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Brockes, Barthold Heinrich: Jrdisches Vergnügen in Gott. Bd. 2. Hamburg, 1727.

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The Reader's own Thoughts will suggest
to him the vicissitude of Day and Night, the
Change of Seasons, with all that Variety of
Scenes, which diversify the Face of Nature,
and fill the Mind with a perpetual Succession
of beautiful and pleasing Images.

I shall not here mention the several En-
tertainments of Art, with the Pleasures of
Friendschip, Books, Conversation, and other
accidental Diversions of Life, because J woud
only take Notice of such Incitements to a chear-
ful Temper, as offer themselves to Persons of
all Ranks and Conditions, and which may suf-
ficiently shew us, that Providence did not de-
sign, this world shoud be filled with Mur-
murs and Repinings, or that the Heart of Men
shoud be involved in Gloom and Melancholy.


The Reader’s own Thoughts will ſuggeſt
to him the vicisſitude of Day and Night, the
Change of Seaſons, with all that Variety of
Scenes, which diverſify the Face of Nature,
and fill the Mind with a perpetual Succesſion
of beautiful and pleaſing Images.

I shall not here mention the ſeveral En-
tertainments of Art, with the Pleaſures of
Friendſchip, Books, Converſation, and other
accidental Diverſions of Life, becauſe J woud
only take Notice of ſuch Incitements to a chear-
ful Temper, as offer themſelves to Perſons of
all Ranks and Conditions, and which may ſuf-
ficiently shew us, that Providence did not de-
ſign, this world ſhoud be filled with Mur-
murs and Repinings, or that the Heart of Men
ſhoud be involved in Gloom and Melancholy.

      <div n="1">
        <div n="2">
          <pb facs="#f0578" n="542"/>
          <p> <hi rendition="#aq">The Reader&#x2019;s own Thoughts will &#x017F;ugge&#x017F;t<lb/>
to him the vicis&#x017F;itude of Day and Night, the<lb/>
Change of Sea&#x017F;ons, with all that Variety of<lb/>
Scenes, which diver&#x017F;ify the Face of Nature,<lb/>
and fill the Mind with a perpetual Succes&#x017F;ion<lb/>
of beautiful and plea&#x017F;ing Images.</hi> </p><lb/>
          <p> <hi rendition="#aq">I shall not here mention the &#x017F;everal En-<lb/>
tertainments of Art, with the Plea&#x017F;ures of<lb/>
Friend&#x017F;chip, Books, Conver&#x017F;ation, and other<lb/>
accidental Diver&#x017F;ions of Life, becau&#x017F;e J woud<lb/>
only take Notice of &#x017F;uch Incitements to a chear-<lb/>
ful Temper, as offer them&#x017F;elves to Per&#x017F;ons of<lb/>
all Ranks and Conditions, and which may &#x017F;uf-<lb/>
ficiently shew us, that Providence did not de-<lb/>
&#x017F;ign, this world &#x017F;houd be filled with Mur-<lb/>
murs and Repinings, or that the Heart of Men<lb/>
&#x017F;houd be involved in Gloom and Melancholy.</hi> </p><lb/>
          <milestone rendition="#hr" unit="section"/><lb/>
          <fw place="bottom" type="catch"> <hi rendition="#aq">The</hi> </fw><lb/>
[542/0578] The Reader’s own Thoughts will ſuggeſt to him the vicisſitude of Day and Night, the Change of Seaſons, with all that Variety of Scenes, which diverſify the Face of Nature, and fill the Mind with a perpetual Succesſion of beautiful and pleaſing Images. I shall not here mention the ſeveral En- tertainments of Art, with the Pleaſures of Friendſchip, Books, Converſation, and other accidental Diverſions of Life, becauſe J woud only take Notice of ſuch Incitements to a chear- ful Temper, as offer themſelves to Perſons of all Ranks and Conditions, and which may ſuf- ficiently shew us, that Providence did not de- ſign, this world ſhoud be filled with Mur- murs and Repinings, or that the Heart of Men ſhoud be involved in Gloom and Melancholy. The

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Zitationshilfe: Brockes, Barthold Heinrich: Jrdisches Vergnügen in Gott. Bd. 2. Hamburg, 1727, S. 542. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 16.02.2025.