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Brockes, Barthold Heinrich: Jrdisches Vergnügen in Gott. Bd. 2. Hamburg, 1727.

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that the whole Earth is covered with Green,
rather then with any other Colour, as being such
a right Mixture of Light and Shade, that it com-
forts and strengthens the Eye, instead of weak-
ning or grieving it. - - - All Colours that
are more luminous, overpower and dissipate
the animal spirits, which are employed in
sight; on the contrary, those that are more ob-
scure, do not give the animal spirits a sufficient
Exercise; whereas the Rays, that produce in us
the Idea of green, fall upon the Eye in such a
due Proportion, that they give the animal spi-
rits their proper Play, and by keeping up the
Struggle in a just Balance, excite a very pleasing
and agreeable sensation.
- -

- - For this Reason several Painters have
a green Cloth hanging near them, to ease the
Eye upon after too great an Application to their
- -

To consider further this double End in
the works of Nature, and how the are at the
same Time both useful and entertaining, we
find that the most important parts in the vege-
table world are those, which are the most beau-
tiful. These are the Seeds, by which the seve-
ral Races of Plants are propagated and conti-


that the whole Earth is covered with Green,
rather then with any other Colour, as being ſuch
a right Mixture of Light and Shade, that it com-
forts and ſtrengthens the Eye, inſtead of weak-
ning or grieving it. ‒ ‒ ‒ All Colours that
are more luminous, overpower and disſipate
the animal ſpirits, which are employed in
ſight; on the contrary, thoſe that are more ob-
ſcure, do not give the animal ſpirits a ſufficient
Exerciſe; whereas the Rays, that produce in us
the Idea of green, fall upon the Eye in ſuch a
due Proportion, that they give the animal ſpi-
rits their proper Play, and by keeping up the
Struggle in a juſt Balance, excite a very pleaſing
and agreeable ſenſation.
‒ ‒

‒ ‒ For this Reaſon ſeveral Painters have
a green Cloth hanging near them, to eaſe the
Eye upon after too great an Application to their
‒ ‒

To conſider further this double End in
the works of Nature, and how the are at the
ſame Time both uſeful and entertaining, we
find that the moſt important parts in the vege-
table world are thoſe, which are the moſt beau-
tiful. Theſe are the Seeds, by which the ſeve-
ral Races of Plants are propagated and conti-

      <div n="1">
        <div n="2">
          <pb facs="#f0574" n="538"/>
          <p><hi rendition="#aq">that the whole Earth is covered with Green,<lb/>
rather then with any other Colour, as being &#x017F;uch<lb/>
a right Mixture of Light and Shade, that it com-<lb/>
forts and &#x017F;trengthens the Eye, in&#x017F;tead of weak-<lb/>
ning or grieving it. &#x2012; &#x2012; &#x2012; All Colours that<lb/>
are more luminous, overpower and dis&#x017F;ipate<lb/>
the animal &#x017F;pirits, which are employed in<lb/>
&#x017F;ight; on the contrary, tho&#x017F;e that are more ob-<lb/>
&#x017F;cure, do not give the animal &#x017F;pirits a &#x017F;ufficient<lb/>
Exerci&#x017F;e; whereas the Rays, that produce in us<lb/>
the Idea of green, fall upon the Eye in &#x017F;uch a<lb/>
due Proportion, that they give the animal &#x017F;pi-<lb/>
rits their proper Play, and by keeping up the<lb/>
Struggle in a ju&#x017F;t Balance, excite a very plea&#x017F;ing<lb/>
and agreeable &#x017F;en&#x017F;ation.</hi> &#x2012; &#x2012;</p><lb/>
          <p>&#x2012; &#x2012; <hi rendition="#aq">For this Rea&#x017F;on &#x017F;everal Painters have<lb/>
a green Cloth hanging near them, to ea&#x017F;e the<lb/>
Eye upon after too great an Application to their<lb/>
Colouring.</hi> &#x2012; &#x2012;</p><lb/>
          <p> <hi rendition="#aq">To con&#x017F;ider further this double End in<lb/>
the works of Nature, and how the are at the<lb/>
&#x017F;ame Time both u&#x017F;eful and entertaining, we<lb/>
find that the mo&#x017F;t important parts in the vege-<lb/>
table world are tho&#x017F;e, which are the mo&#x017F;t beau-<lb/>
tiful. The&#x017F;e are the Seeds, by which the &#x017F;eve-<lb/>
ral Races of Plants are propagated and conti-</hi> </p><lb/>
          <fw place="bottom" type="catch"> <hi rendition="#aq">nued,</hi> </fw><lb/>
[538/0574] that the whole Earth is covered with Green, rather then with any other Colour, as being ſuch a right Mixture of Light and Shade, that it com- forts and ſtrengthens the Eye, inſtead of weak- ning or grieving it. ‒ ‒ ‒ All Colours that are more luminous, overpower and disſipate the animal ſpirits, which are employed in ſight; on the contrary, thoſe that are more ob- ſcure, do not give the animal ſpirits a ſufficient Exerciſe; whereas the Rays, that produce in us the Idea of green, fall upon the Eye in ſuch a due Proportion, that they give the animal ſpi- rits their proper Play, and by keeping up the Struggle in a juſt Balance, excite a very pleaſing and agreeable ſenſation. ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ For this Reaſon ſeveral Painters have a green Cloth hanging near them, to eaſe the Eye upon after too great an Application to their Colouring. ‒ ‒ To conſider further this double End in the works of Nature, and how the are at the ſame Time both uſeful and entertaining, we find that the moſt important parts in the vege- table world are thoſe, which are the moſt beau- tiful. Theſe are the Seeds, by which the ſeve- ral Races of Plants are propagated and conti- nued,

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Zitationshilfe: Brockes, Barthold Heinrich: Jrdisches Vergnügen in Gott. Bd. 2. Hamburg, 1727, S. 538. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 28.07.2024.