vault at Noon, the glorious Gildings and rich Colours in the Horizon, I look on as ſo many ſucceſſive Scenes.
<TEI><text><back><divn="1"><pbfacs="#f0580"n="544"/><divn="2"><head><hirendition="#aq">The Guardian, Vol. II.<lb/>
No. 169.<lb/><hirendition="#i">Voiez le Mentor moderne, Tome III. Diſcours 141.</hi></hi></head><lb/><p><hirendition="#aq"><hirendition="#in">I</hi>n fair Weather, when my Heart is cheered<lb/>
and I feel that Exaltation of Spirits, which<lb/>
reſults from Light and Warmth, joined with a<lb/>
beautiful Proſpect of Nature, I regard my ſelf<lb/>
as one placed by the Hand of God in the midſt<lb/>
of an ample Theatre, in which the Sun, Moon<lb/>
and Stars, the Fruits alſo, and Vegetables of the<lb/>
Earth, perpetually changing their Poſitions or<lb/>
their Aſpects, exhibit an elegant Enter-<lb/>
tainment to the Underſtanding as well as to the<lb/>
Eye.</hi></p><lb/><p><hirendition="#aq">Thunder and Lightning, Rain and Hail,<lb/>
the painted Bow, and the glaring Comets, are<lb/>
Decorations of this mighty Theatre. And the<lb/>ſable Hemiſphere ſtudded with Spangles, the<lb/>
blue Vault at Noon, the glorious Gildings and<lb/>
rich Colours in the Horizon, I look on as ſo<lb/>
many ſucceſſive Scenes.</hi></p></div><lb/><fwplace="bottom"type="catch"><hirendition="#aq">When</hi></fw><lb/></div></back></text></TEI>
The Guardian, Vol. II.
No. 169.
Voiez le Mentor moderne, Tome III. Diſcours 141.
In fair Weather, when my Heart is cheered
and I feel that Exaltation of Spirits, which
reſults from Light and Warmth, joined with a
beautiful Proſpect of Nature, I regard my ſelf
as one placed by the Hand of God in the midſt
of an ample Theatre, in which the Sun, Moon
and Stars, the Fruits alſo, and Vegetables of the
Earth, perpetually changing their Poſitions or
their Aſpects, exhibit an elegant Enter-
tainment to the Underſtanding as well as to the
Thunder and Lightning, Rain and Hail,
the painted Bow, and the glaring Comets, are
Decorations of this mighty Theatre. And the
ſable Hemiſphere ſtudded with Spangles, the
blue Vault at Noon, the glorious Gildings and
rich Colours in the Horizon, I look on as ſo
many ſucceſſive Scenes.
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