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Beckmann, Johann: Anleitung zur Technologie. Göttingen, 1777.

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Zwey und dreyssigster Abschnitt.
Fein Silber. Fein Gold.
47 Karat Gold -- 134 Ducaten.
8 Ducaten -- 759 Schill. Banco.
443 Schill. B. -- 3 Karat Silber.

443.47 = 20821 759.134.3 = 305118
= 14,65 oder 14
3. Wenn man den Gehalt und die Abtheilungen
der Münzen eines Landes weis, so läßt sich
berechnen, welche Verhältniß zwischen Gold
und Silber dabey zum Grunde gelegt ist,
welches folgende Beyspiele erläutern werden.
Postlethwayt sagt in The universal dictio-
nary of trade and commerce; the third edition,
London 1766 fol.
unter dem Artikel: Coin:
The English gold coin is 22 carats fine, and
441/2 guineas are cut of a pound Troy; the sil-
ver coin is 11 ounces 2 penny-weights fine;
that is, there are 18 penny-weights of alloy
in the pound Troy, and 62 shillings are cut
of the pound. Whence the value of the pound
weight of fine gold will amount to 50 l. 19 s.
5 d. 1/2 sterling, and the value of the same pound
weight of fine silver to 3 l. 7 s. and some what
more than a farthing, viz. 67. 027 s. Conse-
quently fine gold is to fine silver as 15 1/5 to 1,
whereby it appears that gold is higher, and
silver lower rated in England, than in any
other nation of Europe.
Man muß wissen, daß 1 Guinea = 21
Shilling (s.);
daß 1 pound (l.) = 20 sh. daß
1 sh.
Zwey und dreyſſigſter Abſchnitt.
Fein Silber. Fein Gold.
47 Karat Gold — 134 Ducaten.
8 Ducaten — 759 Schill. Banco.
443 Schill. B. — 3 Karat Silber.

443.47 = 20821 759.134.3 = 305118
= 14,65 oder 14
3. Wenn man den Gehalt und die Abtheilungen
der Muͤnzen eines Landes weis, ſo laͤßt ſich
berechnen, welche Verhaͤltniß zwiſchen Gold
und Silber dabey zum Grunde gelegt iſt,
welches folgende Beyſpiele erlaͤutern werden.
Poſtlethwayt ſagt in The univerſal dictio-
nary of trade and commerce; the third edition,
London 1766 fol.
unter dem Artikel: Coin:
The Engliſh gold coin is 22 carats fine, and
44½ guineas are cut of a pound Troy; the ſil-
ver coin is 11 ounces 2 penny-weights fine;
that is, there are 18 penny-weights of alloy
in the pound Troy, and 62 ſhillings are cut
of the pound. Whence the value of the pound
weight of fine gold will amount to 50 l. 19 ſ.
5 d. ½ ſterling, and the value of the ſame pound
weight of fine ſilver to 3 l. 7 ſ. and ſome what
more than a farthing, viz. 67. 027 ſ. Conſe-
quently fine gold is to fine ſilver as 15⅕ to 1,
whereby it appears that gold is higher, and
ſilver lower rated in England, than in any
other nation of Europe.
Man muß wiſſen, daß 1 Guinea = 21
Shilling (ſ.);
daß 1 pound (l.) = 20 ſh. daß
1 ſh.
      <div n="1">
        <div n="1">
          <div n="2">
              <pb facs="#f0468" n="408"/>
              <fw place="top" type="header"> <hi rendition="#b">Zwey und drey&#x017F;&#x017F;ig&#x017F;ter Ab&#x017F;chnitt.</hi> </fw><lb/>
              <item> <hi rendition="#fr">Fein Silber. Fein Gold.</hi> </item><lb/>
              <item>47 Karat Gold &#x2014; 134 Ducaten.</item><lb/>
              <item>8 Ducaten &#x2014; 759 Schill. Banco.</item><lb/>
              <item>443 Schill. B. &#x2014; 3 Karat Silber.</item><lb/>
              <milestone rendition="#hr" unit="section"/><lb/>
              <item>443.47 = 20821 759.134.3 = 305118</item><lb/>
              <item><formula notation="TeX">\frac {305118} {20821}</formula> = 14,65 oder 14 <formula notation="TeX">\frac {65 bis 66}{100}</formula></item>
              <item>3. Wenn man den Gehalt und die Abtheilungen<lb/>
der Mu&#x0364;nzen eines Landes weis, &#x017F;o la&#x0364;ßt &#x017F;ich<lb/>
berechnen, welche Verha&#x0364;ltniß zwi&#x017F;chen Gold<lb/>
und Silber dabey zum Grunde gelegt i&#x017F;t,<lb/>
welches folgende Bey&#x017F;piele erla&#x0364;utern werden.</item><lb/>
              <item><hi rendition="#fr">Po&#x017F;tlethwayt &#x017F;agt</hi> in <hi rendition="#aq">The univer&#x017F;al dictio-<lb/>
nary of trade and commerce; the third edition,<lb/><hi rendition="#i">London</hi> 1766 fol.</hi> unter dem Artikel: <hi rendition="#aq">Coin:</hi></item><lb/>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">The Engli&#x017F;h gold coin is 22 carats fine, and<lb/>
44½ guineas are cut of a pound Troy; the &#x017F;il-<lb/>
ver coin is 11 ounces 2 penny-weights fine;<lb/>
that is, there are 18 penny-weights of alloy<lb/>
in the pound Troy, and 62 &#x017F;hillings are cut<lb/>
of the pound. Whence the value of the pound<lb/>
weight of fine gold will amount to 50 l. 19 &#x017F;.<lb/>
5 d. ½ &#x017F;terling, and the value of the &#x017F;ame pound<lb/>
weight of fine &#x017F;ilver to 3 l. 7 &#x017F;. and &#x017F;ome what<lb/>
more than a farthing, viz. 67. 027 &#x017F;. Con&#x017F;e-<lb/>
quently fine gold is to fine &#x017F;ilver as 15&#x2155; to 1,<lb/>
whereby it appears that gold is higher, and<lb/>
&#x017F;ilver lower rated in England, than in any<lb/>
other nation of Europe.</hi> </item><lb/>
              <item>Man muß wi&#x017F;&#x017F;en, daß 1 <hi rendition="#aq">Guinea = 21<lb/>
Shilling (&#x017F;.);</hi> daß 1 <hi rendition="#aq">pound (l.) = 20 &#x017F;h.</hi> daß<lb/>
<fw place="bottom" type="catch">1 <hi rendition="#aq">&#x017F;h.</hi></fw><lb/></item>
[408/0468] Zwey und dreyſſigſter Abſchnitt. Fein Silber. Fein Gold. 47 Karat Gold — 134 Ducaten. 8 Ducaten — 759 Schill. Banco. 443 Schill. B. — 3 Karat Silber. 3 443.47 = 20821 759.134.3 = 305118 [FORMEL] = 14,65 oder 14 [FORMEL] 3. Wenn man den Gehalt und die Abtheilungen der Muͤnzen eines Landes weis, ſo laͤßt ſich berechnen, welche Verhaͤltniß zwiſchen Gold und Silber dabey zum Grunde gelegt iſt, welches folgende Beyſpiele erlaͤutern werden. Poſtlethwayt ſagt in The univerſal dictio- nary of trade and commerce; the third edition, London 1766 fol. unter dem Artikel: Coin: The Engliſh gold coin is 22 carats fine, and 44½ guineas are cut of a pound Troy; the ſil- ver coin is 11 ounces 2 penny-weights fine; that is, there are 18 penny-weights of alloy in the pound Troy, and 62 ſhillings are cut of the pound. Whence the value of the pound weight of fine gold will amount to 50 l. 19 ſ. 5 d. ½ ſterling, and the value of the ſame pound weight of fine ſilver to 3 l. 7 ſ. and ſome what more than a farthing, viz. 67. 027 ſ. Conſe- quently fine gold is to fine ſilver as 15⅕ to 1, whereby it appears that gold is higher, and ſilver lower rated in England, than in any other nation of Europe. Man muß wiſſen, daß 1 Guinea = 21 Shilling (ſ.); daß 1 pound (l.) = 20 ſh. daß 1 ſh.

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Zitationshilfe: Beckmann, Johann: Anleitung zur Technologie. Göttingen, 1777, S. 408. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 16.07.2024.