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Bluntschli, Johann Caspar: Das moderne Völkerrecht der civilisirten Staten. Nördlingen, 1868.

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Amerikanische Kriegsartikel der Vereinigten Staten von 1863.
against an officer or officers of the government. It may be confined
to mere armee resistance, or it may have greater ends in view.


Civil war is war between two or more portions of a country
or State, each contending for the mastery of the whole, and each
claiming to be the legitimate government. The term is also some-
times applied to war of rebellion, when the rebellious provinces or
portions of the State are contiguous to those containing the seat
of government.


The term rebellion is applied to an insurrection of large ex-
tent, and is usually a war between the legitimate government
of a country and portions or provinces of the same who seek to
throw off their allegiance to it, and set up a government of their


When humanity induces the adoption of the rules of regular
war toward rebels, whether the adoption is partial or entire, it does
in no way whatever imply a partial or complete acknowledgment of
their government, if they have set up one, or of them, as an inde-
pendent or sovereign power. Neutrals have no right to make the
adoption of the rules of war by the assailed government toward
rebels the ground of their own acknowledgment of the revolted
people as an independent power.


Treating captured rebels as prisoners of war, exchanging them,
concluding of cartels, capitulations, or other warlike agreements with
them; addressing officers of a rebel army by the rank they may
have in the same; accepting flags of truce; or, on the other hand,
proclaiming martial law in their territory, or levying war-taxes or
forced loans, or doing any other act sanctioned or demanded by the

Amerikaniſche Kriegsartikel der Vereinigten Staten von 1863.
against an officer or officers of the government. It may be confined
to mere armee resistance, or it may have greater ends in view.


Civil war is war between two or more portions of a country
or State, each contending for the mastery of the whole, and each
claiming to be the legitimate government. The term is also some-
times applied to war of rebellion, when the rebellious provinces or
portions of the State are contiguous to those containing the seat
of government.


The term rebellion is applied to an insurrection of large ex-
tent, and is usually a war between the legitimate government
of a country and portions or provinces of the same who seek to
throw off their allegiance to it, and set up a government of their


When humanity induces the adoption of the rules of regular
war toward rebels, whether the adoption is partial or entire, it does
in no way whatever imply a partial or complete acknowledgment of
their government, if they have set up one, or of them, as an inde-
pendent or sovereign power. Neutrals have no right to make the
adoption of the rules of war by the assailed government toward
rebels the ground of their own acknowledgment of the revolted
people as an independent power.


Treating captured rebels as prisoners of war, exchanging them,
concluding of cartels, capitulations, or other warlike agreements with
them; addressing officers of a rebel army by the rank they may
have in the same; accepting flags of truce; or, on the other hand,
proclaiming martial law in their territory, or levying war-taxes or
forced loans, or doing any other act sanctioned or demanded by the

      <div n="1">
        <div n="2">
          <div n="3">
            <div n="4">
              <div n="5">
                  <pb facs="#f0525" n="503"/>
                  <fw place="top" type="header">Amerikani&#x017F;che Kriegsartikel der Vereinigten Staten von 1863.</fw><lb/> <hi rendition="#aq">against an officer or officers of the government. It may be confined<lb/>
to mere armee resistance, or it may have greater ends in view.</hi> </p>
              <div n="5">
                <p> <hi rendition="#aq">Civil war is war between two or more portions of a country<lb/>
or State, each contending for the mastery of the whole, and each<lb/>
claiming to be the legitimate government. The term is also some-<lb/>
times applied to war <choice><sic>af</sic><corr>of</corr></choice> rebellion, when the rebellious provinces or<lb/>
portions of the State are contiguous to those containing the seat<lb/>
of government.</hi> </p>
              <div n="5">
                <p> <hi rendition="#aq">The term rebellion is applied to an insurrection of large ex-<lb/>
tent, and is usually a war between the legitimate government<lb/>
of a country and portions or provinces of the same who seek to<lb/>
throw off their allegiance to it, and set up a government of their<lb/>
own.</hi> </p>
              <div n="5">
                <p> <hi rendition="#aq">When humanity induces the adoption of the rules of regular<lb/>
war toward rebels, whether the adoption is partial or entire, it does<lb/>
in no way whatever imply a partial or complete acknowledgment of<lb/>
their government, if they have set up one, or of them, as an inde-<lb/>
pendent or sovereign power. Neutrals have no right to make the<lb/>
adoption of the rules of war by the assailed government toward<lb/>
rebels the ground of their own acknowledgment of the revolted<lb/>
people as an independent power.</hi> </p>
              <div n="5">
                <p> <hi rendition="#aq">Treating captured rebels as prisoners of war, exchanging them,<lb/>
concluding of cartels, capitulations, or other warlike agreements with<lb/>
them; addressing officers of a rebel army by the rank they may<lb/>
have in the same; accepting flags of truce; or, on the other hand,<lb/>
proclaiming martial law in their territory, or levying war-taxes or<lb/>
forced loans, or doing any other act sanctioned or demanded by the</hi><lb/>
[503/0525] Amerikaniſche Kriegsartikel der Vereinigten Staten von 1863. against an officer or officers of the government. It may be confined to mere armee resistance, or it may have greater ends in view. 150. Civil war is war between two or more portions of a country or State, each contending for the mastery of the whole, and each claiming to be the legitimate government. The term is also some- times applied to war of rebellion, when the rebellious provinces or portions of the State are contiguous to those containing the seat of government. 151. The term rebellion is applied to an insurrection of large ex- tent, and is usually a war between the legitimate government of a country and portions or provinces of the same who seek to throw off their allegiance to it, and set up a government of their own. 152. When humanity induces the adoption of the rules of regular war toward rebels, whether the adoption is partial or entire, it does in no way whatever imply a partial or complete acknowledgment of their government, if they have set up one, or of them, as an inde- pendent or sovereign power. Neutrals have no right to make the adoption of the rules of war by the assailed government toward rebels the ground of their own acknowledgment of the revolted people as an independent power. 153. Treating captured rebels as prisoners of war, exchanging them, concluding of cartels, capitulations, or other warlike agreements with them; addressing officers of a rebel army by the rank they may have in the same; accepting flags of truce; or, on the other hand, proclaiming martial law in their territory, or levying war-taxes or forced loans, or doing any other act sanctioned or demanded by the

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Zitationshilfe: Bluntschli, Johann Caspar: Das moderne Völkerrecht der civilisirten Staten. Nördlingen, 1868, S. 503. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 22.02.2025.