Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich: Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. 3. Aufl. Göttingen, 1788.zugespitzten Schnabel, von verschiedner Zur N. G. der Vögel. conr. gesneri historiae animalium L. III. qui est de auium natura. Tiguri. 1555. fol. vlyss. aldrovandi ornithologia. Bonon. 1599 sq. Vol. III. fol. f. willughby ornithologiae I. III. ex ed. RAJI. Lond. 1676. Fol. jo. raji synopsis methodica auium. ib. 1713. 8. j. erdward' s natural history of birds. Lond. 1743. sq. Vol. IV. 4. ej. gleanings of natural history. ib. 1758. sq. Vol. III. 4. brisson ornithologie. Par. 1760. Vol. VI. 4. buffon daubenton planches des oiseaux. Par. 1775. sq. fol. (984 Bl.) th. pennant's genera of birds. Lond. 1781. 4. ej. arctic zoology. Uter. B. ib. 1784. 4. (jo. latham's) general synopsis of birds. ib. 1781. Vol. VI. 4. Joh. Leonh. Frisch Vorstellung der Vögel in Deutsch- land. Berlin 1733 bis 1763. Fol. (242 Taf.) corn. nozemann Nederlandsche Vogelen, door chr. sepp et zoon. Amst. 1770 sq. sol. marc catesby natural history of Carolina. Lond. 1731 Vol. II. sol. Joh. H. Zorn Vetinotheologie. Pappenheim 1742. Vol. II. 8. zugespitzten Schnabel, von verschiedner Zur N. G. der Vögel. conr. gesneri historiae animalium L. III. qui est de auium natura. Tiguri. 1555. fol. vlyss. aldrovandi ornithologia. Bonon. 1599 sq. Vol. III. fol. f. willughby ornithologiae I. III. ex ed. RAJI. Lond. 1676. Fol. jo. raji synopsis methodica auium. ib. 1713. 8. j. erdward' s natural history of birds. Lond. 1743. sq. Vol. IV. 4. ej. gleanings of natural history. ib. 1758. sq. Vol. III. 4. brisson ornithologie. Par. 1760. Vol. VI. 4. buffon daubenton planches des oiseaux. Par. 1775. sq. fol. (984 Bl.) th. pennant's genera of birds. Lond. 1781. 4. ej. arctic zoology. Uter. B. ib. 1784. 4. (jo. latham's) general synopsis of birds. ib. 1781. Vol. VI. 4. Joh. Leonh. Frisch Vorstellung der Vögel in Deutsch- land. Berlin 1733 bis 1763. Fol. (242 Taf.) corn. nozemann Nederlandsche Vogelen, door chr. sepp et zoon. Amst. 1770 sq. sol. marc catesby natural history of Carolina. Lond. 1731 Vol. II. sol. Joh. H. Zorn Vetinotheologie. Pappenheim 1742. Vol. II. 8. <TEI> <text xml:id="blume_hbnatur_000024"> <body> <div n="1"> <div n="2"> <p rendition="#indent-1"><pb facs="#f0188" xml:id="pb168_0001" n="168"/> zugespitzten Schnabel, von verschiedner<lb/> Länge und Dicke.</p> </div> <div n="2"> <head rendition="#c">Zur N. G. der Vögel.</head><lb/> <listBibl> <bibl><hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#k">conr. gesneri</hi><hi rendition="#i">historiae animalium</hi> L</hi>. III. <hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#i">qui est de<lb/> auium natura</hi>. Tiguri</hi>. 1555. <hi rendition="#aq">fol</hi>.</bibl> <bibl><hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#k">vlyss. aldrovandi</hi><hi rendition="#i">ornithologia</hi>. Bonon</hi>. 1599 sq.<lb/><hi rendition="#aq">Vol</hi>. III. <hi rendition="#aq">fol</hi>.</bibl> <bibl><hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#k">f. willughby</hi><hi rendition="#i">ornithologiae</hi></hi> I. III. <hi rendition="#aq">ex ed</hi>. RAJI. Lond.<lb/> 1676. <hi rendition="#aq">Fol</hi>.</bibl> <bibl><hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#k">jo. raji</hi><hi rendition="#i">synopsis methodica auium</hi>. ib</hi>. 1713. 8.</bibl> <bibl><hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#k">j. erdward' s</hi><hi rendition="#i">natural history of birds</hi>. Lond</hi>. 1743. <hi rendition="#aq">sq.<lb/> Vol</hi>. IV. 4.</bibl> <bibl><hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#k">ej</hi>. <hi rendition="#i">gleanings of natural history</hi>. ib</hi>. 1758. <hi rendition="#aq">sq. Vol</hi>. III. 4.</bibl> <bibl><hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#k">brisson</hi><hi rendition="#i">ornithologie</hi>. Par</hi>. 1760. <hi rendition="#aq">Vol</hi>. VI. 4.</bibl> <bibl> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#k">buffon</hi> </hi> </bibl> <bibl><hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#k">daubenton</hi><hi rendition="#i">planches des oiseaux</hi>. Par</hi>. 1775. <hi rendition="#aq">sq. fol</hi>.<lb/> (984 <hi rendition="#aq">Bl</hi>.)</bibl> <bibl><hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#k">th. pennant's</hi><hi rendition="#i">genera of birds</hi>. Lond</hi>. 1781. 4.</bibl> <bibl><hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#k">ej</hi>. <hi rendition="#i">arctic zoology</hi></hi>. Uter. B. <hi rendition="#aq">ib</hi>. 1784. 4.</bibl> <bibl><hi rendition="#aq">(<hi rendition="#k">jo. latham's)</hi> <hi rendition="#i">general synopsis of birds</hi>. ib</hi>. 1781.<lb/><hi rendition="#aq">Vol</hi>. VI. 4.</bibl> </listBibl> <milestone rendition="#hr" unit="section"/><lb/> <listBibl> <bibl>Joh. Leonh. Frisch Vorstellung der Vögel in Deutsch-<lb/> land. Berlin 1733 bis 1763. Fol. (242 Taf.)</bibl> <bibl><hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#k">corn. nozemann</hi><hi rendition="#i">Nederlandsche Vogelen</hi>, door <hi rendition="#k">chr.<lb/> sepp</hi> et <hi rendition="#k">zoon.</hi> Amst</hi>. 1770 <hi rendition="#aq">sq. sol</hi>.</bibl> <bibl><hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#k">marc catesby</hi><hi rendition="#i">natural history of Carolina</hi>. Lond</hi>. 1731<lb/><hi rendition="#aq">Vol</hi>. II. <hi rendition="#aq">sol</hi>.</bibl> </listBibl> <milestone rendition="#hr" unit="section"/><lb/> <listBibl> <bibl>Joh. H. Zorn Vetinotheologie. Pappenheim 1742.<lb/><hi rendition="#aq">Vol</hi>. II. 8.</bibl> </listBibl> </div> <div n="2"> <div n="3"> </div> </div> </div> </body> </text> </TEI> [168/0188]
zugespitzten Schnabel, von verschiedner
Länge und Dicke.
Zur N. G. der Vögel.
conr. gesneri historiae animalium L. III. qui est de
auium natura. Tiguri. 1555. fol. vlyss. aldrovandi ornithologia. Bonon. 1599 sq.
Vol. III. fol. f. willughby ornithologiae I. III. ex ed. RAJI. Lond.
1676. Fol. jo. raji synopsis methodica auium. ib. 1713. 8. j. erdward' s natural history of birds. Lond. 1743. sq.
Vol. IV. 4. ej. gleanings of natural history. ib. 1758. sq. Vol. III. 4. brisson ornithologie. Par. 1760. Vol. VI. 4. buffon daubenton planches des oiseaux. Par. 1775. sq. fol.
(984 Bl.) th. pennant's genera of birds. Lond. 1781. 4. ej. arctic zoology. Uter. B. ib. 1784. 4. (jo. latham's) general synopsis of birds. ib. 1781.
Vol. VI. 4.
Joh. Leonh. Frisch Vorstellung der Vögel in Deutsch-
land. Berlin 1733 bis 1763. Fol. (242 Taf.) corn. nozemann Nederlandsche Vogelen, door chr.
sepp et zoon. Amst. 1770 sq. sol. marc catesby natural history of Carolina. Lond. 1731
Vol. II. sol.
Joh. H. Zorn Vetinotheologie. Pappenheim 1742.
Vol. II. 8.
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Zitationshilfe: | Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich: Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. 3. Aufl. Göttingen, 1788, S. 168. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 22.02.2025. |